Samsung SDS Interview Experience for SDE Intern

Round 1: Online Assessment

This phase includes online tests or coding challenges designed to evaluate your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and suitability for the internship. In my case, it was MCQ + Coding assessment

Round 2: Technical Assessment

Evaluates your programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and technical knowledge relevant to the internship role. You may be asked to write code, solve algorithmic problems, or discuss specific technical projects you’ve worked on.

Round 3: HR Round

It includes behavioural questions that assess your soft skills, work ethic, and how you handle various situations. Example questions may focus on teamwork, conflict resolution, leadership, and adaptability.


Should have good knowledge about the company and the role. Do not bluff anything in your resume.

Final Result:


Extras: PPO Conversion:

Samsung administers a 3-hour coding assessment consisting of a single question accompanied by 50 test cases. Successful completion of all 50 test cases qualifies you for full-time conversion. This assessment occurs on a weekly or biweekly basis throughout your internship.