Semrush Keyword Magic Tool | Introduction, Features & How to Use?

Semrush is amongst the best SEO tools that are available in the market. Many professional bloggers and top industry leaders widely use Semrush. Semrush offers a magical tool named “Semrush Keyword Magic Tool” that makes keyword research a lot easier. Keyword research is one of the most prominent pillars of SEO, which helps improve business by leveraging organic traffic by targeting the right keywords. In this article, we will learn about the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool, its features, filters, and how to use it.

Table of Content

  • What is the Semrush Keyword Magic tool?
  • Features of the Semrush Keyword Magic tool.
  • How to use Semrush Keyword Magic Tool?

What is the Semrush Keyword Magic tool?

The Keyword Magic tool is a powerful keyword research tool on Semrush. If allows you to gain access to the publicly available 25.3 billion keywords and offers an adaptive interface for research. All you need to enter you required word that you want to research into the search bar, this tool shows you a dynamic table with related terms that are split into subtropics.

Features of the Semrush Keyword Magic tool.

Some of the key features of the Semrush Keyword magic tools are as follows:

  • Extensive keyword database: This tool have access to a large public database of more than 50 billion words, covering a variety of industries and niches. This helps the user to find the most relevant keyword for the target audience.
  • Automated keyword grouping: This tool automatically club related keywords into topic specific category, making it easy to identify most relevant keyword by organising it.
  • Intent analysis: The Keyword Magic Tool lets you determine which keywords are transactional, navigational, or informative, which can help you better understand the intent behind search queries. This helps in focusing on keywords that have a higher chance of producing leads or sales.
  • Search volume calculations: This tool can help to discover how frequently people search for certain phrases by using the tool, which gives you precise estimates of search volume for each keyword. Setting priorities for your keyword research requires this information.
  • Keyword difficulty estimations: For every keyword, the Keyword Magic Tool offers difficulty estimates that show how competitive it is to rank for that particular phrase. By focusing on phrases that you have a strong probability of ranking for, you can use this information to help you prioritise your keyword research efforts.
  • SERP Features Opportunities: With the use of this tool, you can determine which terms result in SERP features like Knowledge Panels and Featured Snippets. You may use this information to optimise your content so that it shows up in these worthwhile search results.
  • Advanced filtering and sorting: You can filter and arrange your keyword lists using the Keyword Magic Tool based on a number of factors, such as search volume, keyword difficulty, purpose, and SERP attributes. This facilitates the process of identifying the best keywords for your requirements.
  • Save, manage, and export keyword lists: You may export your keyword lists to CSV and XLS files, as well as other Semrush tools, and save them for later use with this tool.

How to use Semrush Keyword Magic Tool?

A Step-by-step guide is given below on how to use semrush keyword magic tool:

Step 1 (Logging into the account)

If you don’t have Semrush account, create one first. Semrush offers free and paid plans and is available for all users.

After Logging in, From left bar, select Keyword Magic Tool under Keyword Research section

Step 2 (Initiating Keyword Research)

Pick a seed keyword

You will see a box, where you have to input keyword and select the google database, Google US is selected by default. Click “Search” button.

Report for the ‘best cars’ keyword in Keyword Magic Tool.

Step 3 (Adjust Match Modifiers)

Default setting will return all the keywords, but by adjusting match modifiers you can get desired results.

Broad match: The default configuration yields, in any order, all linked keywords in all of their forms.

Phrase Match: Give you any relevant term you want, in any order or with any verb variants.

Exact Match: Gives you back all of the keywords in the exact order and form you want.

Related Keywords: Gives back every keyword that search engines think is connected to your seed phrase. These are sometimes referred to as keywords that are semantically linked (LSI).

Step 4 (Using Filters to narrow keyword selection)

For generating new ideas for blog or article writing, Semrush has an option of Questions, that will list out all the questions based on the keyword given. You can also add those question as a FAQs in your article to get ranked faster.

Step 5 (Find less competitive keywords)

Click on KD% button, this will club keywords on the basis of the their difficulty. It is grouped in 6 groups that are : Very Hard, Hard, Difficult, Possible, Easy, Very Easy.

Step 6 (Exclude unnecessary keywords)

While performing a keyword research we need to remove any keyword that might trigger some e-commerce website. In order to exclude a specific keyword all you need to use ‘Exclude’ search modifier and enter that desired keyword. Use brackets to remove exact words.

Step 7 (Check keyword insights)

Select the down arrow symbol located to the right of the keyword. Also, a pop-out window will appear directly in your Keyword Magic Tool dashboard.

  1. Click the arrow button of the keyword
  2. Carefully analyse search volume distribution as well as global volume
  3. Look for major keyword details like Keyword Difficulty, CPC (Cost per Click), trend over time, and SERP features.
  4. Questions asked related to the keyword or topic
  5. Find the list of top 10 search results in Google and respective details of it.


Empower your SEO strategy with the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool. Uncover a vast array of relevant keywords, analyze their search volume and difficulty, and optimize your content for targeted traffic. This comprehensive tool is your key to unlocking the hidden potential of the search landscape.