Scientific Name Of Elephant

Elephas maximus is the scientific name of the Elephant. Elephants are the largest living land animal on the Earth. There are two main species of elephant: the African and the Asian elephant. Each has its unique characteristics. African elephants are large and have distinctive ears, and tusks, with the bush elephant being the largest. Asian elephants are smaller in size and have smaller ears. Both species are herbivores therefore mainly feed on plants.

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of Elephant
  • Scientific Name of Elephant in India
  • Common Name of Elephant
  • Scientific Name of Common Species of Elephant
  • Elephant Taxonomy
  • Characteristics of Elephant

What is the Scientific Name of Elephant?

The scientific name of the Elephant is Elephas maximus. The scientific name of the African bush elephant is “Loxodonta africana” and the African forest elephant is “Loxodonta cyclotis”. African elephants are larger than Asian ones. Both are herbivores and are known for their intelligence, and excellent memory. They exhibit social behavior as they live in family groups and have significant cultural importance.

Scientific Name of Elephant in India

The scientific name of the Asian elephant, which is the species of elephant found in India, is Elephas maximus. It is found in India and Southeast Asia. It is the only living species of the genus Elephas and is the closest relative of the extinct mammoths. It is the second largest species of elephant after the African bush elephant. The genus Elephas originated in Sub-Saharan Africa during the Pliocene period and spread throughout Africa. In the later period, it expanded into the southern half of Asia. There are three subspecies of the Asian Elephant. They are as follows:

  • Sri Lankan Elephant (Elephas maximus maximus)
  • Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)
  • Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus)

Common Name of Elephant

The common name for the large land mammals known for their trunk and large ears is simply “elephant.” There are three species of elephants: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. The other common names are Indian elephant, Sri Lankan elephant, Sumatran elephant, and Borneo elephant.

Scientific Name of Common Species of Elephant

The three main species of elephant and their scientific names along with their characteristics are described as follows:

African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

  • Largest land animal, males can weigh up to 12,000 kg.
  • Found in various African habitats, including savannas, forests, and wetlands.
  • Large ears, long tusks (in some individuals), gray wrinkled skin.
  • Vulnerable due to habitat loss and poaching.

African Forest Elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis)

  • Smaller than bush elephants.
  • Primarily inhabits African rainforests.
  • Similar to African bush elephants but smaller in size.
  • Endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

  • Smaller than African elephants, males can weigh up to 5,500 kg.
  • Asian countries, including India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.
  • Smaller ears than African elephants, some individuals have tusks.
  • Endangered due to habitat loss and human-elephant conflicts.

Elephant Taxonomy

The taxonomy of Elephant is described below:












Loxodonta (African elephants) or Elephas (Asian elephants).


Loxodonta africana (African bush elephant), Loxodonta cyclotis (African forest elephant), or Elephas maximus (Asian elephant).

Characteristics of Elephant

The characteristics of elephant are explained as follows:

Physical Characteristics

  • Elephants have thick, wrinkled gray skin that helps regulate their body temperature.
  • Their large ears are used for cooling by flapping and can radiate excess heat.
  • A prominent feature is their trunk, used for feeding, drinking, and communication.
  • Tusks, present in some individuals, are elongated incisor teeth made of ivory.


  • Elephants are highly social animals, living in family groups led by a matriarch (usually the oldest female).
  • They communicate using vocalizations, body language, and infrasound (low-frequency sounds).
  • They are intelligent creatures and have excellent memory.


  • Elephants are herbivores, mainly consumes plants like grasses, leaves, bark, and fruits.
  • They have a high daily food intake due to their size.

Conservation Status

  • African elephants are listed as vulnerable (African bush elephant) or endangered (African forest elephant) due to habitat loss and poaching for ivory.
  • Asian elephants are considered endangered due to habitat fragmentation and human-elephant conflicts.

FAQs on Scientific Name of Elephant

1. What is the Scientific Name of the Elephant?

The scientific name of the African bush elephant is “Loxodonta africana” and “Loxodonta cyclotis” for the African forest elephant. The Asian elephant is known as”Elephas maximus.”

2. Why do Elephants have Different Scientific Names for African and Asian species?

Different species of elephants like African and Asian have different scientific names because they are genetically and geographically different. The classification or the taxonomy helps scientists and researchers distinguish between them.

3. What is the Scientific name of Indian Elephant?

The scientific name of Indian Elephant is Elephas maximus indicus. It is one of the subspecies of Asian elephant and is native to mainland Asia.

4. Are there other extinct Species of Elephants with Unique Scientific Names?

Yes, in the past there were other species of elephants, such as the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and the mastodon (Mammutidae). They had their own distinct scientific names.

5. Can the Scientific Name be used to determine the specific breed or subspecies of an elephant within a species?

The scientific names themselves do not make distinction between specific breeds or subspecies of elephants. The taxonomic classifications and characteristics are used to identify specific breeds or subspecies.