Robot Framework vs Selenium

Robot Framework is an automation framework used in software testing for performing different types of testing like acceptance testing, final testing etc. The development credit for this framework goes to Pekka Klarck and his team. It was first launched in 2008 and the latest release was in 2021. It is an open-source framework and is used widely for testing.

Selenium is an automation tool and is used widely because it is free and open source. The stable version of selenium was released in 2021. Selenium is web-based and provides a large number of features for the automation of web applications. It is also easy to understand for new users.


Below is a table of differentiation between the Robot framework and Selenium:


Robot Framework


1. Robot framework is used for Acceptance Test-Driven Development. Selenium allows the user to program the automation.
2. It contains a number of in-built libraries to ease the automation. It is a web driver and does not have an in-built library.
3. It can run the test cases without any external automation unwrapper, test cases can be API based or element based An automation unwrapper is needed for executing the test cases written using selenium.
4. It is used for automating nearly all types of tests like acceptance testing and others. Only regression and performance testing are automated.
5. Robot framework can be used to test both web applications and computer applications. Web-based software and applications are tested using selenium.
6. Users can define custom test cases. Custom test cases functionality is not available.
7. It can be used on mostly all the platforms. Selenium is unable to run on mobile platforms.
8. Support for variables like dictionaries and lists is available. It does not have any support for variables.