Semantic-UI Statistics Content

Semantic UI is an open-source framework that uses CSS and jQuery to build great user interfaces. It is the same as a bootstrap for use and has great different elements to use to make your website look more amazing.

Semantic UI has a bunch of components for users to design web pages. One of them is “Statistics”. There are different ways of content representation in a statistic. 

Let us design a UI showing the contents of different statistics. After creating this design you can work with different components of Semantic UI.

Semantic UI Statistics Content-Class:

  • value:  Value can be represented through an icon, text, numeric, or image.
  • label:  Statistics contain a label that provides a reference for the value.


<div class="ui statistic">  
     <div class="value">
     <div class="label">

Example 1: This example demonstrates the different value representations using the statistic class.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href=
            rel="stylesheet" />
   <body >
      <div class="ui container">
         <h2 style="color:green">w3wiki</h2>
<p>Semantic UI statistics value. </p>
         <div class="ui statistics">
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="value">
               <div class="label">
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="text value">
               <div class="label">
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="value">
                  <i class="arrow right icon"></i>
               <div class="label">
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="value">
                  <img src=
                       class="ui circular inline image">
               <div class="label">


Semantic-UI Statistics Content

Example 2: This example demonstrates the label representation using the statistic class.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href=
         rel="stylesheet" />
   <body >
      <div class="ui container">
         <h2 style="color:green">w3wiki</h2>
<p>Semantic UI statistics with/without label. </p>
         <div class="ui statistics" >
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="value">
               <div class="label">
            <div class="statistic">
               <div class="value">


Semantic-UI Statistics Content
