Samsung R&D Interview Experience for Summer Internship 2021 (SRI, Bengaluru)

Samsung R&D visited our college for summer internship 2021. It was a virtual recruitment drive in which students from branches CSE, ISE, ECE, EEE, EIE and TCE having CGPA above 7 were eligible for the online test.

Round 1 (Online Coding): Round 1 screening was an online coding round conducted on the Co-Cubes platform. The test duration was for 70 minutes and comprised of three coding questions of easy to medium level.

The three questions were:

  1. Find the Largest Prime Factor of a number
  2. Convert the given Binary Tree into a Sum Tree (Every node’s value should be changed to the sum of it’s left and right subtree)
  3. Trim a Binary Search Tree with the given range, i.e. remove all the nodes whose value doesn’t fall in the given range

The platform restricted on the use of three languages, c/c++/Java. Moreover, no STL libraries were permitted to be used. There will be sample base test cases that should be passed, however, there can be more test cases in their backend, hence, all the edge cases should be addressed in the code. Time taken to submit the solutions will play an important role in shortlisting, hence it is recommended that you submit the solutions as and when the base test cases are passed. 

About 18 students were shortlisted for the virtual interview process.

Round 2 (Technical Interview Round 1): The virtual Interview took place on Skype, and it was mainly focused on Data Structures/Algorithms, OS, Oop’s, and Technical Projects. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself, after which there was a brief discussion on my resume. He asked me about the various technical projects I had done, the tech stack involved, and some questions on their implementations. Then, I was asked three DS-Algo questions to solve:

For all the coding questions asked, the interviewer expected the most optimized approach to solving the problems. Then, he asked a few basic questions on C pointers (the difference between int* const and const int*) and Oops concepts. The interview lasted for 40 mins.

About 12 students were shortlisted for the second round.

Round 3 (Technical Interview Round 2): This round was on Skype too. The interviewer again went through my resume and asked me to explain all the projects. There was a detailed discussion about the tech stacks used in the projects. The interviewer asked questions on the theory and concepts involved in the projects. Then, I was asked two DS-Algo questions:

  1. Given an array of repeated numbers whose values lie in a given range, the task is to identify the repeated numbers and replace them with numbers in the given range which has no previous occurrences. Firstly, I explained an approach using a hash map to eliminate the repeated numbers and replace them with unique ones. The interviewer asked me to optimize the approach such that no extra space is used and time complexity remains O(N). I explained an approach of using the 32 bits of an integer variable as a hash map. This idea was valid for smaller range values, however, he was satisfied.
  2. How to store an Oxford Dictionary on a computer which makes word retrieval easier. The answer was to use the Tries Data structure. He asked me questions about its implementations.

He then asked me about my area of interest and a few theory questions on the same. The second round lasted for 50 mins and that was the end of the Interview Process.

The results came out the next day, 5 students were finally selected for the internship, and I was one of them ?


  1. Make sure to highlight your strengths in the introduction you give to the interviewer. For example, My strengths were my projects on ML and Computer Vision, so I made sure to highlight these points frequently. Therefore, the interviewer asked me more questions on my projects instead of coding questions.
  2. When solving the DS-Algo questions, always be vocal about your approach, the interviewers always look for the approach and not the exact answer.
  3. Practice the previous Interview questions which can be found in GFG Interview archives. Also, revise the CS theory subjects well. If you have good projects, then learn the theory and concepts involved in them.
  4. Be calm and keep a gentle smile on your face, never look tensed. All the best!!!