Security Vulnerabilities in VPN

Before learning about a security vulnerability that affects VPNs we need to know what is security vulnerabilities. So basically, Vulnerabilities are the bugs, flaws or we can say weak points that a computer system has and a single vulnerability can affect and weaken the overall system, A  vulnerability can be in hardware or software so both are inter-dependent on each other flaws in hardware can ruin the software also.


Security Vulnerability:

It can be defined as a weakness or flaw in the security system of any computing device, weakness in anything like implementation, procedure, design, and controls that can be intentionally exploited and may result in a security threat that anyone who knows the flaws can take advantage and steals, misuse the internal data or it may lead to violation of the system’s security policy.

Security Vulnerabilities Types:

There are many types of Security vulnerabilities but we’ll discuss four types.

  • Operating System vulnerabilities
  • Process vulnerabilities
  • Network vulnerabilities
  • Human vulnerabilities 

Ways to Overcome Vulnerability:

  • Regular Scanning and Update the Patches.
  • Building blocks.
  • insurance and social protection.
  • Establish an Enterprise-Wide Security Policy
  • Extensive Penetration Tests.

What Security Vulnerabilities Affect VPN:

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network basically it is software that protects system information by masking the IP address and encrypting the internet traffic to protect private network identity. It establishes an end-to-end encrypted connection between a computer and the internet. It uses a virtual tunnel to send private internet data just to assure no one can track online activity.

Working of VPN:

When a computer system connects to VPN services then the client authenticates with the VPN server and applies an encrypted protocol to all over the internet data basically it masks the IP address of the system to which the VPN service is authenticated and reroute traffic. Tunnel blocks the ISP, hackers, and those who try to spy on the system.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) can be easily vulnerable to attacks and threats If its security implementation is not done properly.

The most common reason why VPNs are not secure is they expose the entire network identity to threats and once the identity is open to any hacker or someone it may lead to security risks the entire network can be brought downtime free VPN services sometimes manipulate with user security because it contains malware that can be used by hackers to steal users data or information.

  • There are certain limitations of VPN to what it can protect a system like a VPN is not able to protect from computer viruses, malware, and phishing attacks. Free VPN services may lead to privacy problems and they manipulate the security of users’ credentials or login data.
  • VPNs can be accessible through unmanaged devices.
  • VPN may be vulnerable if its security implementation process is not done properly or not properly protected.
  • VPN can be hijacked this happened when a cybercriminals take control of the program code and then tries to inject virus or malicious code into the application

Please refer to the article Virtual Private Network (VPN) for more details.