Reve System Interview Experience | Set 2

Round 1:Written Test – 90 min

It comprises of 15 questions mainly from the topic OOPs concept , Coding Question(Linked List, Binary tree , Array Manipulation) and Pointer.

Q.1)Given a binary search tree and a given key node. Print all the node from root to the nearest leaf node containing the key node.

     /   \
    2     6  
     \   / \
      3 5   7
key node = 6
Output = 4 6 5

Q.2) Write a program to reverse the Singly Linked list


Initially – 1->2->3->4->5

Finally – 5->4->3->2->1

Q.3) Find the output of following code:

int main()
  int i=(4==4,5,6);
  int j= 8>>3&9;
  int  d=i+j++*2;
  return 0;

Q.4)Find the output of following code:

int fib(int n)
  if (n<=1)
     return 1;
  return 3*fib(n-1)+2*fib(n-2)+1*fib(n-3);

int main()
  return 0;

Q.5) Write a program to find the trailing zeros of factorial of a given number.

n = 12
Output = 2

Q.6) Find the output of following:

class Base
Base(){cout<<"Base Constructor"<<endl;}
~Base(){cout<<"Base Destructor"<<endl;}

class Derived: Public Base
Derived(){cout<<"Derived Constructor"<<endl;}
~Derived(){cout<<"Derived Destructor"<<endl;}

int main()
Base *b;
b = new Derived();
delete b;
Derived d ;
return 0;

Q.7)Find the output of following:

struct struct
  double a;
  int b;
  int c;

union union
  double a;
  int b;
  int c;

int main
  struct s;
  union u;
  return 0;

Assume size of  member variable a,b,c be 6,4,4 respectively.

Q.8) Find the output of following:

int main()
 char *ptr[] = {"india", "is", "a", 
                "good", "country"};
 char **ptr1[] = {s+3, s+4, s+1};
 char ***ptr2;
 ptr2 = ptr;
 cout << *(*ptr1)<<" "
 return 0;

Q.9) Write a program to find maxm sum of continuous subarray of  a array.


3 4 -5 9 4 -12 2
Output – 15

Q.10) Find the output of following code:

class Animal()
  virtual void eat()=0;
  virtual void sleep()=0;

class Cat : Public Animal
  void eat()
    cout<<"cat eat food"<<endl;

  void sleep()
    cout<<"cat sleep"<<endl;

class Dog: Public Animal
  void sleep()
    cout<<" Dog sleep"<<endl;

int main()
  Animal  *a;
  Cat c ;;
  a=new Dog();
  return 0;

Output – Compile time error

Q.11)Write a program to find the first non-repeating character from the stream of characters.

Q.12)Write a program to put all zero elements before non-zero elements from a given array


2 0 3 4 0 0 1 0

output – 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 1

1 question from Multi-threading and other 2 are code-snippet , which I forgotten.

Note – Try to solve all Coding questions with minimum time and space complexity.

On the same day evening, the results were out and total 6 students out of 54 got selected for further rounds. Fortunately, I was one of them

Round 2:Technical + HR Interview(Around 45 min)

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Find the frequency of all the element of array in space complexity-O(1) and time complexity – O(n).
  3. He asked me to explain Q.6 and Q.8 of written round.
  4. What is template and how to create template.
  5. Difference b/w template and method overloading.
  6. What is pointer and what are const pointer and it’s types.
  7. how can you change the value of the const variable
  8. Asked me about Project(Academic + Summer).

Then they asked some Hr Question-

1) Tell me your family background.

2) why should we hire you.


The final result came after 5 days and out of 6, only 2 students got selected, I was one of them.