saidar Utility – Monitor the Linux Box

Saidar is a curses-based (Curses-based software is software whose user interface is implemented through the curses library) tool for viewing system statistics and monitors the Linux system. It is a command-line based tool as it is run on a terminal.

To install saidar on Debian based Linux system run the following command on the terminal:

sudo apt-get install saidar

To run saidar run the following command:


Then saidar will start as shown in fig:

Saidar shows the following information about the system:

Hostname: In this Hostname, saidar shows the system hostname.

Uptime: In this Uptime, saidar shows the uptime of the system.


  • Load 1: Load on the system in previous 1 minute.
  • Load 5: Load on the system in previous 5 minutes.
  • Load 15: Load on the system in previous 15 minutes.

CPU load: In this CPU section saidar show the information about CPU in the following manner:

  • CPU Idle: Percentage of free CPU which is not used by any program
  • CPU System: Percentage of CPU usage by system.
  • CPU User: Percentage of CPU usage by the current user.

Processes: In this section following information about the processes on the system is shown:

  • Running: Count of total running processes.
  • Sleeping: Count of total sleeping processes.
  • Stopped: Count of stopped processes on the system.
  • Zombie: Count of total zombie processes.
  • Total:Total number of processes running on system

No. User: In this section saidar show, the no. of users logged in the system.

Memory(Ram) Usage:

  • Mem Total: Total Memory installed in the system in Mb.
  • Mem Used: Total used memory in Mb.
  • Mem Free: Total free memory in Mb

Swap Memory:

  • Swap Total: Total swap memory allocated to the system.
  • Swap Used: Swap memory used by the system in Mb
  • Swap free: Free swap memory in Mb

Disk: In this section saidar show the disks on the system with their read and write speed.

Network Interface: In this section saidar show information about the network interfaces on a system with its speed.

Mount points: It shows all mount points in the system.

Command-Line Utility to saidar

-h argument: To display help and another argument for saidar.

saidar -h

 -d argument: This argument used to set the update of saidar in seconds.

saidar -d 

-c argument: This argument is used to display colored output.

saidar -c 

-v argument: This argument is used to display a version of saidar.

  saidar -v

To stop saidar press key CTRL+c and to remove saidar from the system run the following command:

sudo apt-get remove saidar