Safari vs Firefox

Safari is also a web browser used for surfing the internet and it was built by Apple. It was mainly used on the Mac operating system but it can also be used on Windows operating system. Initially, it was released in 2003, just like chrome it is also freeware. It is open source and is written using different programming languages like C++, Swift etc.

Firefox is one of the widely used web browsers as it is free for everybody means you don’t need to pay any money for its use but you should follow the licence agreement and community guidelines for its use. Development credit for this software goes to Mozilla Foundation.


Following is a table of differences between Firefox and Google Chrome:




1. Safari browser was made initially for mac users and it supports macOS but now it is available for other operating systems also. Firefox is an open-source web browser that was made to support nearly all operating systems whether it be windows, macOS, Linux etc.
2. It was launched in the year 2003. It was launched in the year 2002, is it is older.
3. Autoplay blocking feature is not available in safari. It provides autoplay blocking functionality.
4. Safari is not available for the android operating system. Firefox supports the android operating system very well.
5. Nearly 18 percent market share is occupied by the safari web browser. Mozilla Firefox has a small market share which is nearly 3.4 percent.
6. It lacks the functionality of an in-browser screenshot tool. In-browser screenshot tool is provided with this web browser.
7. Safari web browser is resource-efficient and consumes minimum resources. Resource consumption of firefox is a little higher as compared to the safari web browser.
8. Third-party plugins cannot be installed easily. It provides integration with third-party plugins.
9. In summary, Safari is very light easy and gives the best performance and it’s portable along with apple products. It provides a privacy tracker feature that helps us the most to find out which websites stalk. In summary, Firefox has all the features included on this software and the speed of it is pretty good since Firefox doesn’t require a lot of RAM usage on our desktop or PC.