Interview Experience for SDE (2022)

Getting the interview: I reached out to various recruiters for over LinkedIn and one of them reached out to me and asked for my technical details like my tech stack and previous work experience.

Round 1: Technical/DSA (1 hr): I was asked 2 questions on DSA. The questions were from the easy-medium level on DSA.

  • Question 1 -Dynamic Programming and Recursion. Time and Space complexity was asked. 
  • Question 2 -2D array and matrix traversal. Time and Space complexity was asked.

The interviewer was very polite and gave me the relaxation to use any language of my choice because it was a frontend role and one is expected to use JavaScript/TypeScript but I use Java for the interview purposes and so I am used to JAVA.

Result – I was selected.

Round 2: Technical/JavaScript interview and DSA (1 hr): I was asked 2 questions. 

  • Question 1 was to implement JavaScript functionality called Debounce. I was able to write the code, and although I had made a small error which the interviewer pointed out I was able to correct it and we moved on.
  • Question 2 was a DSA question based on Sorting and HashMap. I was able to solve this and we wrote the complete solution on the LeetCode code editor. The interviewer was very specific about the time complexity of the problem and was insistent to find various test cases where the time complexity was going to vary. I was able to give a detailed description of how the time complexity will work.

Result – I was selected.

Round 3: Technical/Managerial(45 mins): This was a discussion about my previous work experience and the tech stack in which I worked and the technologies I know. 

  • I was asked questions about CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Questions on debugging using the browser were asked.

Result – I was selected.

Round 4: Technical/Managerial (45 mins): This was a discussion with the VP of Engineering at Reputation. This person was an absolute delight. 

  • My previous work experience was asked about and was of interest here.
  • Apart from these, I was asked questions on CSS, @media query in CSS, Flexbox, Grid, and HTML tags. 
  • I was also asked about Event loops.
  • I was able to answer these questions and was selected.
    Result – I was selected.

Preparation tips for Reputation: Study DSA topics well from w3wiki and be well versed in JavaScript fundamentals, HTML, and CSS fundamentals (also available on w3wiki).

End Result:
I got a job offer. YAYY!