SBI PO Prelims English Question Paper 2021

Q1. In the given question, a phrase/ idiom has been given and there are three ways in which the phrase/ idiom has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to see which of the sentence(s) correctly uses the highlighted phrase/ idiom, and mark that as your answer.


I. Without the ability to understand their fate they hash out violently against anyone they cross.

II. The company has decided to hash out to the media industry.

III. I will hash out the project of my company.

(a) Only III

(b) Only II

(c) I and III

(d) I, II, and III

(e)I and II

S1. Ans (a)

Sol. Only III is correct, as Hash out means to discuss a plan; work through difficulties and we can see in the last statement, the subject is referring to talk about the project of the company. Statement I talks about the violent attacks on someone without understanding their fate so at the place of ‘hash out’ ‘lash out’ should be used. And in II “jump in” should be used at the place of ‘hash out’.  

Q2. In the question given below, a sentence is given with two blanks, followed by five options, each having two words that may or may not fit in the blanks. Choose the one that gives the correct set of words that fit in the blanks.

According to recent developments, studios and conglomerates are making it their _______________ to build up their content libraries with shows and films ____________ on classic titles that inspire nostalgic consumer recognition.

(a) modus operandi, based

(b) habeas corpus, decided  

(c) know-how, awaited

(d) working modalities,  

(e) chalk talk, released

S2. Ans (a)

Sol. Since the context is ‘studios and conglomerates’ are making something so with this context the best word should be ‘modus operandi’ which means a particular way or method of doing something, and accordingly the next word should be ‘based’ which also agrees with the preposition given.  

Thus modus operandi, based is the correct word.  

Q3.  In the question given below, a sentence is given with two blanks, followed by five options, each having two words that may or may not fit in the blanks. Choose the one that gives the correct set of words that fit in the blanks.

Morocco’s national action on climate change dates back to the mid-2000s, when the country made the decision to become a _____________ leader in clean energy and to push forward ________________ renewable projects.

(a) born, exclusive

(b) regional, massive  

(c) parochial, unique

(d) prolific, configured  

(e) feeble, latest  

S3. Ans (b)


Since the context is the action taken by Morocco on climate change and definitely this action must have been taken to become the leader and that too on a large scale so for that ‘regional’ fits best. The rest of the words fail to deliver sensible meaning as per the context as feeble means lacking strength, parochial means marrow-minded, prolific means plentiful and it seems correct however the other word for the blank is incorrect.  

Renewable projects are not unique, but they can be scaled to large capacity so ‘massive’ suits best. ‘latest’ seems correct but the pair word is incorrect. ‘configured’ which means controlled seems correct but as per the context to be a regional leader, massive projects had to be launched and not the ‘controlled’ one.    

Thus regional, massive is the correct word.  

Q4 Direction: In the following question, two statements and five connectors are given. Only one of the connectors from those given can be used to combine the given two statements into one sentence without changing the meaning. Choose that connector as your answer.

I. There is extensive damage to the body parts

II. The negative report of the patients.  

(a) even if

(b) even after  

(c) even then

(d) even though

(e) even when

S4. Ans (b)

Sol.  There is extensive damage to the body parts even after the negative report of the patients.

“The negative report of the patients.” Is a prepositional phrase and ‘after’ is a preposition, So except ‘even after’, every option is incorrect.  

‘Even though’ could have been used but the clause is incomplete, the correct sentence with even though had been “There is extensive damage to the body parts even though there is the negative report of the patients.”

Q5. Direction: In the following question, two statements and five connectors are given. Only one of the connectors from those given can be used to combine the given two statements into one sentence without changing the meaning. Choose that connector as your answer.

I. We can apply for a cheque book  

II. Our account is activated

(a) But

(b) Once  

(c) So that

(d) Upon

(e) That

S5. Ans (b)

Sol. ‘Once’ as a conjunction means ‘as soon as’. Other conjunctions fail to give the context of ‘as soon as’.  

Once our account is activated, we can apply for a cheque book.

Direction (6-13): Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.  

Whether baked as chips into a cookie, melted into a sweet warm drink, or molded into the shape of a smiling bunny, chocolate is one of the world’s most universally consumed foods.

The Covid-19 pandemic brought to the forefront the emergence of zoonotic disease as well as the need to control human-animal interactions, especially in places like Telangana, where there are various factors that enable the emergence of zoonoses.

On World Zoonoses Day, experts TOI spoke to said that zoonoses or zoonotic diseases, which are infections caused by pathogens that have jumped from animals to human beings, are happening because more and more people getting in touch with animals.

“In Telangana, we are seeing an increase in imports of exotic animals and illegal wildlife markets such as Murgi Chowk in Hyderabad. Many of the animals sold in such markets have been associated with a wide array of outbreaks of infectious diseases in humans.  

Similarly, the increasing number of wildlife poaching cases, growing population, and encroachment of forest lands are causes of concern when you come to think of the various factors that enable the emergence of zoonoses,” said environment research scholar M Rajender Reddy. In a country like India, where country-wise, we have the second largest population but are not similarly large in terms of area, experts said that the pressure on wilderness is constantly increasing. “The increasing pressure on wilderness clearly translates into more and more interactions between human beings and wild animals and that could be trouble,” said Dr. Chelmala Srinivasulu of the zoology department, Osmania University.

To be able to face these challenges, Dr. Chelmala stressed the importance of government-run set-ups that would be involved in the regular screening of zoonotic agencies.“Although we have a National Institute of Virology (NIV), what is needed is more and more government-run set-ups that would be involved in the regular screening of such zoonotic agencies so that we would be ready. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, it has been emphasized quite often that every state in the country needs to have a viral screening lab and a zoonotic screening unit and it needs to be linked with the tribal belts. Also, creating awareness is very important,” Dr. Chelmala said.

Q6. Why there is a need to control human-animal interactions?

(a) Owing to the emergence of zoonotic disease.  

(b) To curb importing exotic animals.  

(c) To prevent spreading the outbreaks of infectious diseases in humans

(d) Both (a) and (c)

(e) None of the above

S6. Ans (d)

Sol. Both a and c are correct. 

This is can be validated from the second paragraph. “The Covid-19 pandemic brought to the forefront the emergence of zoonotic disease as well as the need to control human-animal interactions,”.  ‘B’ is the superfluous reason and is also not mentioned in the passage. 

Q7. Which organism is responsible for spreading infection of zoonotic disease?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Virus

(c) Pathogens  

(d) fungus

(e) Malware

S7. Ans (c)

Sol. Only c is correct.  

This is can be validated from the second paragraph i.e. “On World Zoonoses Day, experts TOI spoke to said that zoonoses or zoonotic diseases, which are infections caused by pathogens that have jumped from animals to human beings, are happening because more and more people getting in touch with animals.”

Q8. How do zoonotic diseases cause?  

(a) By the growing population of animals.  

(b) By increasing poaching cases  

(c) By encroaching of forest lands

(d) Both (b) and (c)

(e) All of the above

S8. Ans (d)

Sol. Only d is correct.

The population of humans is the context.  

This is can be validated from the third paragraph “Similarly, the increasing number of wildlife poaching cases, growing population, and encroachment of forest lands are causes of concern when you come to think of the various factors that enable the emergence of zoonoses”.

Q9. What can be the reason for more interactions between human beings and wild animals in India?

(a) Due to a huge liking for exotic animals by Indians.

(b) Due to less land area of the country.  

(c) The increasing pressure on wilderness due to population growth.  

(d) Lack of zoo causing human beings entering the jungle to see animals.

(e) None of these

S9. Ans (c)

Sol. Only c is correct.  

This can be validated from the third paragraph i.e. “The increasing pressure on wilderness clearly translates into more and more interactions between human beings and wild animals and that could be trouble,” said Dr. Chelmala Srinivasulu of the zoology department, Osmania University.”

Q10. What can be done to reduce the spreading of zoonotic diseases?

(a) develop a viral screening lab in every state.  

(b) creating awareness is very important  

(c) increase the pressure on wilderness

(d) Both (a) and (b)

(e) None of the above

S10. Ans (d)

Sol. Only D is correct.  

This can be validated from the last passage. “Since the outbreak of Covid-19, it has been emphasized quite often that every state in the country needs to have a viral screening lab and a zoonotic screening unit and it needs to be linked with the tribal belts. Also, creating awareness is very important,” Dr. Chelmala said.”

Q11. Which statement is untrue with respect to the passage given?

(a) Covid-19 pandemic has brought the need of being aware of zoonotic disease.  

(b) animals sold in markets also cause the spreading of infectious diseases in humans.  

(c) India’s population to landmass is in proper ratio to cater to our population issue.  

(d) government-run set-ups are very much required to monitor zoonotic agencies.  

(e) all of the above

S11. Ans (e)

Sol. Only “e” is correct.  

Q12. Which of the following word is similar to exotic as mentioned in the passage given?

(a) Indigenous    

(b) resort    

(c) epic  

(d) novel    

(e) Ingenious  

S12. Ans (d)

Sol. “novel” is the correct answer.  

Indigenous:  originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Resort: turn to and adopt a course of action

epic:  an exceptionally long and arduous task or activity.

novel: interestingly new or unusual.

Ingenious: a person clever, original, and inventive.

Q13. Which of the following word is Opposite to outbreaks as mentioned in the passage given?

(a) Eruption    

(b) Erosion    

(c) Onset  

(d) Cessation    

(e) Revolution  

S13. Ans (d)

Sol. “Cessation” is the correct answer.  

Eruption: a sudden outbreak of something

Erosion:   the gradual destruction or diminution of something.

Onset:  the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant.

Cessation: the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.    

Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.

Q14. What is the tone of the passage?

(a) Technical

(b) Acerbic

(c) Analytical  

(d) Sadistic  

(e) Nostalgic

S14. Ans (c)

Sol. “Analytical” is the correct tone.

Acerbic: tone of harshness or severity.

Sadistic: this tone is used in the context of deriving pleasure from inflicting pain.  

Nostalgic: a longing for past events.

Q15. Direction: In each following question is given below, a sentence/sentences is /are given with some bold words which may contain errors. Below each of them, a table is given with two columns in which column ‘A’ contains the list of bold words, and in column ‘B’ the suggested corrections are listed. You have to choose the best alternative among the four given options. If no correction is required against the given bold words, mark (e). i.e., “None of the above” as your answer.

Analysts said Operations were unlikely to divert into a new spectrum band that would require incremental investment in equipment on their part when other sub-GHz bands are available at lower prices.  

Column A                         Column B

 (A) Operations                (E) Operators

 (B) Divert                         (F) Diversify

 (C) incremental                (G) increments

 (D) equipment                  (H) equipments

(a) A-E and B-F

(b) A-E, B-F, and C-G

(c) A-E

(d) D-H

(e) None of the above

S15. Ans (a)

Sol. A-E and B-F are the correct pair.

Divert means to change course however with the context of the spectrum ‘diversify’ should be used which is to be done by operators instead of operations.  

Direction: Q(16-20) In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. Of these, the positions of two of these words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., ‘No correction required.  

Q16. A post-Covid model (1) for Indian education needs learning (2) our industrial revolution-catalyzed agenda (3) of one-size-fits-all with 25 years of replacing (4) with lifelong learning that is self-directed.  

(a) 1-4 and 2-3    

(b)1-3 and 2-4  

(c) 1-3  


(e) No correction required  

S16. Ans (b)


The sentence after rearrangement:

A post-Covid agenda (1) for Indian education needs replacing (2) our industrial revolution-catalyzed model (3) of one-size-fits-all with 25 years of learning (4) with lifelong learning that is self-directed.  

Q17. The UN secretary-general has emphasised (1) that a new social opportunity (2) is “an contract (3) to build (4) back a more equal and sustainable world” from Covid-19.

(a) 1-4 and 2-3  

(b)1-2 and 3-4  

(c) 1-3

(d) 2-3  

(e) No correction required

S17. Ans (d)


The sentence after rearrangement:

The UN secretary-general has emphasised (1) that a new social contract (2) is “an opportunity (3) to build (4) back a more equal and sustainable world” from Covid-19.

Q18. With sizeable Russian-speaking minority counterparts (1) and the gravely (2) presence of the Russian military on their eastern borders in Kaliningrad, these states perceive the Russian threat more enhanced (3) than their EU populations (4).

(a) 1-4 and 2-3  

(b)1-2 and 3-4  

(c) 1-4


(e) No correction required

S18. Ans (a)


The sentence after rearrangement:

With sizeable Russian-speaking minority populations (1) and the enhanced (2) presence of the Russian military on their eastern borders in Kaliningrad, these states perceive the Russian threat more gravely (3) than their EU counterparts (4).

Q19. The period (1) also suggested that the government offer a/an reassurance (2) cover of Rs 2 lakh per student when schools open by way of a/an insurance (3) to parents during the transition panel (4).

(a) 1-4 and 2-3  

(b)1-2 and 3-4  

(c) 1-3  


(e) No correction required

S19. Ans (a)


The sentence after rearrangement:

The panel (1) also suggested that the government offer an insurance (2) cover of Rs 2 lakh per student when schools open by way of a reassurance (3) to parents during the transition period (4).

Q20. Parents met their children exchanged (1) across the globe on Zoom and scattered (2) friends (3) with pleasantries (4)   via the internet.  

(a) 1-4 and 2-3  

(b)1-2 and 3-4    

(c) 1-3  


(e) No correction required

S20. Ans (b)


The sentence after rearrangement:

Parents met their children scattered (1) across the globe on Zoom and exchanged (2) pleasantries (3) with friends (4) via the internet.  

Directions (21-25): Read each sentence, divided into four parts, to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. If there is no error in the sentence, choose option (e).  

Q21. The deceptively beautiful coronavirus (A)/ came like some satanic tornado on (B)/ the face of the earth, (C)/ killing and destroying everything in their path. (D)/ No Error (E)    

a) C

b) A

c) B

d) D

e) No error

S1. Ans (d)

Sol. The error is in “Part D”

“its” should be used at the place of ‘their” as the subject is ‘coronavirus’.  

Q22. The worse victims have been children(A)/ who have faced tremendous physical(B)/ and psychological pressures(C)/ these last 15 months. (D)/ No Error (E)    

a) C

b) A

c) B

d) D

e) No error

S22. Ans (b)

Sol. The error is in “Part A”

To compare two things, ‘worse’ should be used but to compare more than two things, i.e., three of more than three things, worst should be used and here we can see there can be many victims but the worse affected are children.  

“worst” should be used at the place of ‘worse”.

Q23. Young adults are known(A)/ to have been succumbed to depression(B)/ as a result of little or (C)/ no social contact. (D)/ No Error (E)    

a) C

b) A

c) B

d) D

e) No error

S23. Ans (c)

Sol. The error is in “Part B”

“been” should be removed. As no one succumbed adults into depression. They get into it.  

Q24. A doctor friend confided(A)/ that this has not only affected his professional life(B)/ but now he has to deal in online patients(C)/ mostly women exhibiting signs of deep depression. (D)/ No Error (E)    

a) C

b) A

c) B

d) D  

e) No error

S24. Ans (a)

Sol. The error is in “Part C”

“deal with” should be used at the place of ‘deal in”.

Deal in: to buy or sell something, to trade.

Deal with: to handle something, to approach something.  

Q25. If Covid-19 has arrived(A)/ just as the plague or malaria or smallpox did, (B)/ it is high time (C)/ we accept it and learn to live with it. (D)/ No Error (E)    

a) C

b) A

c) B

d) D

e) No error

S25. Ans (d)

Sol. The error is in “Part D”

“it” should be removed after ‘accept’ & “Accept and learn” should be used.  

Directions (26-30): In each of the questions given below, a part of the sentence is given in bold which is then followed by four possible alternatives. You have to choose the option which fits in the sentence making it grammatically and contextually correct. If all the four alternatives are incorrect choose option (e) as your correct choice.

Q26. The COVID-19 pandemic has been stifled many sectors from the global economy. But it has apparently boosted the business of fraudsters.

(a) stifles many sectors of the global economy

(b) has been stifling many sectors of the global economy.  

(c) has stifled many sectors of the global economy

(d)  has stifled many sectors from the global economy

(e) No improvement required

S26. Ans (c)

Sol. “C” is the correct answer and the sentence should not be passive as the doer is the COVID-19 and stifle means “to suppress so it is the covid 19 which has suppressed many sectors.  

“B” does not follow parallelism.  

Q27. The EU should refrain of simply making a judgement call on the overall emissions cuts that have been made or promised by the countries from which those products may have originated.

(a) The EU should refrain from making simply a judgement call

(b) The EU should be refrained from simply making a judgement call

(c) The EU should refrain from simply making a judgement call

(d) The EU should refrain from simply making a judgement call  

(e) No improvement required

S27. Ans (c)

Sol. “C” is the correct answer.

With ‘refrain’ the preposition ‘from’ should be used.  

‘a’ is incorrect as adverb should be used before a verb.  

‘b’ is incorrect as 1. there is no passive agent which is refraining The EU from making a judgement call and 2. It is the EU that should refrain from making a judgement call.  

Q28. Emissions certificates must not be required for friendly-climate products just because they originated in member states that have taken no meaningful action to reduce emissions.

(a) must not require for climate-friendly products

(b) must not be required for climate-friendly products

(c) must not require for friendly-climate products

(d) must not be required from climate-friendly products

(e) No improvement required

S28. Ans (b)  

Sol. “B” is the correct answer.  

For friendly-climate products, it is the emissions certificates that are required and it is not that the emissions certificated that require something.  And the correct word is ‘climate-friendly’.  

Q29. The rising or falling of fraud was used as a metric to determine whether politicians and public servants were effecting in their roles or not.  

(a) whether politicians and public servants are effective in their roles

(b) if whether politicians and public servants were effective in their roles

(c) whether politicians and public servants were effective in their roles

(d) whether politicians and public servants were effected in their roles  

(e) No improvement required  

S29. Ans (c)

Sol. “C” is the correct answer.

‘effecting’ as a continuous verb is incorrect.  

There is no context of ‘effected’ as Effected means something is brought about or facilitated.  

Q30. In countries around the world coronavirus infection levels are once again surging as the emergency of a new strain of the virus.

(a)  surging due to the emergence of new strain of the virus

(b) surging as the emergence of a new strain of the virus  

(c) surging after the emergence of a new strain of the virus  

(d) surging the after-emergence of a new strain of the virus

(e) No improvement required

S30. Ans (c)

Sol. “C” is the correct answer.  

The usage of ‘as’ after ‘surging’ is incorrect as there is no requirement of the reason for surging, but the context of ‘when’ is required that is given by the prepositional phrase written after ‘after’ in option C. Moreover, ‘the emergency of a new strain of the virus’ is a phrase and not a clause and for that a preposition is required which is in option C, however in option B ‘conjunction ‘as’ is given and conjunction connects clauses and not phrase. Option A had been correct but there is a mistake with article ‘a’ which has to be written before ‘new’ for ‘strain’. D is incorrect as there is no connector.