Diagram of Rock Cycle

The diagram of rock cycle explains the processes by which the three types of rocks present in the earth’s crust–Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic – transform during Geologic times. Any type of rock can get transformed into any other type. The diagram of rock cycle class 7 shows that if the equilibrium phase of any rock gets disturbed, it transforms.

Below is a well-labeled diagram of the Rock Cycle:

Table of Content

  • What is Rock Cycle
  • What are the Three Types of Rock Transformation?
  • Conclusion – Diagram of Rock Cycle
  • FAQs on Diagram of Rock Cycle

What is Rock Cycle?

There are 3 types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. They are continuously being recycled and can be transformed into one another. The rock cycle diagram explains these changes and the entire process. It involves processes of:

  • weathering and erosion
  • Melting
  • Exposure to heat and pressure
  • Cooling

What are the Three Types of Rock Transformation?

The three types of rock transformation are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The transformation of rocks are given below:

Transformation to Igneous Rocks

When Sedimentary or Metamorphic rocks are pushed deep under the surface of Earth, they may melt into magma. When such circumstances are generated that the molten magma can no longer remain in a molten state, then it is cooled and solidifies into an igneous rock.

Transformation to Sedimentary Rocks

Igneous and Metamorphic rocks are subjected to weathering and erosion processes during the process of mountain building. They eventually undergo sedimentation. These sediments become rocks like sandstone when they are compressed by the pressure of the mountains.

Transformation to Metamorphic Rocks

The structure, composition, and texture of rocks are altered by exposure to high temperatures and pressures. These rocks are referred to as metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite. The pre-existing rocks may be Igneous or Sedimentary rocks. When a Metamorphic rock itself undergoes change due to the action of high temperature and pressure, then it is known as Re-Metamorphosed Rock.

Conclusion – Diagram of Rock Cycle

This diagram of Rock cycle illustrates that Rock cycle is an ongoing and cyclic movement of rocks through the stages of formation, erosion, melting, and reformation.

FAQs on Diagram of Rock Cycle

What is Rock Cycle with Diagram?

The diagram of rock cycle shows the continuous process of transformation of rocks from one form to another over time through geological processes like weathering, erosion, deposition, heat, and pressure.

What are the Steps of the Rock Cycle?

The rock cycle comprises three key steps: formation, transformation, and recycling. It involves the continuous transition of rocks between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic forms through geological processes.

How is Rock Formed?

Igneous rocks are formed from melted rocks; Sedimentary rocks from layers of sand and silt; Metamorphic rocks from other rocks that are changed by heat and pressure.

Why is Rock Cycle Called?

The rock cycle is called the rock cycle because the transformation of one rock to another is formed into a circle.

Who Discovered Rock Cycle?

The rock cycle was discovered by the geologist, James Hutton.

Can the Rock Cycle End?

No, the rock cycle cannot end because it is a continuous process.

What is a Rock Cycle Class 7th?

Rock cycle is a continuous cycle that transforms rocks from one form to another. The process involves various geological processes like weathering, erosion, deposition, heat, and pressure.