Semantic-UI Progress Variations

Semantic UI is a modern framework used in developing seamless designs for the website. It gives the user a lightweight experience with its components. It uses predefined CSS and jQuery to incorporate different frameworks.

A Semantic UI Progress allows a user to show the progression of a task. Semantic UI Progress offers us 2 Types, 3 Content, 5 States, and 5 variations.

In this article, we will learn about the Semantic UI Progress variations.

Semantic UI Progress Variations:

  • Inverted: It is used to set the progress bar with colors inverted.
  • Attached: It is used for creating a progress bar that can show the progress of an element in the top or bottom attachment.
  • Size: It is used to create different sizes of progress bars.
  • Color: It is used to create different color progress components.
  • Inverted Color: This is used to invert for improved contrast on dark backgrounds


<div class="ui Progress-Variation progress">
    <div class="bar"></div>

Example 1: Below examples illustrates the Semantic-UI Progress size and color variations.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Scripts and CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
"" />
    <script src=
    <script src=
    <div class="ui container">
            <h1 class="ui green header">
            <strong>Semantic-UI Progress Variations</strong>
        <!-- Tiny Sized Color Progress Bar -->
        <div class="ui progress tiny red"
            <div class="bar">
                <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">
            Progress Bar - Red Tiny Size
        <!-- Small Sized color Progress Bar -->
        <div class="ui progress small orange"
            <div class="bar">
                <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">
            Progress - Orange Small Size
        <!-- Default Sized Color Progress Bar -->
        <div class="ui progress yellow"
            <div class="bar">
                <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">
            Progress - Yellow Default Size
        <!-- Large Sized Color Progress Bar -->
        <div class="ui progress large blue"
            <div class="bar">
                <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">
            Progress - Blue Large Size
        <!-- Big Sized Color Progress Bar -->
        <div class="ui progress big pink"
            <div class="bar">
                <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">
            Progress - Pink Big Size


Semantic-UI Progress Variations

Example 2: The following code demonstrates inverted and attached progress variation.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Scripts and CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
"" />
    <script src=
    <script src=
    <div class="ui container">
                <h1 class="ui green header">w3wiki</h1>
                <strong>Semantic-UI Progress Variations</strong>
        <strong>Inverted Progress:</strong>
        <div class="ui inverted segment">
          <div class="ui inverted progress" data-value="20"
            <div class="bar" >
              <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">Uploading Files</div>
          <div class="ui inverted progress success" data-value="40"
            <div class="bar">
              <div class="progress"></div>
            <div class="label">File Sending</div>
       <strong>Attached Progress:</strong>
       <div class="ui segment">
         <div class="ui top attached progress" data-value="20"
           <div class="bar"></div>
         <div class="ui bottom attached green progress" data-value="30"
           <div class="bar"></div>
       <strong>Inverted Color Progress:</strong>
       <div class="ui inverted segment">
         <div class="ui blue inverted progress" data-value="10"
           <div class="bar">
             <div class="progress"></div>
             <div class="label"></div>
         <div class="ui green inverted progress" data-value="10"
           <div class="bar">
             <div class="progress"></div>
             <div class="label"></div>


Semantic-UI Progress Variations
