SEO Keyword Strategy to Improve Your Search Ranking

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) is still an important part of the online presence structure for enterprises in the dynamic world of digital marketing. A precisely considered keyword plan is one of the basic structural blocks of an effective SEO move. The foundation of your website’s search ranking is made up of keywords.

Image #1: Understanding the perfect Keyword Strategy for your Search Ranking!

The Function of Keywords in SEO

It’s critical to comprehend the function that keywords serve in SEO before diving into the mechanics of keyword planning. To choose which websites should be displayed at the top of search results, search engines like Google utilize sophisticated algorithms. Keywords are among the most significant variables that these algorithms consider.

Users submit keywords—words and phrases known as search terms—into search engines while looking for information, products, or services. The relevancy of the material on websites to such keywords is subsequently evaluated by search engines. Your chances of appearing higher in search results rise if your website has relevant, excellent content that corresponds to the terms customers are looking for.

The main uses of keywords in SEO

  1. Relevance: The keywords you’re targeting should be relevant to the material you’re writing. In response to a user’s search for “best hiking boots,” your material needs to focus on hiking boots rather than adjacent subjects.
  2. Volume: The frequency with which a specific term or phrase is typed into search engines is referred to as the keyword volume. To guarantee that your material is seen by a big audience, you must focus on keywords with respectable search traffic.
  3. Competition: Many websites are attempting to rank for some keywords since they are quite competitive. Others have less competition, which makes it simpler to go up the rankings. The trick is striking the correct mix between competitiveness and relevancy.
  4. Long-tail keywords: Users look for longer, more detailed phrases known as long-tail keywords. They frequently face less competition and can be specifically tailored to your demographic or specialty.

SEO keyword plan to Improve your Search Engine Rating

  1. Keyword study: Thorough keyword research is the cornerstone of every effective SEO keyword plan. Finding the terms and phrases your target market is likely to use to get information about your goods or services is the first step in this process. Here’s an efficient method for conducting keyword research:
  2. Brainstorm: To start, make a list of probable terms and phrases associated with your company or sector. Consider what your clients would look for by placing yourself in their shoes.
  3. Utilise Keyword Research Tools: Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are a few examples of tools that may be used for keyword research. These tools offer insightful data on keyword competitiveness, search traffic, and similar terms.
  4. Local keywords: If your company works in a particular area, think about focusing on local keywords. Examples of this are phrases like “best courses for DSA in Noida” or “Best human near me.”

Keyword Prioritisation and Selection

Prioritising keywords based on relevance, search volume, and competitiveness is important since not all keywords are made equal. Here are some tips for choosing and ranking your keywords:

  1. Title Tags: Make sure your page’s title contains your goal term. In search results, the title tag appears as the clickable link and plays an important role in ranking.
  2. Meta descriptions: Create catchy meta descriptions using your keyword in them. Meta descriptions can increase click-through rates even if they have no direct impact on rankings.
  3. Header Tags: To organise your material, use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.). To indicate the subject of the material, include your term in at least one of the header tags. Place your keyword naturally throughout the article, including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
  4. Use descriptive file names and alt tags that incorporate your target keywords if your material includes photos.
  5. Create URLs that are optimised for search engines by include keywords wherever you can.

Tip: Although it’s crucial to optimise your content for keywords, keep in mind that it should still flow organically and benefit your readers. Overusing keywords, or “keyword stuffing,” can result in penalties from search engines and a bad user experience.

Use links to engage more audience

If your website caters a specific, need, then you should try adding relevant links to the other pages of your site, in this way you are linking and making the spiders crawl cross better.

You may build credibility and authority by incorporating relevant links within the material. The location’s name might be used in place of “click here” links. “Click here” has no additional search engine value beyond the linked URL, however “GfG Tech GPL” is filled with keywords, and it will make it feel more customised at the same time!

Make use of alternative text

Always provide a description with your image and video files using alt tags, or alternative text descriptions. They are crucial because they make it possible for search engines to locate your website, especially for users of text-only browsers or screen readers.

Keep up with algorithm updates

It ensures that your keyword ranks are not only consistent but also continually rising, among many other benefits. For tracking reasons, knowing when an algorithm update began and when it was officially over may help you identify the cause of changes in traffic and keywords.

This can assist you in identifying possible explanations for how or why a site was affected by an upgrade, as well as any potential effects on particular keyword rankings and pieces of content.Understanding the reasons for individual site modifications and evaluating the effects of a particular update can be quite challenging when several algorithm upgrades take place quickly.


The task of an SEO expert is never finished. Even if Google were to decide one day, “You know what? (although they never will), your rankings on SERPs will continually vary as competitors who are targeting the same keywords adapt and modify their own techniques and content. This indicates that you must continue to improve your website.