Service Now Interview Experience for Software Engineer | 2 Years Experienced

Applied through referral. Each round is for 45 mins only.

Round 1:

  1. Given a list of Songs, shuffle the songs in such a way that each ordering of given songs has equal probability. (
  2. Given an array of historical stock prices, you need to find the maximum profit if you can do any number of transactions. (

Round 2:

  1. Given a list of numbers as strings, arrange them in a way to form the maximum number possible by joining those strings. (
  2. Need to implement a Queue using a Stack. Only one stack can be used and no other extra space should be used.

Round 3(Hiring Manager): HLD and Database modelling of Spotify like app with functionality like playing songs, playlists, sharing playlists, download, likes etc.

Round 4(Cross-Team): This round is easy and has no problem-solving questions as my interviewer is not interested in that. Had a discussion about design patterns, HashMap vs HashSet, HashMap vs HashTable, etc and some projects

Verdict: Got Offer