Reversing the order of a ggplot2 legend

In this article, we will see how to Reverse the order of Legend Items of ggplot2 plots in the R programming language.

Getting Started

First, load the ggplot2 package by using the library() function. If you have not installed it yet, you can simply install it by writing the below command in R Console.


Let us first create a regular plot, so that the difference is apparent.



# Load Package
# Create a DataFrame
data <- data.frame(Xdata = rnorm(7),                       
                   Ydata = rnorm(7),
                   LegendData = c("ld-01", "ld-02",
                                  "ld-03", "ld-04",
                                  "ld-05", "ld-06",
# Create a Scatter Plot
ggplot(data, aes(Xdata, Ydata, color = LegendData)) +  
  geom_point(size = 10)


Scatterplot with legend in Default Order

To Reverse the order of Legend, we have to add guides() and guide_legend() functions to the geom_point() function. Inside guides() function, we take the parameter color, which will call guide_legend() guide function as value. Inside guide_legend() function, we take an argument called reverse, which is a logical parameter. If “reverse = TRUE”, the order of legends is reversed otherwise it will remain as it was.

Syntax : guides(…)

Parameter :

  • … : either a string or call to a guide function. here we call guide_legend() guide function.

Return : each scale can be set scale-by-scale 

Syntax : guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)

Parameter :

  • reverse : It is a logical parameter that specify the order of plot legend.

Return : Legend Guides for various scales



# Load Package
# Create a DataFrame
data <- data.frame(Xdata = rnorm(7),                       
                   Ydata = rnorm(7),
                   LegendData = c("ld-01", "ld-02",
                                  "ld-03", "ld-04",
# Create a Scatter Plot and change
# the size of legend
ggplot(data, aes(Xdata, Ydata, color = LegendData)) +  
  geom_point(size = 10)+
  guides(color = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE))


Scatterplot with legend in Reverse Order