Scala | Format and Formatted Method

Sometimes in Competitive programming, it is essential to print the output in a given specified format. Most users are familiar with printf function in C. Let us see discuss how we can format the output in Scala. When a String contains values as well as texts succeeding it then formatting is required for changing values and adding texts enclosing it.
Example :

I have written 30 articles


  • In Scala Formatting of strings can be done utilizing two methods namely format() method and formatted() method.
  • These methods have been approached from the Trait named StringLike.
Format method

Format method can be utilized for format strings and you can even pass parameters to it, where %d is used for Integers and %f is used for floating-points or Doubles.
Example :

// Scala program of format 
// method
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating format string
        val x = "There are %d books and"
                    "cost of each book is %f"
        // Assigning values 
        val y = 15
        val z = 345.25
        // Applying format method
        val r = x.format(y, z)
        // Displays format string 


There are 15 books and cost of each book is 345.250000

Example :

// Scala program of format for
// strings and characters.
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating format string
        val x = "Geet%c is a %s."
        // Assigning values 
        val a = 'a'
        val b = "coder"
        // Applying format method
        val r = x.format(a, b)
        // Displays format string 


Geeta is a coder.

Here, %s is used for strings and %c is used for characters.

Formatted method

This method can be utilized on Integer, Double as well as Strings, as it can apply on any object.
Example :

// Scala program for formatted
// method
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Assigning values 
        val x = 30
        // Applying formatted method
        val r = x.formatted("I have written %d articles.")
        // Displays format string 

Output :

I have written 30 articles.

Here, format string is passed as an argument in the formatted method.