Scala | Traits

Introduction to Traits in Scala:

In Scala, Traits are a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming that provides a mechanism to reuse code. Traits are similar to interfaces in Java, but with the added advantage of providing concrete implementations of methods as well as the ability to include fields. Traits can be mixed into classes to provide additional functionality without using inheritance. This makes them a powerful tool for modular code design and reuse.

Advantages of Traits in Scala:

Code reuse: Traits provide a way to reuse code and promote modular code design. They can be mixed in with classes to add functionality without using inheritance, which leads to more flexible and reusable code.

Multiple inheritance: Scala allows for multiple traits to be mixed in with a single class, which allows for more complex and powerful class hierarchies. This is in contrast to Java, which only allows for single inheritance.

Abstract and concrete methods: Traits can contain both abstract and concrete methods, which allows for more flexible and modular code design. Concrete methods can be overridden by classes that mix in the trait, while abstract methods must be implemented.

Fields: Traits can also include fields, which allows for the state to be shared among classes that mix in the trait.

Disadvantages of Traits in Scala:

Overcomplication: When traits are overused, code can become more complex and harder to understand. It’s important to use traits judiciously and only when they are necessary.

Method conflicts: When multiple traits are mixed in with a single class, conflicts can arise if two or more traits define a method with the same name and signature. This can be resolved by explicitly overriding the method in the class or by using the super keyword to call the desired method.

Recommended books on Traits in Scala:

Programming in Scala: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide, Third Edition by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners.

Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming, Second Edition by Alvin Alexander.

Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM by Jason Swartz.

Functional Programming, Simplified (Scala edition): A Practical Guide to Scala Functional Programming by Alvin Alexander.

Sure, here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates the use of traits in Scala:

trait Printable {
  def print(): Unit = {

class MyClass extends Printable {
  override def print(): Unit = {
    println("MyClass printing...")

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val myClass = new MyClass()
    myClass.print()  // Output: "MyClass printing..."

MyClass printing...

As you can see, by mixing in the Printable trait with the MyClass class, we were able to extend the functionality of MyClass without actually inheriting from the trait. This allows for more flexible and modular code design, as we can mix and match traits as needed to create classes with the desired functionality.

Traits are like interfaces in Java. But they are more powerful than the interface in Java because in the traits you are allowed to implement the members. Traits can have methods(both abstract and non-abstract), and fields as its members.

Some important points about Scala Traits.

  • Traits are created using trait keywords. 


trait Trait_Name{
// Fields..
// Methods..


// Scala program to illustrate how to 
// create traits

// Trait 
trait MyTrait
    def pet 
    def pet_color

// MyClass inherits trait
class MyClass extends MyTrait
    // Implementation of methods of MyTrait
    def pet()
        println("Pet: Dog")
    def pet_color()
        println("Pet_color: White")
    // Class method
    def pet_name()
        println("Pet_name: Dollar")

object Main 
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        val obj = new MyClass();;


Pet: Dog
Pet_color: White
Pet_name: Dollar
  • In Scala, we are allowed to implement the method(only abstract methods) in traits. If a trait contains method implementation, then the class which extends this trait need not implement the method which already implemented in a trait. As shown in the below example.


// Scala program to illustrate the concept of
// abstract and non-abstract method in Traits

// Trait with abstract and non-abstract methods
trait MyTrait
    // Abstract method 
    def greeting

    // Non-abstract method
    def tutorial
        println("This is a tutorial" + 
                "of Traits in Scala")

// MyClass inherits trait
class MyClass extends MyTrait
    // Implementation of abstract method
    // No need to implement a non-abstract 
    // method because it already implemented
    def greeting()
        println("Welcome to w3wiki")

object Main
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        val obj = new MyClass();


Welcome to w3wiki
This is a tutorial of Traits in Scala
  • Traits does not contain constructor parameters.
  • When a class inherits one trait, then use extends keyword. 


class Class_Name extends Trait_Name{
// Code..
  • When a class inherits multiple traits then use extends keyword before the first trait and after that use with keyword before other traits. As shown in the below example. 


class Class_Name extends Trait_Name1 with Trait_Name2 with Trait_Name3{
// Code..


// Scala program to illustrate how
// a class inherits multiple traits

// Trait 1
trait MyTrait1
    // Abstract method 
    def greeting


//Trait 2
trait MyTrait2
    // Non-abstract method
    def tutorial
        println("This is a tutorial" + 
               "of Traits in Scala")

// MyClass inherits multiple traits
class MyClass extends MyTrait1 with MyTrait2
    // Implementation of abstract method
    def greeting()
        println("Welcome to w3wiki")

object Main 
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        val obj = new MyClass();


Welcome to w3wiki
This is a tutorial of Traits in Scala
  • An abstract class can also inherit traits by using extends keyword. 


abstract class Class_name extends Trait_Name{
// code..
  • In Scala, one trait can inherit another trait by using a extends keyword. 


trait Trait_Name1 extends Trait_Name2{
// Code..
  • Traits support multiple inheritance.
  • In Scala, a class can inherit both normal classes or abstract class and traits by using extends keyword before the class name and with keyword before the trait’s name. 


class Class_Name1 extends Class_Name2 with Trait_Name{
// Code..
  • In Traits, abstract fields are those fields that do not containing initial value and concrete fields are those fields which contain the initial value. we are allowed to override them in the class which extends trait. If a field is declared using the var keyword, then there is no need to write override keyword when we override them. And if a field is declared using the val keyword, then you must write override keyword when we override them. 


// Scala program to illustrate 
// concrete and abstract fields in traits

trait MyTrait
    // Abstract field
    var value: Int 
    // Concrete field
    var Height = 10
    val Width = 30

class MyClass extends MyTrait
    // Overriding MyTrait's fields
    var value = 12
    Height = 40
    override val Width = 10
    // Method to display the fields
    def Display()
        printf("Value:%d", value);
        printf("\nHeight:%d" ,Height);
        printf("\nWidth:%d", Width);

object Main
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        val obj = new MyClass();


  • We can also add traits to an object instance. Or in other words, We can directly add a trait in the object of a class without inheriting that trait into the class. We can add a trait in the object instance by using with keyword. 


val object_name = new Class_name with Trait_Name;


// Scala program to illustrate how 
// to add a trait to an object instance 

class MyClass{}
trait MyTrait
    println("Welcome to MyTrait");
object Main 
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Here MyTrait is added to the 
        // object instance of MyClass
        val obj = new MyClass with MyTrait;


Welcome to MyTrait