Scala AnyRef type

The Scala kind hierarchy starts with Any, that’s the supertype of all types. The direct subclasses of Any are AnyVal and AnyRef. Whereas AnyVal represents price kinds (which includes Int, Double, and so on.), AnyRef represents reference types. AnyRef serves because the fundamental type and root detail for all reference types. This implies that all Java instructions and all Scala consumer-described training are subtypes of AnyRef.

When Scala is done on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), java.Lang.Object is equal to AnyRef. As a end result, any elegance created in Scala or Java inherits from java.Lang.Object through AnyRef.

Example 1:


We outline a basic magnificence Person in this case, which has fields: name and age. Next, we make a Person instance and spot if it belongs to the AnyRef subclass. This proves that Scala’s user-described lessons are reference types considering the fact that they inherit from AnyRef.

// Define a simple class
class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

// Create an instance of Person
val person = new Person("Alice", 25)

// Check if `person` is an instance of AnyRef

Output Explanation:

This code prints real while it runs. This result verifies that the Person instance (individual), which derives from AnyRef, is in reality a reference type. This demonstrates that during Scala, all person-defined classes are regarded as reference kinds, in accordance with the type hierarchy of Scala, wherein AnyRef is the foundation class of all reference sorts.


Basic Usage of AnyRef

Example 2:


This example suggests how boxing can be used to deal with many types as AnyRef, together with Int, String, and Boolean. We construct a technique known as processValue that takes in an issue of type AnyRef and determines the form of the object through matching patterns.

// Define a method that accepts AnyRef and uses pattern matching
def processValue(value: AnyRef): Unit = {
  value match {
    case i: java.lang.Integer => println(s"Received an Integer: $i")
    case s: String            => println(s"Received a String: $s")
    case b: java.lang.Boolean => println(s"Received a Boolean: $b")
    case _                    => println(s"Received some other type: $value")

// Pass different types of values
processValue("Hello, Scala".asInstanceOf[AnyRef])  

Output Explanation:

Three wonderful types of values are exceeded to the method processValue while it’s far referred to as:

  • Java.Lang.Integer is boxed to 42 (an Int). Received an integer: 42 is printed whilst the integer suits the primary case inside the pattern matching.
  • Which prints Received a String, fits the reference type “Hello, Scala” (a String).
  • The Boolean proper is enclosed in java.Lang.Boolean and prints Received a Boolean: true.

These outputs display how AnyVal sorts can be dealt with continually as reference sorts by a runtime conversion to their corresponding AnyRef kinds.


Boxing and Unboxing with Pattern Matching


The examples illustrate how user-defined education and Java instructions are dealt with as reference kinds by using emphasizing that they’re subtypes of AnyRef. Furthermore, Scala’s flexibility in universally dealing with primitive and reference types is demonstrated by means of its potential to container AnyVal sorts into AnyRef at runtime, making an allowance for a unified and powerful method to type coping with in Scala packages.