Rubrik Interview Experience For SWE

Background: SDE1 at PhonePe

Experience: 1-2 years

I applied for the SDE position requiring 2+ years of experience at Rubrik at the end of January 2024 through a referral. The recruiter reached out after about two weeks, and a screening round was scheduled.

Round 1 – Screening Round (Multithreading)

This round involved solving a DSA problem followed by a multithreading scenario. It was conducted on the Coderpad platform, where I had to write and run code. The interviewer cross-questioned my choice of data structure, algorithm, and their time and space complexities.

Problem Statement: [Web Crawler problem](

This round went well and lasted for an hour. The recruiter scheduled further rounds the next day.

Round 2 – Multithreading

This round also involved solving a multithreading problem on Coderpad. It lasted for 45 minutes and required explaining different resource allocation policies in OS along with their pros and cons. I explained all approaches and implemented the FIFO solution successfully.

Problem Statement: A resource allocation problem in a voting agency with a single bathroom accommodating Democrats and Republicans.

Round 3 – DSA

This was a standard problem-solving round.

Problem Statement: Implement a data structure to generate random numbers between 1 to N without repeating numbers in a window until all numbers are exhausted.

I provided a solution using hash sets, but the interviewer wanted an array-based solution. After discussion, I solved it using arrays and built-in methods.

Round 4 – System Design

This was my first system design interview. The problem involved designing a messaging component between services like Kafka and RabbitMQ. We discussed high-level design, API design, and implementation logic for APIs between publishers and subscribers.

Problem Statement: Design a Messaging Queue system.

Round 5 – HM

This round was with the VP of the organization. It included behavioural questions, reasons for switching, and detailed questions about my past experiences and projects.

The interviews were challenging, especially the system design round, but I received the offer after a week.

Conclusion:- Selected

It was one of the toughest interviews I’ve had, but the results were worth the effort. ?