Scala short >=(x: Double): Boolean

Short, a 16-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s short primitive type) is a subtype of scala.AnyVal. The >=(x: Double) method is utilized to return true if this value is greater than or equal to x, false otherwise.

Method Definition: def >=(x: Double): Boolean

Return Type: It returns true if this value is greater than or equal to x, otherwise false.

Example #1:

// Scala program of Short >=(x: Double) 
// method 
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        // Applying Short >=(x: Double) function 
        val result = (998.toShort).>=(998.002:Double)
        // Displays output 



Example #2:

// Scala program of Short >=(x: Double) 
// method 
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        // Applying Short >=(x: Double) function 
        val result = (102.toShort).>=(101.999:Double)
        // Displays output 

