Security Issues in Cloud Computing

In this, we will discuss the overview of cloud computing, its need, and mainly our focus to cover the security issues in Cloud Computing. Let’s discuss it one by one.

Cloud Computing :
Cloud Computing is a type of technology that provides remote services on the internet to manage, access, and store data rather than storing it on Servers or local drives. This technology is also known as Serverless technology. Here the data can be anything like Image, Audio, video, documents, files, etc.

Need of Cloud Computing :
Before using Cloud Computing, most of the large as well as small IT companies use traditional methods i.e. they store data in Server, and they need a separate Server room for that. In that Server Room, there should be a database server, mail server, firewalls, routers, modems, high net speed devices, etc. For that IT companies have to spend lots of money. In order to reduce all the problems with cost Cloud computing come into existence and most companies shift to this technology.

Security Issues in Cloud Computing : 
There is no doubt that Cloud Computing provides various Advantages but there are also some security issues in cloud computing. Below are some following Security Issues in Cloud Computing as follows.

  1. Data Loss – 
    Data Loss is one of the issues faced in Cloud Computing. This is also known as Data Leakage.  As we know that our sensitive data is in the hands of Somebody else, and we don’t have full control over our database. So, if the security of cloud service is to break by hackers then it may be possible that hackers will get access to our sensitive data or personal files.
  2. Interference of Hackers and Insecure API’s – 
    As we know, if we are talking about the cloud and its services it means we are talking about the Internet.  Also, we know that the easiest way to communicate with Cloud is using API. So it is important to protect the Interface’s and API’s which are used by an external user. But also in cloud computing, few services are available in the public domain which are the vulnerable part of Cloud Computing because it may be possible that these services are accessed by some third parties. So, it may be possible that with the help of these services hackers can easily hack or harm our data.
  3. User Account Hijacking – 
    Account Hijacking is the most serious security issue in Cloud Computing. If somehow the Account of User or an Organization is hijacked by a hacker then the hacker has full authority to perform Unauthorized Activities
  4. Changing Service Provider –
    Vendor lock-In is also an important Security issue in Cloud Computing. Many organizations will face different problems while shifting from one vendor to another. For example, An Organization wants to shift from AWS Cloud to Google Cloud Services then they face various problems like shifting of all data, also both cloud services have different techniques and functions, so they also face problems regarding that. Also, it may be possible that the charges of AWS are different from Google Cloud, etc.
  5. Lack of Skill – 
    While working, shifting to another service provider, need an extra feature, how to use a feature, etc. are the main problems caused in IT Companies who doesn’t have skilled Employees. So it requires a skilled person to work with Cloud Computing.
  6. Denial of Service (DoS) attack –  
    This type of attack occurs when the system receives too much traffic. Mostly DoS attacks occur in large organizations such as the banking sector, government sector, etc. When a DoS attack occurs, data is lost.  So, in order to recover data, it requires a great amount of money as well as time to handle it.
  7. Shared Resources: Cloud computing relies on a shared infrastructure. If one customer’s data or applications are compromised, it may potentially affect other customers sharing the same resources, leading to a breach of confidentiality or integrity.
  8. Compliance and Legal Issues: Different industries and regions have specific regulatory requirements for data handling and storage. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can be challenging when data is stored in a cloud environment that may span multiple jurisdictions.
  9. Data Encryption: While data in transit is often encrypted, data at rest can be susceptible to breaches. It’s crucial to ensure that data stored in the cloud is properly encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
  10. Insider Threats: Employees or service providers with access to cloud systems may misuse their privileges, intentionally or unintentionally causing data breaches. Proper access controls and monitoring are essential to mitigate these threats.
  11. Data Location and Sovereignty: Knowing where your data physically resides is important for compliance and security. Some cloud providers store data in multiple locations globally, and this may raise concerns about data sovereignty and who has access to it.
  12. Loss of Control: When using a cloud service, you are entrusting a third party with your data and applications. This loss of direct control can lead to concerns about data ownership, access, and availability.
  13. Incident Response and Forensics: Investigating security incidents in a cloud environment can be complex. Understanding what happened and who is responsible can be challenging due to the distributed and shared nature of cloud services.
  14. Data Backup and Recovery: Relying on cloud providers for data backup and recovery can be risky. It’s essential to have a robust backup and recovery strategy in place to ensure data availability in case of outages or data loss.
  15. Vendor Security Practices: The security practices of cloud service providers can vary. It’s essential to thoroughly assess the security measures and certifications of a chosen provider to ensure they meet your organization’s requirements.
  16. IoT Devices and Edge Computing: The proliferation of IoT devices and edge computing can increase the attack surface. These devices often have limited security controls and can be targeted to gain access to cloud resources.
  17. Social Engineering and Phishing: Attackers may use social engineering tactics to trick users or cloud service providers into revealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access.
  18. Inadequate Security Monitoring: Without proper monitoring and alerting systems in place, it’s challenging to detect and respond to security incidents in a timely manner.