Selection Process for Amazon ACMS 2019-2020

Amazon Campus Mentorship Series is an initiative by AMAZON to help women get is a diversity initiate to help women in tech to integrate into business through a series of workshops, training’s and business communication. 

Amazon visited my campus in December 2018 offering this mentorship program to all female students in their sixth and eight semester. The selection process included a vigorous online test conducted on HackerEarth to test an applicants’ basic understanding of fundamental computer science basics and his/her ability to code in C++/Java. 

Initially there was a seminar by Amazon where they explained their history and what to expect from ACMS after which 1.5 hours selection test took place. The basic concepts covered in the test were:- 

Computer Networks: The OSI model, different types of delays (propagation delay and transmission delay) 

Computer Architecture: 8085 processor’s architecture and timing diagrams 

Pointers in C++: concepts of pointer to a pointer, function pass by values versus pass by reference. 

Linked List: deletion operation and addition operation performed on a link list 

Data structures: searching in binary search tree 

Time complexity: different ways to compute time complexity, average and worst time complexity of different types of searching and sorting algorithms (in my case they asked for the difference of average and worst time complexity of quick sort) 

Object oriented Programming: concepts of inheritance, virtual classes and functions, polymorphism in functions, difference between oops and procedure oriented programming 

Logical thinking: basic mathematic problems to test the logical ability of a candidate 

All the questions were multiple choice questions. 1 point was awarded for correct answers and no points for wrong answers. 

Also there were two programming questions. Programming language could be C, C++ or JAVA. The questions were:- 
Question 1: Given two arrays: ARR1 with n elements, ARR2 with m elements and three number D, A and B. 
the task is to count the total no of ways such that any element in ARR1 can be converted into any element in ARR2 by performing the following operations: you have to subtract D from the element from ARR1 and after that you can subtract or add numbers A and B any number of times. This question was worth 20 points. 

Question 2: The question and the solution of this problem can be found at This question was worth 30 points. 

The selection criteria was that top 10% percentile of the students would be selected. Over 180 students participated in this drive. 
Verdict: I got selected along with 10 other female students from my college.