Sabre Interview Experience for Software Engineer I (Internship + FTE) 2022

Sabre visited our campus for an internship + full-time opportunity for final-year students. It spanned over three days. The eligibility is as follows

  • Branches: BE-CSE ,ISE, ECE
  • CGPA: 7 & above

There was a total of 4 rounds to be cleared.

  1. MCQ & Coding round
  2. Technical Round
  3. Managerial round
  4. HR round

Round 1: It consisted of Aptitude, CS fundamentals and 2 Coding questions. There was a threshold cutoff for each section and every question had a negative marking of +2/-1 or +3/-1. Around 100-150 students had attended this round

Aptitude ( 20 mins, 25 questions): 

This was the most difficult part in the whole test. Questions were asked from Data interpretation, Next number in sequence, Caesar Cipher, Time and Work, Ratio and Proportions, Verbal and Permutations & Combinations . I was able to solve 8 of them.

The questions asked were in-depth. Make sure you practice aptitude well. Solving all questions from and would suffice.

CS fundamentals ( 40 mins, 20 questions): 

Questions from various subjects like Java, OOP, Cloud computing, OS, SQL, DBMS, and CN were asked. Having knowledge of basic concepts of all these subjects would be enough.  

Coding test (40 mins, 2 questions):

  1. Given two numbers n and k. You have to generate n prime numbers where the last digit ends with k.
    I solved this question using the Sieve of Eratosthenes. But many of my friends used a simple for loop to check for every number if it’s a prime number and ends with k which it passed all test cases.
  2. This question was a variation to

I was able to come up with an O(n^2) solution, which passed all test cases except one.

Note – Aim for an easy code solution. The test cases were pretty small, so brute force was fine.

Round 2 (Technical Interview): We got the results by midnight. The interview links to the technical round were sent to our emails.

Interview: It started by greeting each other. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. I explained to him briefly about where I’m from, what tech stacks I’m comfortable with, my internship at Samsung R&D, Competitions participated in, Club I belong to, and my hobbies. 

The interviewer then pulled up a PDF containing my code for the coding round. He asked me to explain the logic of each program and what each and every line does. He also asked me which test case my code for the second question failed and if I could optimize the code further. I was able to find out the test case where it failed, so I pointed it out. I was also able to come up with a solution that took O(n*logn)  time complexity. The interviewer was satisfied.

Note – Always try to figure out and optimize your code after the coding test. They will definitely ask in the technical interview.

He then gave me a coding question.

Find minimum cost to cover a set of places where distances in kms between them is given.
Average cost to travel each Km is 5 Rs however if a place is at higher altitude compared to the previous one,
it costs 2 Rs more than Average and if the place at a lower altitude, then it costs 1 Rupee less than Average. 
Number of places – n.
Distances between 2 places is represented in each element of a n*n matrix 
and if there is no direct route between them, it is represented by -1.
Array with size n where each element represents altitude of a place.

The interviewer did not provide any test cases but encouraged me to come up with my own. I was able to come up with some test cases and a solution that was similar to the traveling salesman problem. The interviewer was in hurry, so he said that he will check the code later.

Note – Try to first come up with the brute force solution and then optimize it further.

He then started asking me questions about CS fundamentals. 

  1. Explain what is OOP in your own words.
  2. Write a SQL statement that finds the second highest salary.
  3. Difference between abstract classes and interfaces 

There were some more questions from DBMS which I don’t recall. I was able to answer all of them. Although for the second question, he was expecting a better answer. Overall the interviewer was satisfied with my answers.

Round 3 (Managerial Round): Around 13 students got shortlisted for the next round. We received the mail for this round on the same day at midnight.

Interview: The interview started as usual and the interviewer ask me to introduce myself. He then asked me if I had attended the Pre-placement talk of Sabre and asked some questions about that. Since I had mentioned my internship at Samsung R&D, he was curious about it. He asked me to explain the whole project and the responsibilities I had undertaken in this internship. Fortunately, I had a demo ready, which I showed and explained the whole project. This discussion lasted for about 20-25 mins. 

He then asked me to explain one of my projects which I did. I chose a full stack web project, which I had worked on for a contest at GDSC. I had set up the project on my laptop and was able to show the demo to the interviewer. I also mentioned the fact that we had used this platform for a real contest, for which the interviewer was impressed.

Finally, he started asking me basic questions about cloud computing and the web.

  1. What according to you should be the most important factors to be taken care of while designing a web application
  2. Did you work on GCP or any similar could platforms
  3. Why would you choose the public cloud when compared to local servers

I was explaining each point along with an example of where it had impacted me. For example, a website should be highly secure. Here I explained how I used basic authorization for my project to make sure no one exploits it during the contest.

The interviewer seemed satisfied. I asked him questions about his work and he told me that I will receive a mail from HR in some time. 


Attend the Pre-placement talk and note down facts that seem important.

Make sure you know everything you did in your internship project. The interviewer is going to grill you on this for sure.

Study the basics of cloud computing, and make sure you are aware of cloud providers and their services.

The questions asked in this interview will depend on the projects you worked on. I had done a project in web dev, so the interviewer asked me about web dev and cloud services.

Round 4 (HR Interview): This round is all about you. There isn’t a need to prepare for it. Make sure you don’t reveal your weaknesses but show your strengths as your weaknesses. 

They were standard HR questions.

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Why Sabre 
  3. Where would you see yourself in 5 years
  4. Would you go for further studies
  5. One thing which really inspired you about Sabre
  6. About Family   
  7. Situation in a workplace

The HR then told me if I had any questions. Once asked and answered, HR told me to wait for the results.

We got the results the next day morning, 6 students were selected and I was one of them ?


  1. Be confident and try to answer even if you have the slightest idea about it.
  2. Explore different technologies.
  3. Spend the majority of time explaining things that you know of. 
  4. Give at least one example for every point you talk about.

Verdict: Selected