Samsung Interview Experience | Set 8 (On-Campus for Samsung Research Institute, Noida)

Samsung visited our campus.
I. Written test :
Online test consisting of a coding question, which was to be solved in 3 hours.

Given an integer ‘K’ and a tree in string format. We had to print the sum of all elements at Kth level from root.
For example:-

                          /     \
                       5         7
                    /    \      /   \
                   6       4    1     3

Tree was given in the form: (node value(left subtree)(right subtree))
For tree given above: (0(5(6()())(4()(9()())))(7(1()())(3()())))
Input format: K Tree
Output format: Sum
For example, for given tree:
Input: 2 (0(5(6()())(4()(9()())))(7(1()())(3()())))
Output: 14

Students, who were able to pass all the test cases, shortlisted for next round.

II. Technical Interview : (40 Min.)

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. A discussion on my project.
3. Interviewer asked me whether I know android programming or not.
4. What is polymorphism?
5. Difference between overloading and overriding.
6. Implement queue using linked list.
7. Few basic questions on sorting.
8. Interviewer asked me to tell four header files in C.
9. Full form of ‘conio’(header file).
10. A simple puzzle:
11. What is semaphore?
12. He asked about CPU scheduling algorithms.
13. Difference between preemptive and non- preemptive algorithms.
14. Round Robin algorithm.
15. He asked few SQL queries.
16. What is view in DBMS?
17. What is Indexing?
18. Do you have any question?

III. HR Interview : (30 Min.)
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Discussion about college life.
3. He asked about the best phase of my life.
4. What is your biggest achievement?
5. Do you have offer from any other company at present?
6. Why Samsung?
7. A puzzle:

                         [ ]  [ ]
                   [ ]  [ ]  [ ]  [ ]
                         [ ]  [ ]

He asked me to fill the numbers from 1 to 8 in these 8 boxes, one number exactly once, such that no two consecutive elements are
adjacent(diagonally, horizontally or vertically) to each other.

       Solution:        3 5
                        7 1 8 2
                           4 6

8. Do you have any question?

Finally, 17 students were selected.

All Practice Problems for Samsung !