Sequence Diagram (UML) of Ecommerce Firm in Software Engineering

Sequence Diagrams for an E-commerce Firm can be broken into 5 main functionalities:

  1. Sign Up Functionality
  2. Login Functionality
  3. Add to Cart Functionality
  4. Product Order Functionality
  5. Customer Care Functionality

Let us see about these functionalities UML or Sequence diagrams one by one:

1. Sign-up Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm:

Sign-up Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm

Here there are 3 instances of objects:

  1. Customer
  2. Web Portal of Company
  3. Database Server of the company

The diagram has the message and replies messages with sequence numbering, and the lifeline of each object. Look at the diagram carefully and observe how is example is designed.

2. Login Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm:

Login Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm

Here there are 3 instances of objects:

  1. Customer
  2. Web Portal
  3. Database Server of the company

The diagram has the message and replies messages with sequence numbering, and the lifeline of each object. Look at the diagram carefully and observe how is example is designed.

3. Add to Cart Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm:

 to Cart Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm

Here there are 3 instances of objects:

  1. Customer
  2. Web Portal of Company
  3. Database Server of the company

The diagram has the message and replies messages with sequence numbering, and the lifeline of each object. Look at the diagram carefully and observe how is example is designed.

4. Product Order Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm:

Product Order Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm

Here there are 3 instances of objects:

  1. Customer
  2. Web Portal of Company
  3. Database Server of the company

The diagram has the message and replies messages with sequence numbering, and the lifeline of each object. Look at the diagram carefully and observe how is example is designed.

5. Customer Care Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm:

Customer Care Functionality UML (Sequence Diagram) in E-Commerce Firm

Here there are 5 instances of objects:

  1. Customer
  2. Web Portal at Customer End
  3. Database Server of the company
  4. Web Portal at Company’s Support Officer End
  5. Support Officer

The diagram has the message and replies messages with sequence numbering, and the lifeline of each object. Look at the diagram carefully and observe how is example is designed.