SASS | Map Functions

The SASS Map data-type is used to display one or more key-value pairs. Along with the map functions shown in the below lists, you can also use any of the SASS list functions with maps as well.

The following lists contains all map functions in SASS:

  1. map-has-key($map, $key) function: This function returns a Boolean value that checks whether the given map contains the given key or not.
    • Example:

      map-has-key(("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00), blue)


    • Output:
  2. map-merge($map1, $map2) function: This function returns a map containing $map2 joined to the end of $map1.
    • Example:

      map-merge(("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00), ("blue": #0000ff)


    • Output:
      ("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00, "blue": #0000ff)
  3. map-keys($map) function: This function returns the list of the keys in the given map.
    • Example:

      map-keys(("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00))


    • Output:
      ("red", "yellow")
  4. map-remove($map, $keys) function: This function returns a map without the given keys.
    • Example:

      map-remove(("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00), "red")


    • Output:
      ("yellow": #ffff00)
  5. map-values($map) function: This function returns the list of the values in the given map.
    • Example:

      map-values(("red": #ff0000, "yellow": #ffff00))


    • Output:
      (#ff0000, #ffff00)
  6. map-get($map, $key) function: This function returns the value associated with the given key.
    • Example:

      map-get(("blue": #0000ff, "yellow": #ffff00), "blue")


    • Output: