Top 30 Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

In the fast-paced world of software development, being a Scrum Master is a big deal. A Scrum Master is the person who holds Agile teams together, smoothing out processes and making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. But getting hired as a Scrum Master? That can be a challenge.

In this Scrum Master interview questions guide, We’ll break down the most often asked questions in Scrum Master interviews and provide you with insider knowledge on how to ace them. This article will assist you in getting ready for and acing your interview, regardless of experience level as a Scrum Master. We’ll cover everything from the basics of Scrum to tricky scenarios you might encounter on the job. With expert tips and straightforward answers, you’ll walk into your interview feeling confident and ready to show off your skills.

Table of Content

  • Scrum Master Interview Question for Beginners
  • Scrum Master Interview Question for Experienced:

Scrum Master Interview Questions for Beginners

To become a Scrum Master, it’s essential to cover all the basics questions of Scrum to ensure you have a solid foundation. Here in this section we have compiled questions that focused on the core responsibilities of a Scrum Master, such as facilitating daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives.

1. What is Scrum?

Scrum is a popular framework that is used whenever we want to develop complex products, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland are known as the people who developed Scrum.

What is Scrum

  • Scrum allows us to develop products of the highest value while making sure that we maintain creativity and productivity.
  • The iterative and incremental approach used in scrum allows the teams to adapt to the changing requirements.

for more: What is Scrum?

2. What are the responsibilities of the Scrum Team?

Responsibility of the Scrum Team is to work collaboratively towards achieving the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal, set during Sprint Planning, represents the overarching objective that the team commits to achieving by the end of the Sprint. It encapsulates the value that the team aims to deliver to stakeholders through the completion of selected Product Backlog items.

Scrum Team Roles and Responsibility

  • Achieving the Sprint Goal requires close collaboration among all members of the Scrum Team.
  • The Product Owner ensures that the selected Product Backlog items align with the Sprint Goal and convey the highest business value.
  • The Scrum Master facilitates effective communication and removes any impediments that may hinder the team’s progress.
  • The Development Team collaborates to design, develop, test, and integrate the selected items into a potentially shippable product increment

3. Name the 5 phases of risk management.

Risk management is a sequence of steps that help a software team to understand, analyze, and manage uncertainty. Risk management process consists of 

  • Risks Identification: Risk identification refers to the systematic process of recognizing and evaluating potential threats or hazards that could negatively impact an organization, its operations, or its workforce
  • Risk Analysis: Risk analysis is the process of evaluating and understanding the potential impact and likelihood of identified risks on an organization
  • Risks Planning: Risk planning involves developing strategies and actions to manage and mitigate identified risks effectively.
  • Risk Monitoring: Risk monitoring involves continuously tracking and overseeing identified risks to assess their status, changes, and effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
  • Risk Review: Risk Review ensures that the risk has been completely removed.

4. What are Scrum artifacts?

Scrum artifacts are tangible documents or items that provide transparency and insight into the work being done and the progress of the project within the Scrum framework. These artifacts serve as essential tools for communication, collaboration, and decision-making within the Scrum Team and with stakeholders. The three primary Scrum artifacts are:

  • Product Backlog: The Product Backlog is a dynamic, prioritized list of all the features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other work items that need to be addressed in the product. Managed by the Product Owner, the Product Backlog serves as the single source of truth for all requirements and serves as the input for Sprint Planning.
  • Sprint Backlog: The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog selected by the Development Team for implementation during a specific Sprint. It consists of the user stories, tasks, and other work items that the team commits to completing within the Sprint.
  • Increment: The Increment is the sum of all the completed and “Done” Product Backlog items at the end of a Sprint. It represents the tangible outcome of the team’s work during the Sprint and is potentially shippable. Each Increment must meet the Definition of Done, which defines the quality criteria that must be satisfied for an item to be considered complete.

5. What is a product owner?

A product owner is a part of scrum team, who is reponsible making sure that the project is a success in Scrum. The product owner is also responsible for defining user stories and creating product backlog. One of the major responsiblity of the product owner is to identify product requirements for the development team on behalf of customers. The Product Owner is responsible for defining and communicating the vision for the product. They have a deep understanding of the market, users, and business goals, and they use this knowledge to shape the direction of the product and prioritize features accordingly.

6. Differentiate Between Agile and Scrum.

HEre are the following Difference Between Agile and Scrum:

Agile VsScrum





Agile is a set of principles that’s iterative and incremental.

Scrum is an implementation of the agile methodology.


Suited for projects involving a small team of experts.

They are used in projects where the requirements are constantly changing.


The project head takes care of all tasks is vital to the project.

There’s no leader, the scrum master, and the team addresses the issues. It involves cross-functional, self-organizing teams.


In agile, changes cannot be handled frequently.

It enables teams to react to changes quickly.


The methodology requires frequent delivery to the end user.

With sprints, builds are delivered to clients for feedback.


Face-to-face interaction takes place between cross-functional teams.

Daily stand-up meetings help with collaboration.

7. Who is a Scrum Master? And what does he/she do?

A Scrum master is a project leader who uses Agile techniques. He collaborates and communicates between team members and the project manager to ensure proper outcomes.

  • He/she mentors the development team and product owner so that they can easily understand the Agile process thereby contributing effectively in their role and dedication to the project.
  • He/she tracks the project at regular intervals and shares the updates with the product stakeholders.
  • He/she eliminates external blocker and internal roadblocks by assessing the workflow.

8. What is Scrum-ban?

  • Scrumban is a hybrid Agile methodology that combines principles from Scrum and Kanban. It blends the structured approach of Scrum with the flexibility and continuous flow of work characteristic of Kanban.
  • In Scrumban, teams typically use a Kanban board to visualize their workflow, with columns representing different stages of work (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). They still adhere to time-boxed iterations (Sprints) like in Scrum, but they may have more flexibility in terms of the length of Sprints or when new work can be introduced into the Sprint.

for more: What is Scrumban?

9.  What are the key skills of a Scrum Master?

  • A solid grasp of the concepts of Agile and Scrum
  • While not always required, having a basic understanding of the technical aspects of software development can be beneficial for a Scrum Master in facilitating discussions and understanding the team’s work.
  • The ability to coach the team on Agile principles and practices, providing guidance, support, and encouragement to help them continuously improve and deliver value.
  • Strong communication skills are vital for a Scrum Master to facilitate collaboration, convey information clearly, and foster a culture of transparency within the team and with stakeholders.

10. What is a User Story?

User stories are a fundamental tool in Agile development, particularly in Scrum, for capturing requirements and prioritizing work. They focus on the user’s needs and goals, helping teams to better understand and deliver value to their users. User stories are often written on index cards or in digital tools and are used to facilitate discussions, planning, and estimation during Agile ceremonies like Sprint Planning.

 It serves as a communication tool, emphasizing the customer’s perspective and providing context to the development team. Unlike technical specifications, user stories focus on why a feature is needed, who it is for, and how it will deliver value.

11. What is a Sprint?

A sprint is a short and fixed time frame during which a specific set of tasks are meant to be performed”. An Agile project will be broken down into a certain number of sprints, each sprint lasting for a fixed duration of time. Usually, each sprint runs for 2–4 weeks. A Sprint Planning Meeting occurs before the start of every sprint. That meeting defines what set of items could be developed and delivered in the upcoming sprint.

12. What are the responsibilities of a Product Owner?

A product owner is responsible for the following aspects:

  1. Setting clear goals: The product owner sets clear objectives and fundamental goals for the development team. Based on the product vision, the product owner creates a clear roadmap while following the desired objectives of the project.
  2. Bridging the gap: The product owner is responsible for bridging the gap between the stakeholders and the development team.
  3. Guides individuals: Product owner interacts with the team members on a daily basis to understand the progress and provides assistance over difficulties or challenges faced.
  4. Communicates with stakeholders: The product owner provides the progress updates to the stakeholders and gathers feedback from them ensuring all the business requirements are fulfilled.
  5. Manage product backlog: The product owner prioritizes the set of tasks which are meant to be done first and creates indexed lists mentioning the priority ordering of the functionalities.
  6. Taking decisions: The product owner is responsible for taking critical decisions in the development cycles. He/she ensures that best choices are made by analysing all the pros and cons of the decision.

13. What are some risks in Scrum? How are they handled?

Here are some of the Risks in Scrum:

  • Budget: Exceeding budgets can occur due to various factors such as scope creep, unexpected expenses, or inaccurate estimations.
  • People (Team): Team members need to possess the appropriate skills and capabilities to deliver high-quality work.
  • Sprint (Duration and Deliverables): Exceeding the duration of a Sprint or failing to deliver the agreed-upon scope can impact project timelines and goals.
  • Product (
  • es, Epics): Having ill-defined user stories and epics can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and quality issues.
  • Knowledge and Capability: Ensuring that the team has the appropriate resources, knowledge, and capabilities is essential for project success.
  • Lack of Stakeholder Engagement: Limited or inconsistent engagement from stakeholders can result in misalignment of expectations and requirements, leading to delays and misunderstandings.

Risks in Scrum are handled through proactive risk management, effective communication, and collaboration within the team and with stakeholders. This involves strategies such as regular monitoring of project expenses, ensuring the team has the necessary skills and capabilities, realistic Sprint planning, refining requirements through collaboration, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. By identifying risks early, implementing mitigation strategies, and maintaining transparency and open communication, Scrum teams can minimize the impact of risks and increase their chances of project success.

14. What is the distinction between MVP and MMP?

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is like a prototype or the simplest thing that could possibly work. The goal is to get something out there quickly to test ideas and learn from real users. while MMP (Minimum Marketable Product) is the more polished, ready-for-prime-time version. It has more features and is closer to what you’d want to sell to customers. The focus here is on delivering value and making money.

15. What are the limitations of Scrum?

here are some common limitations of the scrum framework:

  •  Not Suitable for All Projects: Scrum may not be well-suited for large, complex projects that require extensive coordination across multiple teams or departments.
  • Dependency Management: Scrum does not provide explicit guidance on managing dependencies between teams or external stakeholders, which can pose challenges.
  • Predictability: The iterative and incremental nature of Scrum can make it challenging to predict delivery dates and outcomes accurately, particularly for long-term planning or projects with fixed deadlines.
  • Documentation: Scrum places a strong emphasis on working software over comprehensive documentation, which can be a limitation in environments where regulatory compliance or documentation requirements are strict.

Scrum Master Interview Questions for Experienced

Once you have completed the basic questions on scrum, then explore this section. Here in this scrum master Interview question guide you will find the questions based on Scrum principles and focus on real-world application, advanced problem-solving, and leadership skills.

16.  Differentiate between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog.

Here are the following difference between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog:

Feature Product Backlog Sprint Backlog
Definition A dynamic, prioritized list of all work items A subset of items selected from the Product Backlog
Ownership Managed by the Product Owner Owned by the Development Team
Scope Encompasses all features and enhancements Contains only items planned for the current Sprint
Prioritization Prioritized based on business value and needs Items are selected based on Sprint goals and capacity
Flexibility Evolves over time as new requirements emerge Fixed for the duration of the Sprint
Visibility Visible to all stakeholders Visible to the Development Team and Scrum Master
Size Can be extensive, covering the entire project Typically smaller in scope, focusing on Sprint goals

17. What is timeboxing in Scrum?

Timeboxing in Scrum refers to the practice of allocating a fixed amount of time to specific activities, events, or tasks within the Scrum framework. Timeboxing helps create a sense of urgency, maintain focus, and ensure that activities are completed within predefined time limits. timeboxing is a valuable practice in Scrum for managing time effectively, maintaining focus, and ensuring that activities and events are completed within predefined time limits. It encourages disciplined and efficient work practices while providing a framework for predictable and sustainable delivery.

18. What does DoD mean?

DoD stands for “Definition of Done.” It’s a clear and concise set of criteria or standards that must be met for a Product Backlog item to be considered completed or “done.” The Definition of Done is established collaboratively by the Scrum Team, typically during Sprint Planning or early in the project, and serves as a guideline for the quality and completeness of work.

The Definition of Done may include various criteria, such as:

  • Code being reviewed and merged
  • Automated tests passing
  • Documentation being updated
  • User acceptance testing (UAT) completed
  • Product increment demonstrated and accepted by the Product Owner

19.  What are the three C’s in an User Story?

The three C’s in a User Story are:

  1. Card : The “Card” aspect represents the physical or digital representation of the user story, often written on a physical index card or stored in a digital tool. It’s a concise, written description of the user story that captures the essence of what needs to be done.
  2. Conversation: The “Conversation” aspect emphasizes the importance of ongoing communication and collaboration between the Product Owner and the development team to clarify requirements, discuss details, and ensure a shared understanding of the user story. Instead of relying solely on documentation, the team engages in conversations to elaborate on the user story and address any questions or concerns.
  3. Confirmation (or Criteria): The “Confirmation” aspect outlines the acceptance criteria or conditions of satisfaction that define when the user story is considered complete. These criteria provide clear, objective guidelines for the development team to validate that the user story meets the intended functionality and requirements.

20. What do you understand about Scope Creep? How can Scope Creep be managed?

Scope creep refers to the gradual expansion or addition of features, requirements, or deliverables beyond the original scope of a project. It often occurs as a result of changing priorities, stakeholder requests, or evolving requirements throughout the project lifecycle. Scope creep can lead to project delays, increased costs, and decreased quality if not managed effectively.

Here are some strategies to manage scope creep:

  1. Clear Requirements Definition: Define and document project requirements comprehensively at the outset of the project. Engage stakeholders early to gather input and ensure a shared understanding of project objectives and scope.
  2. Change Control Process: Establish a formal change control process to evaluate and prioritize requested changes. Any proposed changes to the project scope should be carefully assessed for their impact on cost, schedule, and resources before approval.
  3. Regular Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with stakeholders throughout the project to manage expectations and address concerns proactively. Regular status updates, progress reports, and stakeholder meetings can help prevent misunderstandings and mitigate scope creep.
  4. Prioritization: Prioritize project requirements and deliverables based on their importance and value to the project objectives. Focus on delivering the highest-priority features first and defer less critical items to future phases or iterations.

21. What are the three pillars of Scrum?

The three pillars of Scrum are:

  1. Transparency: Transparency refers to the visibility of the project’s progress, processes, and challenges to all stakeholders. In Scrum, transparency is achieved through open communication, shared understanding, and accessible artifacts such as the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. Transparency enables stakeholders to make informed decisions, provide feedback, and collaborate effectively with the Scrum Team.
  2. Inspection: Inspection involves regularly reviewing and evaluating the work and progress of the Scrum Team to identify any deviations, issues, or opportunities for improvement. Scrum events such as Sprint Reviews, Daily Standups, and Sprint Retrospectives provide opportunities for inspection, allowing the team to assess their performance, adapt their plans, and make adjustments as needed. Inspection fosters a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that the product increment meets the desired quality standards.
  3. Adaptation: Adaptation refers to the ability of the Scrum Team to adjust and respond to changes, feedback, and new information throughout the project.

22. In Scrum, what do you mean by user stories? What benefits come from using them?

An informal, general description of a software feature written from the viewpoint of the end user is called a user Story. Its goal is to clarify how a feature of the software could help the user. Agile software development places a strong emphasis on prioritising people, and a user narrative effectively does this by placing end users at the center of the conversation. The development team and their work are described in these anecdotes using simple language. The team knows why they are developing, what they are building, and what value it brings after reading a user story.

Benefits of using user stories in Scrum include:

  1. User-Centric Focus: User stories emphasize the needs and goals of end users, helping teams to prioritize features and functionalities based on their value to users. By focusing on user needs, teams can deliver products that better meet customer expectations and satisfaction.
  2. Easy to Understand: User stories are written in plain language and follow a simple template, making them easy to understand by all stakeholders, including non-technical team members and customers. This clarity promotes collaboration and ensures a shared understanding of project requirements.
  3. Incremental Delivery: User stories support the iterative and incremental development approach of Scrum. By breaking down requirements into small, manageable chunks, teams can deliver value to customers incrementally with each iteration, enabling faster time-to-market and feedback.
  4. Flexibility and Adaptability: User stories allow for flexibility and adaptability in responding to changing requirements and priorities. They can be easily added, modified, or reprioritized based on feedback, new information, or evolving business needs, without disrupting the overall project plan.

23. When should you use Waterfall over Scrum?

Use Waterfall over Scrum when:

  • Requirements are stable and unlikely to change.
  • Budget and timeline are fixed.
  • Regulatory compliance is critical.
  • There’s a single delivery with no need for iterative development.
  • There’s low team autonomy and a hierarchical organizational structure.

24. What does a Scrum Master do during a retrospective meeting?

During a retrospective meeting, a Scrum Master facilitates discussions to help the team reflect on the recent Sprint, identify what went well and what could be improved, and collaboratively decide on action items for the next Sprint. They ensure that the meeting stays focused, encourages open communication, and fosters a constructive and blame-free environment for continuous improvement.

25. What is a Burndown and BurnUp chart?

A Burndown chart shows the amount of work remaining (typically measured in story points or tasks) on the vertical axis against time on the horizontal axis, usually represented in Sprint increments. A BurnUp chart tracks the total amount of work completed (cumulative) over time, illustrating progress towards completing the project scope or release goals.

26. What is the difference between Sprint Retrospective and Sprint Review?

Here are the following Difference Between Sprint Retrospective and Sprint Review:

Aspect Sprint Retrospective Sprint Review
Purpose Reflect on the past Sprint and identify improvements Demonstrate the work completed during the Sprint
Attendees Scrum Team (Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner) Scrum Team (Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner), Stakeholders, Customers
Timing Held at the end of each Sprint Held at the end of each Sprint
Duration Typically 1-2 hours Typically 1-2 hours
Focus Process improvement and team collaboration Product demonstration and feedback from stakeholders
Agenda Discuss what went well, what could be improved, and action items for improvement Demonstrate completed work, review Sprint goals and backlog, gather feedback
Outputs Action items for process improvement Feedback on the product increment, potential adjustments to the Product Backlog
Facilitator Scrum Master Scrum Master or Product Owner (or both)

27. What are the Scrum Methodology steps?

Here are the simplified steps in the Scrum methodology:

  1. Product Backlog: Create a list of all desired features (Product Backlog).
  2. Sprint Planning: Select work for the next iteration (Sprint) and plan how to accomplish it.
  3. Daily Standup: Daily check-in to discuss progress, plans, and obstacles.
  4. Sprint Review: Present completed work to stakeholders and gather feedback.
  5. Sprint Retrospective: Reflect on the Sprint, identify improvements, and plan for the next iteration.
  6. Increment: Complete selected work and deliver a usable product increment.

These steps are repeated in each Sprint to continuously improve the product and adapt to changing needs.

28. What do you mean by Velocity in the context of Scrum? Does having maximum Velocity ensure maximum Productivity?

In Scrum, velocity refers to the measure of the amount of work a Scrum Team can complete in a Sprint, typically expressed in terms of story points or other units of work. It represents the average amount of work completed by the team over several Sprints and is used for planning and forecasting future Sprints.

While velocity can provide valuable insights into a team’s capacity and productivity, having maximum velocity does not necessarily ensure maximum productivity. Here’s why:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Velocity measures the quantity of work completed but does not account for the quality of the work delivered. Focusing solely on maximizing velocity may lead to sacrificing quality or cutting corners to meet arbitrary targets.
  2. Efficiency vs. Effectiveness: Velocity measures how efficiently a team can complete work but does not necessarily reflect the effectiveness of the work in delivering value to customers. Productivity is about achieving the desired outcomes and delivering value, which may require a balance between efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Unforeseen Factors: External factors such as dependencies, interruptions, technical debt, and changes in requirements can impact a team’s velocity. Maximizing velocity without considering these factors may result in unrealistic expectations and increased risk of failure.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Productivity is not static and requires continuous improvement and adaptation. Focusing solely on maximizing velocity may overlook opportunities for process improvements, innovation, and learning that could enhance overall productivity in the long run.

29. Who is responsible for writing User Story?

The Product Owner, in collaboration with stakeholders and the Scrum Team, is primarily responsible for writing User Stories. User Stories are concise descriptions of functionality or features from an end user’s perspective, written in simple language. They capture the requirements and needs of users and serve as the basis for prioritizing and planning the work to be done.

30. What is the purpose of a Scrum Master to be present at the Daily Scrum?

The presence of the Scrum Master at the Daily Scrum serves several important purposes within the Scrum framework. Firstly, the Scrum Master plays a crucial role in facilitating the Daily Scrum meeting. They ensure that the meeting stays focused, time-boxed, and productive, guiding the team through the three key questions: What did we do yesterday? What will we do today? Are there any impediments in our way? By facilitating the meeting, the Scrum Master helps ensure that each team member has an opportunity to speak and that discussions remain relevant to the team’s goals.


The role of a Scrum Master is sophisticated and critical to the success of projects. Throughout the interview process for a Scrum Master position, candidates may encounter a range of questions designed to assess their understanding of Scrum principles. So, to tackle all the questions we have listed here 30 most asked Scrum Master interview questions and answers. Explore the questions and grab your dream job.