Scala | Option

The Option in Scala is referred to a carrier of single or no element for a stated type. When a method returns a value which can even be null then Option is utilized i.e, the method defined returns an instance of an Option, in place of returning a single object or a null.

Important points :

  • The instance of an Option that is returned here can be an instance of Some class or None class in Scala, where Some and None are the children of Option class.
  • When the value of a given key is obtained then Some class is generated.
  • When the value of a given key is not obtained then None class is generated.

Example :

// Scala program for Option
// Creating object
object option
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating a Map
        val name = Map("Nidhi" -> "author"
                        "Geeta" -> "coder")
        // Accessing keys of the map
        val x = name.get("Nidhi")
        val y = name.get("Rahul")
        // Displays Some if the key is
        // found else None 



Here, key of the value Nidhi is found so, Some is returned for it but key of the value Rahul is not found so, None is returned for it.

Different way to take optional values

  • Using Pattern Matching :

    Example :

    // Scala program for Option
    // with Pattern matching
    // Creating object
    object pattern
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating a Map
            val name = Map("Nidhi" -> "author"
                            "Geeta" -> "coder")
            //Accessing keys of the map
        // Using Option with Pattern 
        // matching
        def patrn(z: Option[String]) = z match 
            // for 'Some' class the key for
            // the given value is displayed
            case Some(s) => (s)
            // for 'None' class the below string 
            // is displayed
            case None => ("key not found")



    key not found

    Here, we have used Option with Pattern Matching in Scala.

  • getOrElse() Method:
    This method is utilized in returning either a value if it is present or a default value when its not present. Here, For Some class a value is returned and for None class a default value is returned.

    // Scala program of using
    // getOrElse method
    // Creating object
    object get
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Using Some class
            val some:Option[Int] = Some(15)
            // Using None class
            val none:Option[Int] = None 
            // Applying getOrElse method
            val x = some.getOrElse(0)
            val y = none.getOrElse(17)
            // Displays the key in the 
            // class Some
            // Displays default value 




    Here, the default value assigned to the None is 17 so, it is returned for the None class.

  • isEmpty() Method:
    This method is utilized to check if the Option has a value or not.

    // Scala program of using
    // isEmpty method
    // Creating object
    object check
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Using Some class
            val some:Option[Int] = Some(20)
            // Using None class
            val none:Option[Int] = None 
            // Applying isEmpty method
            val x = some.isEmpty
            val y = none.isEmpty
            // Displays true if there
            // is a value else false




    Here, isEmpty returns false for Some class as it non-empty but returns true for None as its empty.