Role of Technology, Late Nineteenth-Century Colonialism| Class 10 History Notes

Role of Technology, Late Nineteenth-Century Colonialism – Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World discusses that technology played an important role in globalizing the world economy during the late 19th century. The invention of the telegraph, railways, and steamships made it possible to transport goods and people more quickly and cheaply than ever before. This led to a dramatic increase in trade between different countries and helped to create a more interconnected global economy.

In this article, we will look into the topic ‘Role of Technology, Late nineteenth-century Colonialism’ in detail. It is an important topic in Class 10 Social Science. Students can go through this article to get comprehensive notes on the topic of the Role of technology and late nineteenth-century colonialism.

Technological Developments in the Late 19th Century

One of the most important technological developments of the late 19th century was the development of refrigerated ships. This made it possible to transport perishable foods over long distances, which opened up new markets for farmers and ranchers in the Americas and Australia. The development of refrigerated ships also helped to improve the diet of people in Europe, as they could now enjoy fresh meat and other produce from all over the world.

The development of railways also had a major impact on the global economy. Railways made it possible to transport goods and people more quickly and cheaply than ever before, which led to a dramatic increase in trade between different countries. Railways also helped to open up new areas for settlement and development, as they made it possible to transport people and supplies to remote areas.

The telegraph was another important technological development of the late 19th century. The telegraph made it possible to communicate quickly and easily over long distances, which was essential for businesses and governments. The telegraph also helped to spread news and information more quickly, which helped to create a more informed and interconnected global community.

Technology played a crucial role in the globalization of the world economy during the late 19th century. The development of the telegraph, railways, and steamships made it possible to transport goods and people more quickly and cheaply than ever before. This led to a dramatic increase in trade between different countries, and helped to create a more interconnected global economy.

Role of Technology

The role of technology in the transformation of the nineteenth-century world is complex, with significant inventions like railways, steamships, and the telegraph playing a crucial role. However, these advancements were often driven by larger social, political, and economic factors. For instance, colonisation stimulated investments in transport, leading to faster railways, lighter wagons, and larger ships that made food more affordable and quickly accessible.

The trade in meat, for example, was a result of this connected process. Live animals were shipped live from America to Europe, but high prices kept demand and production low. The development of refrigerated ships allowed for the transport of perishable foods over long distances, reducing shipping costs and meat prices. This improved living conditions promoted social peace and support for imperialism abroad.

Late Nineteenth-Century Colonialism

In the late nineteenth century, trade flourished and markets expanded, leading to increased prosperity but also a loss of freedoms and livelihoods. European conquests in the late nineteenth century caused painful economic, social, and ecological changes, bringing colonized societies into the world economy.

In 1885, European powers met in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them. Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, and the US became colonial powers, causing significant economic and social changes. The destructive impact of colonialism on the economy and livelihoods of colonized people is evident in the example of Spain’s colonization of the late 1890s.


In conclusion, technology played a crucial role in the late nineteenth-century colonialism. It helped in the transportation of goods and people, which in turn helped in the expansion of trade and markets. The development of railways, steamships, and the telegraph made it easier and faster to move goods and people around the world. This helped to connect different parts of the world and made it easier for European powers to colonize new lands. Technology also helped in the exploitation of natural resources in colonized countries. For example, the development of mining technology made it easier to extract minerals from the ground. This helped European powers to extract valuable resources from their colonies and ship them back to Europe.

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Role of Technology, Late Nineteenth-Century Colonialism- FAQs

What is the focus of Chapter 3 of Class 10 Social Science?

The chapter examines the role of technology in shaping late nineteenth-century colonialism and the emergence of a globalized world.

How did technology contribute to late nineteenth-century colonialism?

Technology, such as steamships, telegraphs, and railways, facilitated colonial expansion, trade, and communication networks.

What impact did steamships have on colonialism?

Steamships enabled faster and more efficient transportation of goods, resources, and troops, facilitating European colonial expansion into distant territories.

How did the telegraph transform communication during this period?

The telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication, enabling real-time transmission of messages across vast distances, facilitating colonial administration and trade.

What role did railways play in late nineteenth-century colonialism?

Railways facilitated the movement of goods, people, and military forces, integrating colonial economies and infrastructure into global networks.

How did technology contribute to the exploitation of colonial resources?

Technology, such as improved mining and agricultural machinery, enabled the extraction and exploitation of colonial resources for the benefit of colonial powers.

How did technological advancements shape the global economy during this period?

Technological advancements facilitated the integration of colonial territories into the global economy, leading to the expansion of trade networks and the emergence of a globalized economic system.