Robert Bosch Interview Experience | Set 2 (On-Campus)

% Cutoff(CGPA) : 7.75
Give Few lines on Company presentation Highlights: CS students were not asked to attend the ppt.

Kindly rate overall Campus Hiring Experience on a scale of 1 (bad) to 4(excellent): 3

Please tell us about your preparation for the event (minimum 300 words):

Our first company was said to come on 4th July 2016.Hence I planned to start my studies a month before. I started my preparations with aptitude using R.S Agarwal. R S Agarwal and a few tests on are enough to boost up your aptitude skills. This was followed by the technical preparations. Studied ‘Test your C skills’, Data structures, OS, Algorithms, JAVA. Got to know the basics of C, JAVA and DS very well. Referred for all subjects more often. Read puzzles on the same website. Treated as my bible for placements.
Profile of the company: (haven’t been informed yet)
Area of work: (haven’t been informed yet)
Work location: options were Bengaluru and Coimbatore. I set my preferred location to be Bengaluru.
Written/online test: Online Test( consisted of 25 aptitude questions and 35 technical: aptitude questions were easy except for one or two, technical involved more of c++, a little c, a lot of microprocessor, little of OS(scheduling problem), little of networks(about protocols), little of software engineering(4 questions on testing). There were also verbal and reasoning questions.)

Technical interview(sample questions): An hour long interview. The interviewer almost covered everything that I had studied. Questions were as follows.
1.tell me about yourself?
2.what all languages do you know and with which one are u comfortable with?
3.what all are the projects you have done?Tell me about the same.
4.What are the concepts in java?
5.what is polymorphism? to prevent method over riding?
7.what are the storage classes in c?
8.what are the types of OS?
9.Name the different types of memory.
10.Name the different access specifiers in JAVA.
11.Write a program for string matching using queues.
12.What are the different stages for the execution of a c program? Tell me in detail.

Subjects covered : C, JAVA, OS, DS

Personal interview (Sample Questions):
1.Where are you from?
2.What does your father,mother do?
3.Do you have siblings? If yes, what are they doing?
4.Do you have plans for higher studies?
5.Won’t your parents force you to take up higher studies?
6.What do you know about BOSCH?
7.What if we put you in a project having a domain which you are not familiar with?
8.Where was your project done?
9.What are the applications of your projects?
10.Any questions for me?

Your Errors And Slips On The day (advise For Your juniors): Don’t worry if you haven’t been shortlisted in any of the previous companies. This happened to me too. Always think that there is a company waiting for you. If you are aiming for a dream company, don’t take the core companies lightly. A job in a core company will always be a backup and a security. Even I am aiming for a dream company keeping this job in my kitty. Never neglect core companies.
General advice: Be thorough with your basics as well as deep concepts. Everything is necessary. If you badly want a good job, take placements very seriously. Remember, a moment of pain can give you a lifetime of happiness (This is how a friend of mine motivated me).
For the first round: while taking the test, always remember that there is negative marking. Mark answers only if you are very sure of it. Don’t worry too much about microprocessor and software engineering questions (I hadn’t answered any). If you are finding difficulty in solving aptitude questions, practice a lot more than needed. It will make you a lot quicker than before.
For the technical round: Don’t get nervous. Answer confidently. I struggled a little while explaining my projects. Be ready with the explanations properly.
For the HR round: Be bold, speak well. Don’t bluff. If u bluff, they will easily come to know. When asked about higher studies, everyone will be taught to say NO to that question. Keep it realistic, don’t over act and don’t make it obvious that you are lying. If you have any questions for the interviewer ask him freely and do listen carefully for what he says. Keep eye contact with the interviewer which is a must. Feel free to contact me anytime if necessary
All the very Best !!!