Six Seasons Name in India English and Hindi

Seasons Name: Seasons name in India include Spring, Summer, Autumn, Pre-winter, and Winter. All seasons’ names in English and Hindi are provided in the article here. Learning seasons name is important for kids. With a total area of 3.28 million square kilometers, India has a wide range of climatic and meteorological conditions that cover various states and landmarks.

Table of Content

  • Seasons Name
  • Seasons in India
  • 6 Seasons Name in English with Months
  • Six Seasons Name with Picture
  • 6 Seasons Name in English and Hindi

Seasons of India

6 Seasons Name in English with Months

There are 6 distinct types of seasons in India. These Seasons Name are as follows:

Seasons Month Temperature
Spring March-April 20° to 25°
Summer May- June 25° to 45°
Monsoon July- August 30° to 35°
Autumn September- October- mid November 20° to 30°
Pre-Winter November- December Around 27°
Winter Mid December- February 5° to 25°

Seasons Name

India is known for its diversity in various areas of language, food, culture, religion as well as diversities in climate. From chilly mountains of Himalayas to the humid woods of Kerala. As per meteorological department, there are four seasons in India, including summer, winter, monsoon and autumn.

Seasons in India

Variations in local climate, ecology, and number of daylight hours are decisive for seasons in India. Seasons in India are results of both axis tilt of planet and its orbit around the sun. Latitude, altitude and elevation above sea level all decide the seasons in India.

6 Seasons Name in India

India is one of the few countries where we experience numerous weather changes on the basis of differences in temperature, rainfall, and air quality occurring throughout the year. All rivers, tanks, ponds. and tanks are dry during the summer season. If we travel from northeast of Kashmir to Kanyakumari, we will observe diverse conditions of climate in India.

Six Seasons Name with Picture

In India, there are mainly 5 seasons and each season has its distinct climate as well as characteristics and observe certain important festivals in each season. Descriptions are as follows:

Winter Season in India

Winter Season

The Winter season in India alludes to the period between November and February when the northern side of the equator is slanted away from the sun and consequently, sunbeams need to go a more extended distance to arrive at the outer layer of the earth. The colder time of year season is an enchanted time as the weather conditions get cooler and individuals, by and large, partake in the climate around them. As the mercury drops, individuals take out their comfortable garments and get together for little social occasions lighting chimneys and appreciating casual conversation around them.

Characteristics of Winter

The chilly climate season starts in November in northern India and stays till February. December and January are the coldest months in the northern piece of India. 

  • The weather conditions are ordinarily set apart by clear sky, low temperatures, low stickiness, and weak variable breezes. 
  • Days are warm and evenings are cold.

Winter, the coldest time of the year, interferes with pre-winter and spring. It is related to plunging temperatures and frosty climate, however, its effect and timing change as indicated by area. The farther a region lies from the equator, the colder temperatures it encounters.

Spring Season in India

Spring Season

Spring season in India lasts between March and April. This time of the year is pleasant and is neither very hot or cold. Under the clear blue sky, there is pleasant breeze blowing and no more clouds in sky and fields are green and there are leaves and India celebrates some important celeberations in spring like Holi, with colorful decorations.

Summer Season in India

Summer Season

Summer lasts from April to July in northern India, and from March to June in the rest of the nation. As the Sun’s ascending rays reach the Tropic of Cancer, temperatures rise toward the north. The hottest month in the country is April in the western and southern provinces, and May in the great bulk of North India. Temperatures of 50°C (122°F) or higher have been recorded in parts of India this season.

Massive pre-rainstorm gust line tempests, known locally as “Nor’westers,” typically dump massive hailstones in colder parts of North India. The temperature along the seaside hovers about 36°C (9°F), and the proximity of the ocean increases the degree of stickiness. Temperatures on the east coast of southern India are a few degrees warmer than on the west coast.

By May, the overwhelming bulk of the Indian interior experiences means temperatures above 32°C (9°F), with most severe temperatures above 40°C (104°F). Western unsettling influences, with their cooling impact, may appear in any case in the sweltering months of April and May, however, they rapidly diminish in occurrence as summer advances. In particular, a higher occurrence of such disturbing forces in April coincides with a delayed downpour commencing (thus extending summer) in northwest India. Rainstorm starting dates in eastern India have been steadily moving forward in recent years, resulting in increasingly restricted summers there.

Characteristics of Summer Season

Clear sky, agreeable daylight, and exceptionally wonderful and solid weather conditions are a few trademark highlights of this season. Temperatures are exceptionally low in northern parts and they continue expanding towards the south. The Gangetic fields have a 10°C typical temperature while the Peninsula records up to 30°C temperature.

The late spring season in India starts from the long stretch of March and goes on till the period of May. The most noteworthy temperature is kept in the Northern Plains where the most noteworthy temperature might reach up to 35°C to 45°C. Throughout the late spring season, a neighborhood hot breeze called the ‘loo’ blows in the northern pieces of the country.

Monsoon in India

Monsoon Season

A rainstorm is an occasional inversion in wind designs over a district. “Monsoon” comes from the Arabic word mausim, signifying “season.” It is referred to as Varsha Ritu in India. The occasional breeze shift is generally joined by a sensational change in precipitation. The most popular illustration of a rainstorm happens over the Indian subcontinent. A rainstorm is a powerful breeze framework that occasionally switches its heading — like one that blows for roughly a year from the upper east and a half year from the Southwest. Rainstorm twists ordinarily carry wet summers and dry winters to the districts where they blow.

Characteristics of the Monsoon

A rainstorm is an occasional shift in the course of the predominant, or most grounded, winds of a district. Rainstorms cause wet and dry seasons all through a significant part of the jungles. Rainstorms are most frequently connected with the Indian Ocean. Rainstorms generally blow from cold to warm districts.

A rainstorm is an occasional shift in the course of the predominant, or most grounded, winds of a district. Rainstorms cause wet and dry seasons all through a significant part of the jungles. Rainstorms are most frequently connected with the Indian Ocean. Rainstorms generally blow from cold to warm districts. 

Autumn Season in India

Autumn Season

Post-storm is the most charming season, which is only a progress stage among rainstorms and winter. During this time, a portion of the locales in India saw precipitation. This time is alluded to as Autumn likewise in certain pieces of India. The long stretches of October and November cover the post-rainstorm season. This season denotes the combination of a wet and dry season. The temperature gradually begins getting low during this progress. Nonetheless, it is the briefest time of all. Loads of celebrations happen during this season like Durga Puja (Navratri), Diwali, Bhaidooj, Halloween, and so on.

Characteristics of Post Monsoon

During October and November, the southwest rainstorm winds become more vulnerable and begin withdrawing. The retreat of the rainstorm is set apart by clear skies and an expansion in mercury levels in the northern fields. This expansion in temperature alongside an elevated degree of stickiness is named ‘October heat’.

Right now, the low tension circumstances shift to the Bay of Bengal bringing about cyclonic discouragements. These cyclonic discouragements frequently bring about the annihilation of life and property for the most part on the eastern and southern coasts.

The withdrawal of rainstorms prompts a clear cloudless sky, high temperatures, and high stickiness during the long stretch of October. This, this steamy and abusive weather condition is frequently alluded to as ‘ October Heat ‘.

6 Seasons Name in English and Hindi

Here is Seasons Name in English as well as Hindi:

Seasons in Hindi

Translation in English

Season in English

वसंत ऋतु

Vasant Ritu


ग्रीष्म ऋतु

Gresham Ritu


वर्षा ऋतु

Varsha Ritu


शरद ऋतु

Sharad Ritu


हेंमत ऋतु

Hemmat Ritu

Pre Winter

शीत ऋतु

Sheet Ritu


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FAQs on Seasons

What are the 6 seasons of India?

The 6 seasons in India include Vasant Ritu or spring, Grishma Ritu or Summer, Varsha Ritu or Monsoon, Sharad Ritu or Autumn, Hemant Ritu or Pre-Winter and Shishir Ritu or Winter.

What are the 4 seasons of India?

Summer season, monsoon season, autumn season and winter season.

What are the seasons in month wise?

Month wise the seasons are December to February is Winter season, Summer is from March to May; Rainy or monsoon seasons is from June to September and from October to November is Autumn season.

In which season Holi is celebrated?

Holi is celebrated in Spring season.