Salesforce Work Experience as Software Development Summer Intern

During the summer, I had the incredible opportunity to intern at Salesforce, a leading cloud computing and customer relationship management (CRM) company. I was part of the Software Development team at the Hyperforce branch, where I embarked on an exciting journey of learning, growth, and making a meaningful impact. In this article, I will share my key responsibilities, the valuable lessons I learned, and the overall experience of my summer internship at Salesforce.

In my 8-week internship, the first week was dedicated to initial onboarding, where I familiarized myself with the office environment, company culture, and processes. It was an entirely new experience for me in the corporate world, but the supportive atmosphere encouraged me to adapt quickly and embrace new challenges. The best thing about Salesforce was the work culture which helped me in my professional as well as personal growth.

Key Responsibilities

During my internship, I played a pivotal role in streamlining the onboarding process for service owners. My key responsibilities included:

  1. Automating Documentation Creation: I developed a Golang-based solution, utilizing Terraform as Infrastructure as Code, to automate the generation of essential operational documentation, enhancing efficiency for service owners.
  2. Data Capture: I worked on building a user-friendly interface to gather vital information from customers and control owners, enabling a seamless population of operational documents.
  3. Integration and Testing: Collaborating with the team, I ensured a smooth integration of the new tool with existing systems. Rigorous testing was conducted to verify its accuracy and reliability.

Learnings and Scope

My internship at Salesforce exposed me to a wealth of knowledge and experiences. Some of the key learnings and scopes I encountered during my time included:

  1. Advanced Technical Skills: Working with Golang, Terraform, JSON, Git (version control), and command-line operations expanded my technical proficiency and introduced me to modern development practices.
  2. Agile Development Methodology: I gained firsthand experience in Agile development, participating in regular stand-ups, sprint planning, and code reviews. This collaborative approach enhanced the efficiency and quality of our work.
  3. Understanding Industry Practices: By working closely with seasoned professionals, I gained insights into industry best practices and learned how to apply them effectively.

Overall Experience

Salesforce’s work culture left a lasting impression on me during my internship. The regular networking sessions proved to be immensely helpful in connecting with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. These interactions not only provided valuable insights into the industry but also allowed me to know my fellow interns, forming meaningful connections that will extend beyond the internship. The company’s commitment to creating a supportive and engaging work environment was evident throughout, making it a truly enriching experience.