Sense Organ Worksheet

Hello, young learners! Today, we are going to embark on an exciting journey to discover our amazing sense organs. Our bodies are equipped with special parts called “sense organs” that help us understand and experience the world around us. These sense organs are like our body’s own superpower tools!

English Worksheet

In this worksheet, we will learn about the five main sense organs: eyes (for seeing), ears (for hearing), nose (for smelling), tongue (for tasting), and skin (for touching). We’ll also discover how each sense organ helps us in our daily lives.

Human Senses

5 Senses

Choose the Correct Sense Organ and Fill in the Blanks-

1. We have ✏️​​ ___________ sense organs.

2. I use my ✏️___________​​ to smell.

3. I use my ✏️____________ to taste.

4. ✏️————— are used to hear sounds.

5. I use my ✏️ ____________ ​​ to see.

6. ✏️ —————— can be used to touch things.