SASS | Selector Functions

The selector functions help in checking and changing the CSS selectors in the style-sheet. All of the functions except selector-nest() prevents the use of the parent selector.

  1. selector-nest($selectors…): This method returns a new selector containing a nested list of CSS selectors based on the list given.
    • Example:

      selector-nest(".warning", "alert", "div")


    • Output:
      .warning div, alert div
  2. selector-parse($selector): This method returns a list of strings contained in “selector” using the same format as the parent selector.
    • Example:

      selector-parse("h1 .myInput .warning")


    • Output:
      ('h1' '.myInput' '.warning')
  3. selector-unify($selector1, $selector2): This method returns a new selector that matches only elements matched by both selector1 and selector2.
    • Example 1:

      selector-unify("myInput", ".disabled")


    • Output:
    • Example 2:

      selector-unify("p", "h1")


    • Output:
  4. simple-selectors($selector): This method returns a list of the individual selectors present in “selector”, which should be a compound selector.
    • Example:



    • Output:
      div, .myInput
  5. is-superselector($super, $sub): This method returns a Boolean value telling whether the selector given in “super” matches all the elements given in “sub”.
    • Example 1:

      is-superselector("div", "div.myInput")


    • Output:
    • Example 2:

      is-superselector("div.myInput", "div")


    • Output:
  6. selector-replace($selector, $original, $replacement): This method returns a new selector with the selector given in “replacement” in place of selector given in “original”.
    • Example:

      selector-replace("p.hello", "p", "q")


    • Output:
  7. selector-append($selectors): This method returns a new selector with the second and next selectors appended to the first without any spaces.
    • Example 1:

      selector-append("div", ".myInput")


    • Output:
    • Example 2:

      selector-append(".warning", "__a")


    • Output:
  8. selector-extend($selector, $extendee, $extender): This method extends the $selector as @extend rule. It returns a copy of $selector modified with the following @extend rule:
    #{$extender} {
        @extend #{$extendee};