Resources and Their Types – Class-10 Notes

A resource is a physical material or natural that satisfies different set of human needs and adds value to our lives. For example, air, water, food, plants, animals, different minerals, metals, and everything that exists in nature are known as physical resources. The classification of resources can be done by their utility and values. Some have a specific utility, so they can be tagged as a ‘Resource’. On the other side, value menus the worth. Some resources in our surroundings have different economic values. For example, gold, silver, platinum, etc.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Resources and Its Types in detail. 

Table of Content

  • Definition Of Resources
  • Natural Resources
  • Renewable Resource And Its Divisions
  • Non-renewable Resource And Its Divisions
  • Human Made Resources

Definition Of Resources

Resource is a broad term in nature. As per the utility and value, the definition of the resource can change. Rocks, soils, air, and water are the major physical resources and an integral part of our ecosystem. On the other hand, human resources are those advanced objects that are modified from different natural resources to maintain a sustainable life.

Here is the detailed overview of the resources with its major classifications as mentioned below.

Natural Resources

Natural Resources are those materials where Earth supports humans to sustain their life. In simple words, Natural Resources are the natural substance that supports the humans in different way like commercially, industrially, aesthetically, scientifically and culturally.

Example: Crude Oil, Coal, Natural Das, Different Metals and stone.

Let us discuss the different divisions of the Natural Resources with some criteria.

As Per Their Exhaustibility and Recovery Rate – Renewable Resource and Non-renewable Resource

As per their exhaustibility and recovery rate, the natural resources can be divided into two categories incliding Renewable Resource and Non-renewable Resource. Let us discuss.

Renewable Resource

Renewable resources are those resources that have a continuous flow of clean energy. We can use them and refill them up again over some time. But the major disadvantage is these resources have to face climatic conditions. Bad climatic conditions are a major obstacle to renewable sources.

Examples: sun, wind, water, geothermal, and biomass.

Non-renewable Resource

Non-renewable Resources are finite. These are those types of natural resources that can not be refilled so quickly as they take so much time to form. We can not use these types of resources sustainably. Most of the fossil fuels fall under this category.

Examples: Crude Oil, Natural gas, and nuclear energy.

Renewable Resource And Its Divisions

Here are the major divisions of the Renewable Resources as mentioned below with the specific criterias.

As Per The Flow Of Resources – Continuous Resources and Biological Resources

As per their flow, the renewable natural resources can be divided into two categories incliding Continuous Resources and Biological Resources. Let us discuss.

Continuous Resources

Continuous Resources are those renewable resources that are in their liquid form. These times of resources are limitless. It is the only resource that can not be categorized as renewable or nonrenewable.

Examples: Solar energy, wind energy, rainfall, and wave action.

Biological Resources

Biological Resources or bioresources play an important part in maintaining the earth’s ecosystems and biodiversity. These resources are essential for humans and animals to get their food, shelter, clothing, and much more. These resources can be tagged as renewable or sometimes non-renewable.

Examples: Timber, aquatic resources, orchards, crops, wild animals, fungi, etc.

As Per The Biological Specifications – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

As per their Biological Specifications, the renewable natural resources can be divided into two categories incliding Natural Vegetation and Wildlife. Let us discuss.

Natural Vegetation

Natural Vegetation is referred to as the plant which has grown naturally on this Earth. Most of the forest and forest reserves fall under this category. Natural Vegetation is the key player that regulates the Earth’s temperature, creates biomass, balances the food chains, and also prevents soil erosion.

Examples: Mangrove forests, Tropical thorn forests, Deciduous forests, etc.


Wildlife resources are those types of resources that include all wild animals including birds and aquatic life. In simple words, it includes all the undomesticated animal species present on the Earth. They are full of those resources, on which the whole wildlife is dependent.

Example: Undomesticated animal species, mammals, and insects.

Non-renewable Resource And Its Divisions

Here are the major divisions of the Non-renewable Resources as mentioned below with the specific criterias.

As Per The Recyclability – Recyclable And Non-Recyclable

As per the recyclability we can divide the Non-renewable Resource into two major categories including Recyclabie And Non-Recyclable resources.

Recyclable Non-renewable Resource

Recyclable Non-renewable Resources are those resources that can be reused again in the future. In this process, the waste materials are converted into brand-new reusable materials.

Examples: Aluminum cans, Paper, Battery, Etc.

Non-Recyclable Non-renewable Resource

Non-recyclable resources are those resources that can not be used again in the future. These types of resources can not be processed further.

Examples: Plastic film, Polystyrene, Pet waste, Etc.

Human Made Resources

Human-made resources or Capital Resources are the specific resources that are created from Natural resources. All of these resources are created as something new from the natural resources. Human resources have the utility and value to our daily life.

Example: Buildings, Machine, Vehicles, Roads, etc.

Let us discuss the different divisions of the Human Made Resources with some criteria.

On the Basis of the Ownership – Individual, Community, National and International

On the basis of ownership, Human Made Resources can be divided into four different categories including Individual, Community, National and International.


Individual Resources are owned by the individuals. These types of resources are not accessible by anyone else, except the owner.

Example: Plots, Fields, Houses, Shops, Cars.


Community resources are available for a particular community. These resources help the people within that community only.

Example: Specific sites, Houses.


National resources are those resources that are directly controlled by the government of a state or country. These types of resources are only available for a particular country or state or both.

Examples: Railways, Roadways, Water Reserve.


International resources are governed by the international bodies. These types of resources are accessible to all countries of this world.

Example: Shared water body, Oceans.

On the Basis of the Development Status – Potential, Developed stock and Reserves

On the Basis of Status of Development, Human Made Resources can be divided into three different categories including Potential, Developed stock and Reserves.


Potential resources are those resources that are available but till now humans have not used their potential efficiently. These types of resources can be available in a particular region only and the quality of the resources is still unknown.

Examples: Uranium, Solar energy, and High speed wind.

Developed Stock

Developed stock or resources are those resources that are under the process of survey. This survey is to determine the quality, quantity, and utilization of the resources.

Examples: Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Petroleum, and Fruits.


Reserve resources are some natural resources that exist on Earth but are still untraced. These resources can be economically valuable and recovered by using modern technologies.

Example: Oil and Coal reserve.

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FAQs – Resources and its Types

What is the means of resources?

Resources are anything available in our environment that can be used to fulfil our desires is recognized as a resource, given that it is technically accessible, economically viable, and culturally appropriate.

What are the 3 main types of resources?

Every society is endowed with resources which are used to produce the goods and services that enable it to survive and prosper. These resources, called productive resources, can be classified into three groups: natural resources, human resources, and capital resources.

What are resource types?

A resource is a physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water. Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable; a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it is used, while a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply.

Which type of resource is coal?

Coal is an example of a non-renewable resource. It is a fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of ancient plant material over millions of years and is found in limited quantities in the Earth’s crust.