Roman Numeral Converter

Roman Number Calculator, created by w3wiki, assists learners in converting decimal numbers to Roman numerals and vice versa. It simplifies working with Roman numerals by enabling the conversion of both Roman numerals and decimal numbers into their counterparts.

What is a Roman Number Calculator?

Roman Number Calculator is a tool designed to assist users in converting between Roman numerals and Arabic (decimal) numerals.

This type of calculator simplifies the process of working with Roman numerals, which can be less intuitive than the standard decimal numeral system used in everyday mathematics.

How to Use a Roman Number Calculator?

To use the provided Roman number calculator use the following steps:

Step 1: Click on “Switch to Roman Numeral to Number” if want to convert Roman numeral to decimal or follow step 2.

Step 2: Input a Number for which you want roman numeral.

Step 3: Click to “Convert to Roman Numeral”

Step 4: View the Result

You can then copy the Decimal numerals to your clipboard or use them as needed, whether for calculations, documentation, or any other purpose.

Note: If you want to convert roman numeral to decimal use the same step after following step 1.

What are Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and were used throughout the Roman Empire. They are still occasionally used today in various contexts, such as clock faces, book chapters, and the names of monarchs and popes.

Roman numerals are represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet. Here are the basic Roman numerals and their corresponding values:

  • I: 1
  • V: 5
  • X: 10
  • L: 50
  • C: 100
  • D: 500
  • M: 1000


In conclusion, a Roman Numeral Calculator is a valuable tool that simplifies the process of converting between Roman numerals and Arabic (decimal) numerals. It offers convenience, accuracy, and ease of use for tasks of conversion between Roman numerals and decimal numbers.

FAQs on Roman Number Calculators

How to Memorize Value of Roman Numerals?

A mnemonic can help memorize the value order of the symbols. For example, “My Dear Cat Loves Xtra Vitamins Intensely”.

  • Here all the intial letters from I to M represents 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 respectively.

Is Roman Number Calculator Accurate?

Yes, Roman Number Calculator is designed to be accurate, ensuring that conversions are done correctly according to Roman numeral rules.

How do you Interpret Roman Numerals?

To interpret Roman numerals, assign values to each symbol (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) and follow rules for combining them, considering additive and subtractive principles.