Rhyming Words for Kids

Rhyming words are those that sound alike at the end. They create a fun and musical language that uses the same sounds. This is known as phonemes which makes the speech and writing more enjoyable and memorable. Rhyme and rhythm are commonly discussed and used terms in English learning.

In this article, we are going to discuss Rhyming Words, their types, examples and their use in english literature in detail.

Let us discuss.

Table of Content

  • Rhyming Words
  • Rhyme and Rhythm
  • When To Use Words That Rhyme In English
  • 4 Types Of Rhyming Words In English – By Sound
  • 5 Types Of Rhyming Words in English – By Position
  • Words that Rhyme in English
  • Use Of Rhyming Words In The English Language
  • Rhyming Words in Poems
  • Let’s Try Rhyming

Rhyming Words

Rhyming words are those words have the similar sounds at the end, like β€œcat,” β€œhat,” and β€œbat.” These words make speech and writing sound nice and help us remember things better. Even if you spell them in a different way, they will sound like rhyme. Sometimes, these words spelled in the same way but sound different because of our pronunciation.

Rhyme and Rhythm

Rhyme and rhythm are key parts of learning English. Rhyme is when words sound the same at the end, like β€œcat” and β€œhat.” It is like a fun musical connection between words. Rhythm is more about the beat or pattern in music or poetry. It is the steady β€œthump-thump” that keeps things flowing smoothly.

  • Rhyme: Words that sound the same at the end, like β€œcat” and β€œhat.” It is like a musical connection between words.
  • Rhythm: It is all about the beat or pattern in music or poetry. It is like a steady β€œthump-thump” that keeps things flowing smoothly.

For poetry lovers, rhyme and rhythm are essential! Rhyme makes poems and songs sound good by using words that sound alike, while rhythm keeps language moving smoothly with its beat or pattern.

When To Use Words That Rhyme In English

Rhyming words can grab people’s attention and make what you are saying more enjoyable. Writers and speakers use rhymes to add charm to their work and keep their audience engaged.

In some types of writing, like funny poems or songs, rhyming is expected and needed. But even in serious stuff, like books or news, rhymes can make things more lively or highlight important points.

Rhyming is not just for fun, though. It is also great for helping people remember stuff. That is why you often hear rhymes in speeches or talks, especially when there are not any pictures to help people remember.

If you are having trouble finding words that rhyme, do not worry. There are rhyming dictionaries to help you. And remember, with a little imagination you can rhyme almost anything.

4 Types Of Rhyming Words In English – By Sound

There are four different types of rhymes in English, each with its own unique sound pattern.

  • Single (masculine) Rhymes have the same sound at the end of the word, like β€œcoat” and β€œboat.” They’re the most common type of rhymes.
  • Double (feminine) Rhymes– In these rhymes, the last two syllables have the same sound, with the final syllable unstressed, such as β€œcarry” and β€œmarry.”
  • Dactylic Rhymes– Similar to double rhymes, but the last three syllables have the same sound, like β€œtypical” and β€œcritical.”
  • Slant (forced) Rhymes almost sound the same but have slightly different endings. For example, β€œfast” and β€œclass” or β€œdone” and β€œthumb.”

5 Types Of Rhyming Words in English – By Position

There are five different types of rhymes in English, each with its own unique position.

  • Tail Rhyme: This occurs when two lines rhyme at the end.
  • Internal Rhyme: Rhymes happen within a line or between lines.
  • Off-centered Rhyme: These rhymes are less structured and can appear randomly within a line or stanza.
  • Broken Rhyme: Lines end abruptly to create a rhyming effect, often used in experimental works like spoken word poetry.
  • Cross Rhyme: Rhyming lines alternate, creating an ABAB pattern.

Words that Rhyme in English

Rhyming words sound alike at the end. Finding ones that fit together nicely can be fun and make you think.

  • Ask – Mask – Flask – Task – Bask
  • About – Throughout – Drought – Without – Scout – Doubt – Sprout
  • Above – Glove – Dove – Love
  • Across – Loss – Cross – Toss
  • Add – Glad – Sad – Mad – Lad – Dad – Bad – Had
  • Age – Stage – Wage – Engage – Sage – Cage
  • Air – Chair – Hair – Care – Share – Fair – Rare – Chair – Repair
  • Art – Part – Start – Apart – Chart – Heart – Cart – Depart
  • Boy – Joy – Toy – Enjoy – Destroy – Employ
  • Bag – Flag – Tag – Swag
  • Baby – Maybe
  • Bed – Said – Read – Red – Led – Dead – Fed – Wed – Head
  • Bell – Well – Cell – Tell – Spell – Swell – Sell – Fell – Hostel – Smell – Shell
  • Build – Filled – Killed – Skilled – Guild – Thrilled – Chilled – Fulfilled
  • Burn – Learn – Stern – Earn – Concern – Turn – Return
  • Ball – Small – Call – Fall – Tall – Mall – Wall
  • Best – Test – Nest – Chest – Protest – Request – Suggest – Arrest – Invest
  • Bore – Four – Roar – For – More – Score – Door – Explore
  • Cat – Rat – Sat – Bat – Mat – Fat – Hat – Flat – Chat
  • Car – Far – Star – Bar – Jar – Tar
  • Chance – Advance – Glance – Finance – Enhance – France – Dance – Trance
  • Child – Wild – Smiled – Mild – Styled
  • Class – Mass – Gas – Pass – Glass – Grass – Brass – Surpass
  • Cook – Book – Took – Look – Hook
  • Cool – School – Rule – Tool – Pool – Fool
  • Cut – Hut – Shut – But – What
  • Day – Way – Say – May – Stay – Ray – Bay – Clay – Decay
  • Die – By – High – Why – Try – Sky – Buy – Cry – Rely – Guy
  • Dirty – Thirty – Naughty – Thirsty
  • Draw – Law – Saw – Jaw – Awe – Flaw – Claw – Paw
  • Drop – Crop – Chop – Mop – Shop – Stop – Slope – Top – Swap
  • Each – Beach – Reach – Speech – Teach
  • Education – Population – Situation – Association – Administration – Communication
  • Effect – Project – Object – Direct – Respect – Select – Perfect – Reflect – Detect
  • Face – Race – Maze – Gaze – Lays – Case – Place – Space – Trace – Replace – Ace
  • False – Force – Source – Across – Resource – Horse – Boss
  • Father – Honour – Scholar – Proper – Dollar – Brother – Taller
  • Fault – Salt – Default – Vault – Assault
  • Fox – Box – Ox – Stocks – Socks – Flocks
  • Funny – Money – Honey – Sunny – Bunny
  • Future – Fewer – User – Newer – Humour – Cooper – Ruler
  • Game – Same – Came – Name – Frame – Aim – Became – Shame – Lame
  • Gate – State – Great – Rate – Weight – Date – Eight – Straight – Plate
  • Gift – Shift – Lift – Drift – Skit – Thrift
  • God – Odd – Nod – Squad
  • Gold – Old – Told – Cold – Fold – Mould – Behold – Sold – Scold
  • Gun – One – Done – Sun – Son – Won – Fun
  • Hammer – Grammar – Glamour – Stammer – Armour – Banner
  • Hear – Cheer – Clear – Dear – Career – Severe – Ear – Adhere – Beer – Fear – Near
  • Hour – Power – Tower – Flower – Flour – Shower – Our – Devour
  • Invent – Percent – Spent – Extent – Represent – Rent – Prevent – Scent
  • Jump – Pump – Dump – Stump
  • Knife – Life – Wife
  • Kind – Behind – Find – Mind – Designed – Blind
  • Lady – Shady
  • Laugh – Half – Calf – Behalf – Staff – Graph
  • Last – Past – Cast – Vast – Contrast – Blast
  • Lock – Stock – Walk – Block – Rock – Shock – Clock – Chalk
  • Right – Kite – Height – Bite – Might
  • Owl – Growl – Foul
  • Boat – Coat – Float – Wrote – Note – Promote – Remote – Throat – Denote – Devote
  • Cave – Gave – Save – Wave – Grave – Behave – Brave – Shave – Engrave
  • Hole – Mole – Stole – Control – Whole – Roll – Soul – Goal – Toll – Poll
  • Hot – Not – Cot – Got – Lot – Caught – Shot – Spot – Bought – Plot – Forgot

Use Of Rhyming Words In The English Language

Rhyming words are not just for poetry; they are a cool way to spice up language. Artists like poets, musicians, and playwrights use them to make their creations beautiful and meaningful. Rhymes are not limited to one type of art; they are used in poems, songs, and plays to make English more lively.

  • Rhyming words make language more beautiful and memorable. By carefully choosing the right rhymes, we can make our language style stand out.
  • Rhymes also help us remember things better, especially for kids. Their musicality makes learning fun and easier to understand.
  • Learning with rhymes is like going on an exciting adventure. It adds joy and excitement, making children eager to learn.
  • Mastering rhyming words boosts our vocabulary and language skills. Exploring rhymes in poems and songs helps us appreciate the artistry of language.

Rhyming Words in Poems

Poets use rhymes to make their verses magical. When they put rhyming words in a pattern, it makes the poem sound rhythmic and smooth. These words are like bricks, turning plain words into a beautiful song. With rhymes, poets make their poems flow smoothly, making them captivating to read or hear.

Let’s Try Rhyming

Imagine you’re writing a poem about nature’s beauty. You might use rhyming words like:

Sun, fun

Sky, high

Trees, breeze

Green, serene

Birds, words

For a snippet about love:

Heart, start

Soul, whole

Care, share

Joy, deploy

Hug, snug

These rhyming words help your poem flow smoothly and sound lovely when read aloud.


Rhyme and rhythm are key parts of learning English. Rhyming words can really grab people’s attention and make what you are saying more enjoyable. Rhyming words are not just for poetry; they are a cool way to spice up language. Artists like poets, musicians, and playwrights use them to make their creations beautiful and meaningful. Writers and speakers use rhymes to add charm to their work and keep their audience engaged. In this article, we have discussed the Rhyming Words in detail with sound and position in detail.

FAQs on Rhyming Words

What are 10 rhyming words?

Here is a list of words that rhyme for your reference:

  • Ask – Mask – Flask – Task – Bask.
  • About – Throughout – Drought – Without – Scout – Doubt – Sprout.
  • Above – Glove – Dove – Love.
  • Across – Loss – Cross – Toss.
  • Add – Glad – Sad – Mad – Lad – Dad – Bad – Had.
  • Age – Stage – Wage – Engage – Sage – Cage.

What are same rhyming words called?

Homophones, being words of different meaning but identical pronunciation, are an example of identical rhyme.

What are rhyming words and give examples?

Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound. Some examples of rhyming words are: goat, boat, moat, float, coat.

What rhymes with love?

Full List of Words that Rhyme with Love:

  • Dove / Doves.
  • Shove / Shoves.
  • Above.
  • Glove / Gloves.
  • Brave.
  • Beloved.
  • Live.
  • Prove.

What is rhyming of poem?

Rhyme is the repetition of syllables, typically at the end of a verse line. Rhymed words conventionally share all sounds following the word’s last stressed syllable.