Scala | Literals

Any constant value which can be assigned to the variable is called as literal/constant. The literals are a series of symbols utilized for describing a constant value in the code. There are many types of literals in Scala namely Character literals, String literals, Multi-Line String literals, Boolean literals, Integer literals, and Floating point literals.

Types of literals

Integer Literals: The Integer literals are generally of type Int or of type Long when a suffix L or l is added at the end of the Integers. The type Int, as well as type Long, are all Integer numerals. 


  • The range of the type Int is from (-2^31 to 2^30).
  • The range of the type Long is from (-2^63 to 2^62).
  • When an Integer literal has a number that falls out of this range then a compile-time error arises.

Decimal literals: Here, the allowed digits are from 0 to 9.

val x = 37

Hexa-decimal literals: Here, the allowed digits are from 0 to 9 and characters used are from a to f. We can use uppercase as well as lowercase characters.

// The hexa-decimal number should be prefix
// with 0X or 0x.
val x = 0xFFF

Floating Point Literals: This type of literals are of type Double as well as type Float when a suffix F or f is added at the end and we can even specify Double type by suffixing with d or D.

val x = 3.14159



// Scala program of floating
// point literals
// Creating object
object double
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // decimal-form literal
        val a = 3.156
        // It is also a decimal
        // form of the literal
        val b = 0123.34
        // Displays results



Here, we can’t specify literals in Octal or Hexadecimal form.

Character Literals: 

character literals are either uni-code character which are printable or are represented by escape sequences.

val x = 'b' 
//character literal in a single quote.
val x = '\u0051' 
//uni-code representation of character literal,
//This uni-code represents Q.
val x = '\n' 
//Escape sequence in character literals



// Scala program of character
// literal
// Creating object
object literal
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating a character literal
        // in single quote
        val x = 'b'
        // uni-code representation of
        // character literal
        val y = '\u0051'
        // Escape sequence in character
        // literals
        val z = '\n'
        // Displays results



The character literals are enclosed in a single quote.

String literals: The String literals are a series of characters, which are available in double-quotes. The String literals can be handled smoothly by utilizing String Interpolation.

val x = "GfG"



// Scala program of literals
// Creating object
object literal
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating a string
        // literal
        val x = "w3wiki"
        // Displays string
        // literals



Single-line string literals are enclosed in a quotation marks.

Multi-Line String Literals: The multi-line string literals are also a series of characters but it has multiple lines.

val x = """GfG"""



// Scala program of multi-line
// string literals
// Creating object
object literal
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating a multiple
        // line string literal
        val x ="""w3wiki
        is a
        computer science
        // Displays multiple
        // lines


is a
computer science

The multi-line string literals are enclosed in triple quotes.

Boolean Literals: Boolean literals allow only two values i.e. true and false, which are members of the type Boolean.

val x = true



// Scala program of Boolean
// literals
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Assigning true
        val a = true
        // Assigning false
        val b = false
        // Displays results

