Salesforce Interview Experience 2023

Round 1(shortlisting coding round): It was an online 1-hour 30-minute test. It had 3 coding questions out of which 1 was of dp(dynamic programming), one of the tree and another of competitive programming

They were medium-hard level questions of leetcode. Around 7 girls were shortlisted

After this two interview rounds were scheduled.


Round 1 (Technical Interview Round ): It was a technical round. Firstly, I was asked about my resume. I was asked to briefly explain my projects so I explained the technical aspects of my projects in 10 minutes

He asked me which languages did I know, to which I replied C++/C, Javascript. He asked me if I know Java but told him I didn’t.

Question(OOPS): Why do we need OOPS and can you tell certain features of OOPS?

Answer: I explained the definition of OOPS and basic terms like class and object. In addition to that, I told how it enhances code readability and security through private classes.

Question(OOPS) : What is inheritance in OOPS?

Answer: I was able to explain all types of inheritance through an example.

Question(OOPS): Can you write a Java code showing polymorphism in OOPS? (yes, despite telling him I don’t know Java he asked me to code in Java)

Answer: I didn’t know the coding part, so I told the interviewer, I am not comfortable in coding that.

Then I was asked questions about basic DSA questions:-

  • What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
  • what is the time complexity of insertion and deletion in an array?
  • Is it easier to insert an element in the array or in a linked list?

I answered all the questions and then we switched to coding questions :

Question 1:

I instantly told the brute force approach where I created a function to convert binary numbers to decimal numbers, and I stored the number in a vector. He found certain bugs and asked me to rectify them

I optimized the memory-optimized solution a bit. He was satisfied but asked me why I didn’t use the .back() function of Java and I had to tell him since I am coding in C++, there is no such function in C++.

Question 2:

I thought for about a minute and tried some brute force approach which gave the answer but the interviewer asked me if I can enhance the code readability. So I briefly explained to him how I can use stack to optimize it, since time was already up he told me my approach was correct and there was no need of coding it.

My interview went well except that the interviewer was expecting java from me, so I didn’t get a call for the HR-round.

The interview lasted for around 1hr 30 minutes and the panel had two interviewers.