Top 10 Rust Project Ideas With Source Code in 2024

Hey there, if you’re relatively new to Rust and aiming to enhance your skills while gaining a deeper understanding of the language, we have a solid tip for you. Building projects is hands down one of the most effective ways to learn Rust (or any programming language, really). Studies back this up, showing that getting hands-on helps solidify your knowledge and understanding and gives you practical experience.

We have limited time in our lives and we don’t want to invest our time and energy in any random projects that don’t enhance our learning rather we should be strategic about our project choices. The goal is to transition to taking on projects from scratch as soon as you can, without relying heavily on detailed instructions. This shift will help you level up and move toward the intermediate and expert stages of Rust programming. It’s all about that progression! Now let’s move on to our main topic i.e., Top 10 Rust Projects with Source Code.

What is Rust?

Rust stands out as a systems programming language that aims to blend the precise control of C/C++ with the memory safety and elevated abstractions found in languages like Python and Ruby. Its sudden rise in popularity can be attributed to distinctive features such as zero-cost abstractions, thread safety, and a fearless approach to concurrency.

The versatility of Rust is evident in the broad spectrum of projects it can handle, ranging from crafting system utilities and web applications to diving into game development and embedded systems. This adaptability makes Rust an excellent choice for developers, whether they’re just starting out or seasoned veterans looking for a language that can tackle diverse projects with efficiency and reliability.

Top 10 Rust Project Ideas

We have broken down the Rust projects into 3 sections namely beginners, intermediate and advanced. These projects are ordered in a step-wise manner such that you have an easy learning curve. Implementing these projects will enhance your skills as a Rust developer. Whether you’re taking your first steps in the programming world or you’re an experienced Rust developer seeking a deeper understanding, these 10 Best Rust Project Ideas are designed to elevate your proficiency.

Beginner Rust Projects

The beginners venturing into Rust should definitely try these projects. These projects are curated in a way to give you a solid understanding of the fundamentals enhancing your Rust knowledge.

1. Todo List

Develop a command-line to-do list application to simplify your task management. This project is ideal for beginners since it allows them to practice key skills by adding, updating, and removing tasks. This user-friendly program will help you stay organized and increase your efficiency.

Key Features

  • CRUD operations such as adding, removing, and editing todos.
  • Users can mark todos as “done” for better organization.
  • Implement save and load functionalities to store and retrieve todos.

Check Out: Todo List

2. Currency Converter

Create a command-line currency converter that converts between different currencies using exchange rates accessed from public APIs. This project will enhance your skills in Rust.

Key Features

  • Multi-Currency Conversion: Users can easily convert between different currencies, supporting a wide range of international currencies.
  • Real-Time Exchange Rates: Integrate a public API to fetch and display live exchange rates.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Design a command-line interface that allows users to input currencies and amounts easily, providing a smooth experience.

Check Out: Currency Convertor

3. Simple Calculator

Develop a command-line calculator capable of handling basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Make mathematical tasks for people easier with your application.

Key Features

  • Include Basic operations: Basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division should be a part of your application such that users can easily perform those operations.
  • Error Handling: Make sure your application has error-handling functionality such that when a user inputs unexpected input the app doesn’t crash but rather gives a meaningful output.
  • Clean User Interface: Design a simple and visually appealing UI such that it is easy for users to input values and showcase output in a presentable manner.

Check Out: Simple Calculator

4. File Explorer

Create a simple file explorer that allows users to navigate and view their system’s files and directories. A simple user interface that allows you to browse and manage your files.

Key Features

  • File operations: Implement all the file operations such as copying, moving, and deleting files providing users with control over their file management tasks.
  • Search Functionality: Include key features such as keyword search to enable quick search and file retrieval to improve the efficiency of your application.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensure your file explorer works across various operating systems giving consistent user experience on platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Check Out: File Explorer

Intermediate Rust Projects

Now after making some beginner projects, you have some experience, and you can challenge yourself with these intermediate rust projects.

1. Real-time Chat Application

Create a real-time chat application that includes features like private messaging, online or last-seen time, and message history. Real-time chat applications allows users to speak with one another in real-time via text, voice, or video.

Key Features

  • WebSocket Integration: Implement WebSockets to facilitate real-time, bidirectional data exchange between the server and clients ensuring instant message delivery and updates.
  • User Authentication and Authorization: Improve the security by including user authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to chat features ensuring only authorized persons can message while chatting.
  • Message Storage: Use a storage solution to persist chat messages, allowing users to retrieve previous conversations upon reconnecting.

Check Out: Real-time Chat Application

2. Blog App with Authentication

Build a basic blog project with user authentication, allowing users to register, log in, and manage their own blogs. Your blogging platform allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with the world.

Key Features

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Implement a user authentication system to verify user identities and include authorization mechanisms to control access to blog content.
  • CRUD operations: Allow users to create, edit, and delete blog posts easily. Include features such as text formatting and categorization to enhance user experience.
  • Secure User Profiles: Your application should let the users have a personalized and secure profile, allowing them to manage their account settings, track their published posts, and interact with other users through comments and like-dislikes.

Check Out: Blog App with Authentication

3. RESTful API Server

Develop a RESTful API server in Rust, using a web framework such as Actix or Warp. Implement CRUD operations for a resource like “todos” or “notes.” This makes it easy to interact with and manage your data smoothly.

Key Features

  • Endpoint Routing: Implement the API endpoints to define the API structure and access specific functionalities.
  • Request Handling: Develop request handling mechanisms, allowing the server to receive, parse, and respond to client requests efficiently.
  • Data Storage: Integrate a reliable data storage and retrieval system, making sure that the API can perform CRUD operations on a designated resource and maintain data consistency.

Check Out: RESTful API Server

4. Personal Finance Tracker

Create a web-based personal finance tracker where users may enter and categorize their spending and revenues.

Key Features

  • User Authentication and Data Security: Ensure your user data is protected by implementing an authentication system. The personal financial information is securely stored and accessible only to authorized users
  • Expense Tracking and Categorization: Give users the feature of logging and categorizing their expenses and revenues.
  • Budget Visualization: Implement visualizations, such as graphs or charts, to offer users a clear representation of their financial data. This will help them analyze their finances and make better decisions.

Check Out: Personal Finance Tracker

Advanced Rust Projects

Now you have crossed even the intermediate stage so to become somewhat of an expert it is imperative to develop some advanced Rust projects. Let us take a look at some of them.

 1. Operating System Kernel

If you are looking to take on a challenging project to test and hone your Rust skills then developing an operating systems kernel can be a great choice. This will require a thorough understanding of system programming.

Key Features

  • Memory Management: Kernel has a primary task of memory management therefore implement a system to efficiently allocate and deallocate memory resources within the operating system, avoiding memory leaks and ensuring stability.
  • Process Scheduling: To manage the execution of multiple processes concurrently develop a process scheduling to be followed by the kernel.
  • Interrupt Handling: Implement an interrupt handling mechanism to respond to hardware and software interrupts effectively

Check Out: Operating System Kernel

2. Compiler

Build a compiler for a programming language of your choice using Rust. This project will require you to understand the phases of compiler design and can be a bit challenging however you will get to understand the complex workings of compilers.

Key Features

  • Lexical Analysis and Parsing: To translate high-level programming code into a structured immediate representation implement the lexical analysis and parsing phase.
  • Code Generation: Develop a code generation component that translates the intermediate representation into machine code or bytecode, for ensuring compatibility with the architecture.
  • Error Handling and Debugging Support: Include error handling mechanisms to provide meaningful error messages during the compilation or process.

Check Out: Compiler


Building projects in Rust is going to be a great way to enhance your understanding of the language. Through hands-on projects, developers can solidify their knowledge and gain practical experience. Strategic project selection is critical for optimal learning, with the ultimate goal of creating projects from scratch on your own. Rust is an excellent language for students and developers of all skill levels to study and build projects. Its features on safety, performance, and concurrency makes it an excellent tool for a variety of applications. Regardless you are a beginner or an expert there are plenty of exciting rust project ideas. Therefore hone your skills, explore diverse domains, and join the thriving Rust community.