Samsung Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Samsung Research Institute Bangalore visited our campus for internships. There were 3 rounds in total.


  • Branch: CS, IT, ETC, EE
  • CGPA must be greater than 7 and equal to and no active backlogs

Round 1: Online Coding round

The round was of 70 min duration and consist of 3 coding problems on the Cocubes Platform. There were many sets of problems and most of the people get different problems. Those I got were:

Only 2 test cases are visible and the final verdict was not shown. Those who managed to solve all three were qualified for the next round. A total of 25 students were selected for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Interview Round 1

This round was held on skype, the interviewer was of a very friendly nature, he started with introducing himself and without my introduction :

  1. He asked me about my strong point, I mentioned Competitive Programming and DSA.
  2. Best time to buy and sell stock to get maximum profit
  3. Only one time we can buy
  4. At a time at most one stock can buy and after selling that one can buy next
  5. Graph :
  6. Binary search tree, binary search, lower_bound, upper_bound
  7. Opps:
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Virtual Function
  8. OS:
    • Deadlock
    • Paging
    • Segmentation
    • Semaphore

The interviewer just want to know how I approach or explain any problem, he was providing me some hints when I get stuck anywhere 21 students were selected for the next round

Round 3: Technical Interview Round 2

This round was also held on skype. The interview was very friendly, starting with his introduction, and asked from where I am, he moved to the first problem :

  1. Minimum cost to reach bottom-right corner starting from top-left of a matrix, where every cell represents a cost to cover that one:
    • Two types of moves were allowed right and bottom
    • Three types of moves were allowed right, bottom, and diagonally
  2. Given a string, it consists of only two types of characters 1 and 2 . Make a new string by replacing every 1 by 11 and two consecutive two to only single
    • No restriction on extra space
    • If the length of the string is increasing use extra space only up to increase in characters

This round was quite easy and only for 15 mins for me but for others, it was 1 hr at least. A total of 18 students were finally selected, I was one of them.