Sentence Rearrangement Practice Exercise

IBPS and SBI hold IBPS PO and SBI PO exams to allow candidates to apply for the prestigious position of probationary officer. IBPS PO & SBI PO 2022 Notification will be released soon. And, you must devote a significant amount of time to the English language while you prepare for both positions.

In this article, we have provided you with “Practice Questions for Sentence Rearrangement as Asked in Bank IBPS PO / SBI PO Exams” to help you score better in the upcoming IBPS PO & SBI PO Exam 2022

Para jumbles are basically Jumbled paragraphs if we translate them literally. Candidates are given a group of connected sentences that are not placed in any particular order in the para jumbles questions. Candidates must read each statement and arrange them in the correct order. Although completing para jumble questions may appear to be simple at first glance, it is not quite a cakewalk.

1. Given below are five statements A, B, C, D, and E, which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, and then answer the questions that follow.

a) As we try to get closer to those we connect online we get distant from the loved ones who are sitting in front of us

b) Because the ‘number of followers that we have on social media is unlike the few people who would truly support one in real life.

c) Our connections with other people’s hearts while connecting to a high-speed internet connection are growing weak.

d) It is funny how a touch screen has made us lose touch with those who actually are here and care about us.

e) Hopefully, we realize and accept reality and treat virtually as “virtual”.

Which of the following can be the LAST statement after rearrangement?

A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. E 
Answer: E


The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE

The introductory statement for the paragraph shall be C which talks about the topic of the passage i.e. “the loss of personal connection in a world of high-speed internet”.
Sentence B should follow sentence C as it directly refers to the reason or adds information to what is said in the introductory sentence. B is the second statement
The third statement should be sentence A as it further adds information to the difference between online followers and real people
Sentence D completes the meaning of what is said in sentence A. So D should be the fourth statement after A.
E is about ending the given passage on a positive and hopeful note so undoubtedly it will be the last sentence in the order.

2. Which of the following will become the FOURTH statement in the rearranged series?

A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. E 
Answer: D


The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE

The introductory statement for the paragraph shall be C which talks about the topic of the passage i.e. “the loss of personal connection in a world of high-speed internet”.
Sentence B should follow sentence C as it directly refers to the reason or adds information to what is said in the introductory sentence. B is the second statement
The third statement should be sentence A as it further adds information to the difference between online followers and real people
Sentence D completes the meaning of what is said in sentence A. So D should be the fourth statement after A.
E is about ending the given passage on a positive and hopeful note so undoubtedly it will be the last sentence in the order.

3. Which of the following will become the THIRD statement in the rearranged series?

A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. E 
Answer: A

The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE.

The introductory statement for the paragraph shall be C which talks about the topic of the passage i.e. “the loss of personal connection in a world of high-speed internet”.
Sentence B should follow sentence C as it directly refers to the reason or adds information to what is said in the introductory sentence. B is the second statement
The third statement should be sentence A as it further adds information to the difference between online followers and real people
Sentence D completes the meaning of what is said in sentence A. So D should be the fourth statement after A.
E is about ending the given passage on a positive and hopeful note so undoubtedly it will be the last sentence in the order.

4. Which of the following will become the SECOND statement in the rearranged series?

A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. E 
Answer: B


The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE

The introductory statement for the paragraph shall be C which talks about the topic of the passage i.e. “the loss of personal connection in a world of high-speed internet”.
Sentence B should follow sentence C as it directly refers to the reason or adds information to what is said in the introductory sentence. B is the second statement
The third statement should be sentence A as it further adds information to the difference between online followers and real people
Sentence D completes the meaning of what is said in sentence A. So D should be the fourth statement after A.
E is about ending the given passage on a positive and hopeful note so undoubtedly it will be the last sentence in the order.

5. Which of the following will become the FIRST statement in the rearranged series?

A. A 
B. B 
C. C 
D. D 
E. E 
Answer: C


The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE

The introductory statement for the paragraph shall be C which talks about the topic of the passage i.e. “the loss of personal connection in a world of high-speed internet”.
Sentence B should follow sentence C as it directly refers to the reason or adds information to what is said in the introductory sentence. B is the second statement
The third statement should be sentence A as it further adds information to the difference between online followers and real people
Sentence D completes the meaning of what is said in sentence A. So D should be the fourth statement after A.
E is about ending the given passage on a positive and hopeful note so undoubtedly it will be the last sentence in the order.

6. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.

A) approach consisting of eight focus areas

B) adopted a mission-based

C) for Climate Change encouraged all

D) states to build their own plans and

E) the National Action Plan

What is the correct sequence of the given fragments?

E. No rearrangement required
Answer: D


The correct order of rearrangement is ECDBA.

The subject of the sentence is in fragment E, i.e. is ‘the national action plan’. 
E and C form a mandatory pair, as the purpose of this plan is mentioned in fragment C- ‘for climate change’ that encouraged. 
Whom it encouraged is mentioned in D. So it comes in the 3rd place.
D ends in ‘and’ requiring another entity to match with ‘plans’ which is mentioned in B.
Also BA is a mandatory pair that makes A the last in the sequence.

7.  In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) of the market economy network,

B) is very much a part

C) the medical profession in the country

D) its gaping income disparities

E) and its private-profit motivations

Answer: B


The correct order of rearrangement is CBADE.

Segment C is the subject of the sentence i.e. “the medical profession”.
B has the verb for “the medical profession” So it follows C.
BA is a mandatory pair that conveys the place where the subject belongs. A thus comes after B.
The pronoun its refer to the ‘market economy network’. So, D is the fourth fragment.
E starts with the conjunction and it should come after segment D to show it is an addition.

8. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) in the Kalahandi region

B) disaster like drought is

C) ecological degradation leading to

D) becoming more frequent leading to the ultimate collapse

E) of the traditional livelihood sources

Answer: A


The correct order of rearrangement is ACBDE.

Segment A is the first fragment, as it is the independent fragment.
There is a cause-effect relation in operation (leading to). If ‘ecological degradation’ is a cause then it is logical that ‘drought’ is the effect. So, CB is the mandatory pair.
Drought becomes more frequent, then it will lead to the collapse of traditional livelihood. So, we can say that DE is the logical sequence.

9. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) social security stresses

B) while targeted, unconditional cash transfers

C) India’s approach to

D) are little used, and have been hardly evaluated

E) the provision of subsidised food and public works

Answer: C


The correct order of rearrangement is CAEBD.

Segment C is the subject of the sentence. So it comes at the first position.
What India’s approach is concerned with is explained by segment A. 
This approach thus ‘stresses’ on something. This is best explained by segment E which talks about provision for subsidised food and public works. 
Segment B which starts with the conjunction while should thus come in the fourth position indicating the contrast between ‘subsidised food and public works’ and ‘targeted, unconditional cash transfers’. 
Thus, segment D comes in the fifth position.

10. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) on a surety bond of Rs 25,000 on Friday

B) Kashmir University lecturer Noor Muhammad Bhat,

C) who was arrested on charges of sedition

D) on December 9,

E) was granted bail by the Jammu and Kashmir High Court

Answer: A


The correct order of rearrangement is BCDEA.

B comes first having the subject of the sentence i.e. Kashmir University lecturer Noor Muhammad Bhat.
Next is C talking about what happened to him.
D comes next as it has the date of the arrest i.e. December 9.
E will follow D as it refers to the current situation.
A comes at the end of the sentence referring to the amount of money.

11. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) incompetence at the center

B) where it is in power

C) the popular political party

D) and in the states

E) is beset with allegations of corruption,

Answer: B

The correct order of rearrangement is CEADB.

Segment C defines the subject of the sentence being a certain political party. It comes first.
C should be followed by segment E which states what the party is facing. 
Since it is facing a negative situation, segment E should be followed by segment A which states another problem. 
Since segment D starts with the conjunction and it should come in the fourth position followed by the remaining segment B.

Directions (12-13): Given below are six statements A, B, C, D, E and F which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions that follow.

A) The subspecies, known as the Pyrenean ibex, then moved into the mountains of northern Iberia and southern France around 18,000 years ago.
B) Less than a century later, the last of their descendants died – and then she was cloned, and then the clone died.
C) Several species of ibex – wild mountain goats – lived across Europe, Asia, and Africa and coexisted with humans for a long time.
D) For thousands of years, they thrived and grazed the rocky, scrub-dotted mountain pastures in abundance.
E) By 1910 only 40 bucardos remained, sheltered in a national park in northern Spain.
F) But their numbers dropped sharply in the 1800s.  

12. Which of the following will be the fourth statement after rearrangement?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. F
E. E
Answer: D


The correct sequence is CADFEB

The passage talks about an extinct species – Ibex. C would be the first sentence, that tells about the subject of the passage. 
Then would come A which highlights how the Ibex migrated to France. So, A is the second statement
Then D would follow as it further highlights how was their life in France where they thrived. Thus D is the third statement.
Later, their numbers started dipping which is mentioned in F. So, F becomes the Fourth Statement.
F and E will form a mandatory pair as the years are mentioned. So E will follow F as the fifth statement.
The last statement would be B showing finally how the last descendant died, which was cloned at one point in time but she also died.

13. Which of the following will be the first statement after rearrangement?

A. A
B. C
C. B
D. F
E. E
Answer: B


The correct sequence is CADFEB

The passage talks about an extinct species – Ibex. C would be the first sentence, that tells about the subject of the passage. 
Then would come A which highlights how the Ibex migrated to France. So, A is the second statement
Then D would follow as it further highlights how was their life in France where they thrived. Thus D is the third statement.
Later, their numbers started dipping which is mentioned in F. So, F becomes the Fourth Statement.
F and E will form a mandatory pair as the years are mentioned. So E will follow F as the fifth statement.
The last statement would be B showing finally how the last descendant died, which was cloned at one point in time but she also died.

14. Which of the following will be the third statement after rearrangement?

A. A
B. D
C. B
D. F
E. E
Answer: B


The correct sequence is CADFEB

The passage talks about an extinct species – Ibex. C would be the first sentence, that tells about the subject of the passage. 
Then would come A which highlights how the Ibex migrated to France. So, A is the second statement
Then D would follow as it further highlights how was their life in France where they thrived. Thus D is the third statement.
Later, their numbers started dipping which is mentioned in F. So, F becomes the Fourth Statement.
F and E will form a mandatory pair as the years are mentioned. So E will follow F as the fifth statement.
The last statement would be B showing finally how the last descendant died, which was cloned at one point in time but she also died.

15. Which of the following will be the sixth statement after rearrangement?

A. A 
B. D 
C. B 
D. F 
E. E 
Answer: C


The correct sequence is CADFEB

The passage talks about an extinct species – Ibex. C would be the first sentence, that tells about the subject of the passage. 
Then would come A which highlights how the Ibex migrated to France. So, A is the second statement
Then D would follow as it further highlights how was their life in France where they thrived. Thus D is the third statement.
Later, their numbers started dipping which is mentioned in F. So, F becomes the Fourth Statement.
F and E will form a mandatory pair as the years are mentioned. So E will follow F as the fifth statement.
The last (sixth) statement would be B showing finally how the last descendant died, which was cloned at one point in time but she also died.

16. Which of the following will be the second statement after rearrangement?

A. A 
B. D 
C. B 
D. F 
E. E 
Answer: A

The correct sequence is CADFEB

The passage talks about an extinct species – Ibex. C would be the first sentence, that tells about the subject of the passage. 
Then would come A which highlights how the Ibex migrated to France. So, A is the second statement
Then D would follow as it further highlights how was their life in France where they thrived. Thus D is the third statement.
Later, their numbers started dipping which is mentioned in F. So, F becomes the Fourth Statement.
F and E will form a mandatory pair as the years are mentioned. So E will follow F as the fifth statement.
The last statement would be B showing finally how the last descendant died, which was cloned at one point in time but she also died.

17. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.

A) recently covered substantial tracts of its surface.

B) became even more interesting with

C) largest dwarf planet, just

D) Pluto, the Solar System’s

E) a report that icy lava flows have

What is the correct sequence of the given sentences?

E. No rearrangement required 
Answer: C


The correct sequence is DCBEA.

Segment D is the subject of the sentence. So it comes at the first position.
C will come next as it answers the question “solar system’s what?”. 
B will follow C having the verb that the adverb “just” modifies.
Next will come E as it has details of what the planet attracted interest with.
And finally, A comes in the fifth position.

18. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.

A) growing population

B) ever-expanding workforce

C) to its

D) which contributes

E) India has a vast

Answer: D


The correct sequence is EADCB.

E should be the first as it introduces the sentence’s subject, i.e. India. 
A comes next with a noun that can be modified with the adjective ‘vast’ at the end of E.
D then tells what the vast population does.
‘Contributes’ should be followed by the preposition ‘to’, which is present in C. 
Finally, B talks about the workforce to which the population of India contributes.

19. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) process of using

B) to alter the genetic

C) makeup of an organism

D) genetic engineering is the

E) recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology


Answer: B


The correct sequence is DAEBC.

D is the first segment as it introduces the sentence’s subject, i.e. genetic engineering. 
Next will come A telling what genetic engineering is i.e., a process. 
E further tells what is used in the process of genetic engineering. 
B mentions why genetic engineering is used. 
Finally, C concludes the sentence.

20. In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.  

A) spacecraft operation

B) of autonomous

C) evaluate the advantages

D) engineers to

E) they will allow


Answer: A

The correct sequence is EDCBA.

E comes first as it introduces the subject of the sentence. 
D should follow E since it mentions the object who will be allowed i.e., the engineers. 
C should follow next as it contains an infinitive to be used after ‘to’ in D. 
BA is a mandatory pair giving us further mention of the noun whose advantages are talked about.