Scientific GUI Calculator using Tkinter in Python

Prerequisite: Python GUI – tkinter

In this article, we are going to create GUI Scientific Calculator using Python. As you can see, calculating large numbers nowadays is difficult or time-consuming. We’ve created a simple Scientific Calculator GUI using Python that allows you to perform simple and complex calculations. To implement GUI we will use the Tkinter module of Python.

Stepwise Implementation

Step 1: Import module


from tkinter import *
import math
import tkinter.messagebox

Step 2:  Here we will create geometry or a so-called layout for the GUI of the calculator by using Tkinter.


root = Tk()
# sets the name on the top of the gui
root.title("Scientific Calculator")
# sets the background color of the calculator
# as white
root.configure(background = 'white')
# fixed the width and height of the gui,
# hence can't be expanded/stretched
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
# sets the geometry
# holds the buttons in the calculator,
# act as a container for numbers and operators
calc = Frame(root)
# create a grid like pattern of the frame
# i.e buttons

Step 3: Now we will create a class in which we will create all the functions of the scientific calculator so that they can be called and perform easily.


class Calc():
    def __init__(self): = 0
        self.current = ''
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
        self.op = ''
        self.result = False
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        self.result = False
        firstnum = txtDisplay.get()
        secondnum = str(num)
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            self.input_value = False
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        self.result = True
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum == True:
   = float(txtDisplay.get())
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
   += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
   -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
   *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
   /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
   %= self.current
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
   = self.current
            self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = True
        self.op = op
        self.result = False
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
        self.input_value = True
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
        self.Clear_Entry() = 0
    def pi(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()

Step 4: The below code will create a display in the GUI of the calculator by passing the font style, font size, background color, foreground color as an argument inside the entry function. 


txtDisplay = Entry(calc,
                   font=('Helvetica', 20,
txtDisplay.insert(0, "0")

Step 5: Here we will create a number pad for the calculator. 


# store all the numbers in a variable
numberpad = "789456123"
# here i will count the rows for placing buttons
# in grid
i = 0
# create an empty list to store
# each button with its particular specifications
btn = []
# j is in that range to place
# the button in that particular row
for j in range(2, 5):
        # k is in this range to place the
    # button in that particular column
    for k in range(3):
                          font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                          bd=4, text=numberpad[i]))
        # set buttons in row & column and
        # separate them with a padding of 1 unit
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column=k, pady=1)
        # put that number as a symbol on that button
        btn[i]["command"] = lambda x=numberpad[i]: added_value.numberEnter(x)
        i += 1

Step 6:  Now we will place all the buttons/operators in their respective position in the grid. This is up to you to set them as per your choice by changing their row and column value. In this, each button function is just taking the name of the operator, width, height, background, foreground, font, and respective column & row position of the button as an argument. 


btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),
                  width=6, height=2,
                  bg='powder blue',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
    row=1, column=0, pady=1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue',
                           20, 'bold'), bd=4,
    row=1, column=1, pady=1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A", width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.squared).grid(
    row=1, column=2, pady=1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("add")
                ).grid(row=1, column=3, pady=1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                command=lambda: added_value.operation("sub")
                ).grid(row=2, column=3, pady=1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x", width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("multi")
                ).grid(row=3, column=3, pady=1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("divide")
                ).grid(row=4, column=3, pady=1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(0)
                 ).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(".")
                ).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177), width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.mathPM
               ).grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=", width=6,
                   height=2, bg='powder blue',
                   font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                   bd=4, command=added_value.sum_of_total
                   ).grid(row=5, column=3, pady=1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi", width=6,
               height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.pi
               ).grid(row=1, column=4, pady=1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.cos
                ).grid(row=1, column=5, pady=1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tan
                ).grid(row=1, column=6, pady=1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.sin
                ).grid(row=1, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tau
                ).grid(row=2, column=4, pady=1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.cosh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=5, pady=1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.tanh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=6, pady=1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.sinh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log
                ).grid(row=3, column=4, pady=1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.exp
                ).grid(row=3, column=5, pady=1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("mod")
                ).grid(row=3, column=6, pady=1)
btnE = Button(calc, text="e", width=6,
              height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
              font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
              bd=4, command=added_value.e
              ).grid(row=3, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.log10
                  ).grid(row=4, column=4, pady=1)
btncos = Button(calc, text="log1p", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log1p
                ).grid(row=4, column=5, pady=1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.expm1
                  ).grid(row=4, column=6, pady=1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.lgamma
                  ).grid(row=4, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.log2
                 ).grid(row=5, column=4, pady=1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.degrees
                ).grid(row=5, column=5, pady=1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.acosh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=6, pady=1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.asinh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=7, pady=1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text="Scientific Calculator",
                   font=('Helvetica', 30, 'bold'),
                   bg='black', fg='white', justify=CENTER)
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column=4, columnspan=4)

Step 7: Now at last we will create a menubar of the calculator GUI. 


# use askyesno function to
# stop/continue the program execution
def iExit():
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")



Below is the complete implementation:



from tkinter import *
import math
import tkinter.messagebox
root = Tk()
root.title("Scientific Calculator")
root.configure(background = 'white')
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
calc = Frame(root)
class Calc():
    def __init__(self):
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        if self.check_sum==True:
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
   += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
   -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
   *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
   /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
   %= self.current
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
    def pi(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()
txtDisplay = Entry(calc, font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
txtDisplay.grid(row=0,column=0, columnspan=4, pady=1)
numberpad = "789456123"
btn = []
for j in range(2,5):
    for k in range(3):
        btn.append(Button(calc, width=6, height=2,
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column= k, pady = 1)
        btn[i]["command"]=lambda x=numberpad[i]:added_value.numberEnter(x)
btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),width=6,
                  height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ,bd=4, command=added_value.Clear_Entry
                 ).grid(row=1, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue',
                    ).grid(row=1, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A",width=6, height=2,
               bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',
              ).grid(row=1, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+",width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=1, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=2, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=3, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=4, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=5, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177),width=6,
               height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
              ).grid(row=5, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=",width=6,
                   height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ).grid(row=5, column= 3, pady = 1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi",width=6,
              ).grid(row=1, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos",width=6,
               ).grid(row=1, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan",width=6,
               ).grid(row=1, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin",width=6,
               ).grid(row=1, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi",width=6,
               ).grid(row=2, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh",width=6,
                ).grid(row=2, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh",width=6,
                ).grid(row=2, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh",width=6,
                ).grid(row=2, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log",width=6,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp",width=6, height=2,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod",width=6,
                ).grid(row=3, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnE   = Button(calc, text="e",width=6,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 4, pady = 1)
btncos   = Button(calc, text="log1p",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1",width=6,
                  bd = 4,command=added_value.expm1
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 6, pady = 1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2",width=6,
                ).grid(row=5, column= 4, pady = 1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg",width=6,
               ).grid(row=5, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 7, pady = 1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text = "Scientific Calculator",
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column= 4,columnspan=4)
def iExit():
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")


