remquo() in C++

This function is used to return the remainder(modulus) of 2 floating point numbers mentioned in its arguments and also stores the quotient to the pointer passed to it. The quotient computed is rounded. remainder = number – rquot * denom Where rquot is the result of: numerator/denominator, rounded toward the nearest integral value (with halfway cases rounded toward the even number). Syntax:

long double remquo(long double a, long double b, int* q);
double remquo(double a, double b, int* q);
float remquo(float a, float b, int* q);
a and b are the values of numerator and denominator. q is the pointer in which quotient will be stored.
It returns the floating point remainder of numerator/denominator rounded to nearest and stores quotient in q.


  1. It is mandatory to give all the three arguments otherwise it will give error no matching function for call to ‘remquo’.
  2. It is mandatory to pass third argument a pointer because it stores address of quotient otherwise it will give error ‘remquo(double&, double&, int&)’

Time Complexity: O(1)

Space Complexity: O(1)


Input : remquo(12.5, 2.2, &q)
Output : -0.7 and q=6


Input : remquo(-12.5, 2.2, &q)
Output : 0.7 and q=-6

# CODE 1 


// CPP implementation of the above
// function
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int q;
    double a = 12.5, b = 2.2;
    // it will return remainder
    // and stores quotient in q
    double answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
    cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/"
        << b << " is " << answer << endl;
    cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/"
        << b << " is " << q << endl
        << endl;
    a = -12.5;
    // it will return remainder
    // and stores quotient in q
    answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
    cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << answer << endl;
    cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << q << endl
        << endl;
    b = 0;
    // it will return remainder
    // and stores quotient in q
    answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
    cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << answer << endl;
    cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << q << endl
        << endl;
    return 0;


Remainder of 12.5/2.2 is -0.7
Quotient of 12.5/2.2 is 6

Remainder of -12.5/2.2 is 0.7
Quotient of -12.5/2.2 is -6

Remainder of -12.5/0 is -nan
Quotient of -12.5/0 is -6

# CODE 2 


// CPP implementation of the
// above function
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int q;
    double a = 12.5;
    int b = 2;
    // it will return remainder
    // and stores quotient in q
    double answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
    cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << answer << endl;
    cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
        << " is " << q << endl
        << endl;
    return 0;


Remainder of 12.5/2 is 0.5
Quotient of 12.5/2 is 6