RLIKE operator in MySQL

RLIKE : This operator in MySQL is used to performs a pattern match of a string expression against a pattern.

 Syntax :

RLIKE pattern

Parameters : This method accepts one parameter as mentioned in syntax.

  • pattern –The pattern which we want to match against an expression. Various pattern and their usage are described below.
Pattern What the Pattern matches
* Zero or more instances of string preceding it
+ One or more instances of strings preceding it
. Any single character
? Match zero or one instances of the strings preceding it.
^ caret(^) matches Beginning of string
$ End of string
[abc] Any character listed between the square brackets
[^abc] Any character not listed between the square brackets
[A-Z] match any upper case letter.
[a-z] match any lower case letter
[0-9] match any digit from 0 through to 9.
[[:<:]] matches the beginning of words.
[[:>:]] matches the end of words.
[:class:] matches a character class i.e. [:alpha:] to match letters, [:space:] to match white space, [:punct:] is match punctuations and [:upper:] for upper class letters.
p1|p2|p3 Alternation; matches any of the patterns p1, p2, or p3
{n} n instances of preceding element
{m,n} m through n instances of preceding element

Example-1 : The following example finds the employees whose last name starts with the letter S.

First_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
Last_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
Joining_Date DATE NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(Employee_id )

Inserting some data to the Employee table :

(First_name ,Last_name , Joining_Date )
('Sayantan', 'Majumdar', '2000-01-11'),
('Anushka', 'Samanta', '2002-11-10' ),
('Sayan', 'Sharma', '2005-06-11' ),
('Shayari', 'Das', '2008-01-21' ),
('Sayani', 'Jain', '2008-02-01' ),
('Tapan', 'Samanta', '2010-01-11' ),
('Deepak', 'Sharma', '2014-12-01'  ),
('Ankana', 'Jana', '2018-08-17'),
('Shreya', 'Ghosh', '2020-09-10') ;

So, the Employee Table is as follows.

select * from Employee ;

Output :

Employee_id First_name Last_name Joining_Date
1 Sayantan Majumdar 2000-01-11
2 Anushka Samanta 2002-11-10
3 Sayan Sharma 2005-06-11
4 Shayari Das 2008-01-21 
5 Sayani Jain 2008-02-01
6 Tapan Samanta 2010-01-11
7 Deepak Sharma 2014-12-01
8 Ankana Jana 2018-08-17
9 Shreya Ghosh 2020-09-10 

Now, we are going to check those employees whose last name starts with ‘S’.

SELECT * FROM Employee   
WHERE Last_name RLIKE '^S' ;

Output :

Employee_id First_name Last_name Joining_Date
2 Anushka Samanta 2002-11-10
3 Sayan Sharma 2005-06-11
6 Tapan Samanta 2010-01-11
7 Deepak Sharma 2014-12-01 

Example-2 : The following example finds the employees whose first name ends with the letter ‘i’.

SELECT * FROM Employee   
WHERE First_name RLIKE 'i$' ;

Output :

Employee_id First_name Last_name Joining_Date
4 Shayari Das 2008-01-21
5 Sayani Jain 2008-02-01