SAP ABAP | Macros

Macros are basically a piece of code that is used multiple times in SAP ABAP programs. Macros in the SAP ABAP programming language define and reuse certain code segments. they act as placeholders for a set of statements or expressions. Suppose we want to calculate the area of a rectangle in a program more than once, then we should define a macro for calculating the area of the rectangle so that we can use it again and again in our program wherever necessary. It will save numerous lines of code. Macros are also used as a placeholder for a certain piece of code.

Table of Content

  • Purpose of Macros in SAP ABAP:
  • Macro Syntax in SAP ABAP:
  • Creating and Implementing a Macro in SAP ABAP:
  • How to call Macros in SAP ABAP Programs:
  • Practical Examples of Macro in SAP ABAP:
  • Other terms relate to SAP ABAP Macros:
  • Advantages of Macro in SAP ABAP:
  • Conclusion

Purpose of Macros in SAP ABAP:

Macros are used in SAP ABAP for the purpose of code reusability and enhancing program efficiency. Developers use this functionality in their code to achieve code reusability and easy to understand. so that others can understand their code and enhance the code accordingly. Macros are used in the SAP ABAP program to avoid redundant coding efforts. Additionally, macros can boost the overall efficiency of development processes. With the help of macros, we can write simple lines of code instead of writing complex codes.

SAP ABAP | Mscros

Macro Syntax in SAP ABAP:

In SAP ABAP, the syntax for defining a macro starts with a macro name Keyword along with a macro name, After this the body of the macro comes, then the macro ends with the keyword END-OF-DEFINITION. the syntax of the macros are as follows:

DEFINE <Macro-name>.
  • Macro-name: It specifies the macro name.
  • Macro-body : It specifies the body of the mecro, It will contain the statements used in the macro.

Creating and Implementing a Macro in SAP ABAP:

Let’s create a basic macro in SAP ABAP, below is the basic implementation of a Macro:

WRITE: / &1.

In this scenario, we define the macro “PRINT_MESSAGE” to print a message that you provide as an argument when invoking the macro.

How to call Macros in SAP ABAP Programs:

We can simply call a macro within SAP ABAP program using this syntax:


This &MACRO_NAME command replaces with the code actually defined within it, and execute the command accordingly.

Practical Examples of Macro in SAP ABAP:

Let’ us understand Macros in detail by using a program:

* Program for calculating square of a number

DATA: result TYPE i.
result = &1 * &1.

WRITE: 'The square of', &1, 'is', result.

DATA: number TYPE i.

number = 5.
The square of 5 is 25.

Other terms relate to SAP ABAP Macros:

Parameters in Macro Invocation:

During macro execution, developers pass values to the parameters that serve as placeholders in macro invocation. We can define a maximum of nine Placeholders in a macro. That means, when we run our program, the placeholders &1, &2,…, &9 are replaced by param1, param2, …, param9. In the above example explained we have used a parameters, you can get reference from that..

Nesting Macros (Limitations) in SAP ABAP:

SAP ABAP supports the nesting of macros(macro inside a macro). however, Excessive macro-nesting can complicate the code and ultimately overall readability and maintenance of the code will affects.

Advantages of Macro in SAP ABAP:

  • Repetition Reduction: Use macros to reduce repetition of frequently repeated code segments.
  • Meaningful Naming: this strategy enhances code comprehensibility through meaningful names.
  • Limit Nesting: Maintain code simplicity and readability by limiting excessive nesting of macros.
  • Documentation: For future reference and the benefit of other developers, document will be beneficial.


Conclusively, Using macros in SAP ABAP directly enhances program efficiency and maintainability. macros allow you to create reusable code snippets, and you can use placeholders or parameters within these macros to make them more flexible, We have learnt how to call, create and implement macros in practical implementation.