SAP Labs Interview Experience | Set 20 (On-Campus)

Round 1- Online Test (Time: 105 min)

  1. Psychometric test
  2. Analytical Aptitude (Easy-Moderate Level)
  3. Design Aptitude (DBMS+SE questions)
  4. Testing & Debugging ( One code to debug: Calculate (a^b) mod n )
  5. Essay (Inflation in India)
  6. Coding Questions – 2 (1.Check each number for palindrome in a range 2. King Kohima’s Problem)

Tips for Online Test:

– Dedicate ample of time to the coding section, I was able to solve both the questions however people were selected for the next round even after solving only one question. If possible attempt the second question first as it has more weightage.

– Always attempt the Psychometric Test as some students were not selected because they didn’t attempt the psychometric test even after doing very well in the paper. The psychometric test wouldn’t judge you for right/wrong, it is just to test whether you are consistent with your answers. The same question may be asked in many forms and you have to be consistent.

– If confident about your Aptitude and Coding then you may skip the essay. Grammatical and spelling mistakes are big NO-NO in essay!!

– In the end the Online test boils down to a matter of speed and efficiency.

In the end a total of 15 students were selected from 180 for the next round.

Round 2 – Technical Interview (Approx 1 hour) Elimination Round

The interviewer was very friendly and welcoming. He made sure I was at ease during the interviews. During the first 10 min he went through my resume very carefully and we had a light discussion about my interests/domains. I had pursued a Korean class and we had a jovial discussion about the Korean language and my reason of pursuing it. He seemed very content about my explanation. He then asked about my favorite programming language and I said JAVA and then I was bombarded with a stream of technical questions.

– Difference between Java and C++?
– If there are two machines, with same architecture, OS and every other things similar then would one compiled code of C++ run in the other machine?
– Difference between Abstract Class and Interface?
– ‘Finally’ keyword in Java?
– How does Java implement every concept of OOP’s (Abstraction, Encapsulation etc)?
– Discussion about my project. I had done some Web Design projects. Lengthy discussion on Bootstrap Framework and Responsive Web Design.
– Discussion about my internship. Drew the schema of the database used and how I had normalized the database.
– Questions on SDE Models. What is the Agile Model of Development? He seemed very content with the answer!
– What is IoT? Some examples of IoT?

After the interview he asked did I have any questions. I asked about the feedback of my interview. He was very friendly and told me that there are actually were actually 4 rounds of interview. So it depends upon how you do in the next round. I asked “Sir I thought this was an elimination round”. The only answer I got was RAW SMILE ?

Round 3 – Technical Interview (Approx 1 hour) Elimination Round

Unlike the last round, this was much tensed. The interviewer analysed my resume and started asking me questions about Web Development.

– Life Cycle of a Servlet? (Detailed discussion)
– Stateful and Stateless Server?
– Why is HTTP a stateless protocol?
– What are the advantages of stateless protocol?
– What is difference between Aggregation and Composition (OOP’s)? ( I expalined with a real life example, he was very content)
– What is Singleton class in Java?
– Write code to design a singleton class in Java. (30 min discussion on this, he helped me at many places, finally I was able to do it ? )
– Puzzle (A box of defective balls).
– What are some Web vulnerabilities? ( I explained about Man in the middle attack, DOS attack, Spoofing, Masquerading etc)
– Detailed discussion on SQL Injection (Code to protect against SQL injection, explained about Prepared Statements and Real escape strings).

This round was rather grilling as the interviewer was difficult to convince. However I was called for the next round.

Round 4 – Managerial Interview (Approx 40 min) Elimination Round

Very friendly interviewer !! Asked about my previous achievements and extra-curricular activities. Bit of discussion about every POR that I held previously. Asked why I prefer Java so much and would I have a problem if asked to work with other technologies. He seemed convinced by my explanation. Then we had a discussion about life at SAP and he explained what SAP Labs would offer me as an individual. Also a brief discussion about opportunities to work abroad in projects. ( I was told that Germany is a given, other countries depend upon the project you are in). How did you form a team and managed it for projects? How you handle a situation if a team member is not working in a project?

Round 5 – HR Interview (Approx 45 min) Elimination Round

There were two interviewers ( a lady and a gentleman), both extremely friendly.
They asked me to introduce myself. Asked about the motivation behind each and everyone of my projects. About my family and whether I was ready to relocate to Bangalore. Why do I want to work at SAP? ( I was well prepared for this answer, work culture, employee benefits etc.) Why don’t you consider a MS from abroad given your strong academic record (I am a 9-9-9). I explained that I wanted to dive in the industry and later would think for a MS. They seemed convinced. We exchanged obligatory greetings and it was a great experience overall.

Tip for the interviews:

Keep only those points in the resume which you are absolutely confident about. In a span of 5 hours of total interview they shred each and every point down to tiny bits. Keep resume as simple as possible, never boast.

Finally a big thanks to Beginner for Beginner for helping me prepare for the interviews!!!!

All Practice Problems for SAP Labs !