Semantic-UI Search Disabled Variation

Semantic UI is an open-source framework that uses CSS and jQuery to build great user interfaces. It is the same as a bootstrap for use and has great different elements to use to make your website look more amazing.

A Semantic UI Search module is used for searching something from a selection of data. The data can be supplied through an API call or through a local variable within JavaScript.

Semantic UI Search Disabled Variation Class:

  • disabled: This class is used on the search module to disable it.


<div class="ui search disabled">

Example 1: The example below shows how to disable a search module in Semantic UI using the disabled class.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Semantic UI</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
"" />
            text-align: center;
            margin-top: 0px;
            margin-top: 30px !important;
    <div class="ui container">
            <h1 style="color:green;">w3wiki</h1>
            <h3>Semantic UI - Search Disabled Variation</h3>
        <p><b>Normal Search:</b></p>
        <div class="ui search">
            <div class="ui icon input">
                <input class="prompt" 
                       placeholder="Search Something">
                <i class="search icon"></i>
            <div class="results"></div>
        <p><b>Disabled Search:</b></p>
        <div class="ui search disabled">
            <div class="ui icon input">
                <input class="prompt"
                       placeholder="Search Something">
                <i class="search icon"></i>
            <div class="results"></div>


Semantic UI disabled search variation

Example 2: This example shows how to disable the search module using JavaScript.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Semantic UI - Search Disabled Variation</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" 
"" />
    <script src=
    <script src=
            text-align: center;
            margin-top: 0px;
            margin-top: 30px !important;
            margin-top: 25px !important;
    <div class="ui container">
            <h1 style="color:green;">w3wiki</h1>
            <h3>Semantic UI - Search Disabled Variation</h3>
        <div id="search1" class="ui search">
            <div class="ui icon input">
                <input class="prompt" 
                       placeholder="Search Something">
                <i class="search icon"></i>
            <div class="results"></div>
        <button class="ui inverted red button" 
            Disable Search
        function disable(){

